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Visa about to expire


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Our 175 visa expires next March next year and we are deciding whether or not to return. We had previously lived in Brisbane for about a year and 4 months. The problem is we feel we might want to return possibly in the next year or two but the timing just doesn't feel right - so will we burn our bridges if we don't return before our visa expires? I have heard of returning residents visas but I don't think we lived there long enough qualify. Any advice appreciated.

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Thanks for your reply. I'll take a look. Maybe I need to bite the bullet and speak to a migration agent. Is it possible to speak to one and just pay for the advice? I would want I think to do any applications myself.


Why don't you just apply now for one of you and see what happens? Apply before it expires.


If you don't get it, then make plans to move before March. If you do get a RRV it will just be for a year so and even less chance if getting another, so you have to make plans to move soon enough.

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Have you checked the cost and the option to get another visa if you are not granted a RRV? I am saying this as since the 175 Visa's changed, the cost has dramatically increased. My Visa costs have more than doubled. I know it is also much harder to get a visa than ever before. So if you are thinking you may want to return in the future I would explore your options and costs at this point before it is too late. If you have had 5 years to live over there and haven't done, from previous threads on here I presumed you need a pretty compelling reason to return.

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Have you checked the cost and the option to get another visa if you are not granted a RRV? I am saying this as since the 175 Visa's changed, the cost has dramatically increased. My Visa costs have more than doubled. I know it is also much harder to get a visa than ever before. So if you are thinking you may want to return in the future I would explore your options and costs at this point before it is too late. If you have had 5 years to live over there and haven't done, from previous threads on here I presumed you need a pretty compelling reason to return.


Hi, I'm not familiar with the new rules. But we will investigate - I just wanted to explore the RRV option first. His last employer in oz has said they will take him back anytime so we have that in our favour.

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We don't really want to go for a couple of years maybe. I have just been offered a job which I really want to take up and we'd like to buy a house.


Well you had five years to move. It is long enough, if you don't want to move then forget about it and get on with your life.

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I think that's what I was getting at, from the Australian side of things, you had a visa for 5 years and didnt fulfill the 2 years in 5 that they require, so I think it would be difficult for you to get a RRV without some deep reason why you wanted to return, such as immediate family, property etc... From you post it appears that you are only considering it in the future.


I would decide whether you want to stay in England or Australia, surely by now you must have made up your mind? If you chose England then you may have to accept that there is a chance you cannot return and then if you can return it may be very costly.

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I think that's what I was getting at, from the Australian side of things, you had a visa for 5 years and didnt fulfill the 2 years in 5 that they require, so I think it would be difficult for you to get a RRV without some deep reason why you wanted to return, such as immediate family, property etc... From you post it appears that you are only considering it in the future.


I would decide whether you want to stay in England or Australia, surely by now you must have made up your mind? If you chose England then you may have to accept that there is a chance you cannot return and then if you can return it may be very costly.

Hi, yes well of course. I have travelled a lot both as a child and adult. For me it's not about picking a 'side' and sticking to it. If our visa options are limited then obviously this will factor into our strategy.


The general gist I'm getting is that a job offer in oz wouldn't be enough to get us an RRV. There would have to be something over and above that.

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I'm sorry but I'm just not taking the bait!


What bait? It has been five years? How many years do you want, 10, 20.. even more? If you still cannot decide to make the move, then maybe it just is not for you and you are tormenting yourself by keeping a foot in the door. I moved with three weeks notice, so it is possible. In the meantime, one visa slot went to you one year instead of somebody that actually wanted it.


P*$! or get off the pot.

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Hi, yes well of course. I have travelled a lot both as a child and adult. For me it's not about picking a 'side' and sticking to it. If our visa options are limited then obviously this will factor into our strategy.


The general gist I'm getting is that a job offer in oz wouldn't be enough to get us an RRV. There would have to be something over and above that.


Well sorry, I was trying to give you advice from what I have read on this forum from others posting similar questions. Obviously you have taken offence from me trying to offer some thoughts, so I will refrain from offering it in the future.

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What bait? It has been five years? How many years do you want, 10, 20.. even more? If you still cannot decide to make the move, then maybe it just is not for you and you are tormenting yourself by keeping a foot in the door. I moved with three weeks notice, so it is possible. In the meantime, one visa slot went to you one year instead of somebody that actually wanted it.


P*$! or get off the pot.



I dont know know you or your circumstances and you don't know mine. I'm asking a factual question about RRVs. I'm really not asking a 'should I stay or should I go' type question. There is no need for such emotion.

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While I can certainly understand wanting to keep your options open for future, starting a new job and buying a home in the UK sounds to me like you're more settled and committed over there. My advice (as a ping ponger myself) would be to embrace your life now. Keeping a foothold in another place leads to unnecessary torment and frankly, life is just too short.

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While I can certainly understand wanting to keep your options open for future, starting a new job and buying a home in the UK sounds to me like you're more settled and committed over there. My advice (as a ping ponger myself) would be to embrace your life now. Keeping a foothold in another place leads to unnecessary torment and frankly, life is just too short.


We had pretty much made up our minds to come back to OZ very shortly after returning to the UK but life has taken over a bit - family health problems. I don't think living in limbo is much fun but if we are going to be here in the short term then I'd rather get a job, house etc. it would be nice to understand if by doing so we burn our bridges.

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I do understand. I returned to the UK, wanted to come back to Oz, life took over as my Mum was diagnosed with cancer and we eventually lost her. Finally was in a position to return to OZ this year after living in limbo for 5 years. Afraid I can't advise on the visa situation as am a citizen but all I can say is check it out with the experts. If you can't extend it, then you'll have to make a decision on how important being in Australia is and maybe readjust your timescale on returning.

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I do understand. I returned to the UK, wanted to come back to Oz, life took over as my Mum was diagnosed with cancer and we eventually lost her. Finally was in a position to return to OZ this year after living in limbo for 5 years. Afraid I can't advise on the visa situation as am a citizen but all I can say is check it out with the experts. If you can't extend it, then you'll have to make a decision on how important being in Australia is and maybe readjust your timescale on returning.


bless you. That's the boat I'm in - mum seems to be doing well but we lost Dad very suddenly after he seemed to be clear and you just don't know how things are going to go.


I will go and speak to a migration agent I think and try and work it out. As Maggie May says there is always a risk they will change the rules.

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Hi, it's a really tough one but all I can say is I was glad I happened to be in the UK when my "fit as a fiddle Mum" fell terminally ill. I'll never regret the time spent there as Australia would always wait, although I appreciate I didn't have the visa concern like yourself. I wish you well, so sorry you lost your Dad and hope your Mum stays well.

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I wasnt judging his/her posts... I was stating how it would appear when applying for a RRV to the Australian Government and the view she needs to take on it.


It doesnt matter what the OP or any single member on this forum think, its all down on whether the Govt will grant a RRV. I am no expert so I would say either consult a MA or take the risk. Previous posters have been advised there has to be strong evidence to suggest a link to return to Australia. I think its better to be honest to the OP, so that they are not disheartened 12 months down the line if they choose to move to Australia and find they have to start the visa process all over again, which may not be possible or may be much more costly. If I had options available to me at this very stage, I choose to explore all of them realistically.

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It is threads like this that make me sad and a bit mad. The OP asked for simple some advice visa wise and certainly should not have to justify himself/herself to a self righteous posts judging the move!!

For me it's about weighing it all up once armed with all the facts - I've had some really invaluable help on this forum . It's hard when you ask a question because you don't want to bore everyone with your life story but at the same time you need to describe the issue. I'm really surprised to find myself talking about my mother's condition on here as I haven't even told friends. I'm going to stop typing before I get philosophical! Thanks for your comments and support.

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It is threads like this that make me sad and a bit mad. The OP asked for simple some advice visa wise and certainly should not have to justify himself/herself to a self righteous posts judging the move!!


Why don't you stop being so self righteous about other people's posts if you dislike it so much? Or use the report button instead of appointing yourself the master of what is ok to say or not.


OP has had advice on what to do regarding applying and frankly I think it is good advice to make up their mind and stop dithering. Otherwise the prospect of moving hangs around for years and years and it isn't a healthy way to live, always in limbo, never settling or making life decisions. Make mind up one way or the other. No it's not sickly sweet and sugar coated because I don't know the OP and am not going to pretend we are friends, but it is genuine advice.


And meanwhile your only input to the thread is to judge other people's posts..posts like that make me mad.

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Guest guest30085

Nerak, please don't feel that you have to explain your decisions or actions over what was a simple request for information. From what I've seen, two years living in Oz would usually mean a five year RRV being granted. Less time spent living in Oz, then anything from a 3 month to a 12 month RRV may be given, if ties etc can be shown. Yes, rules do change all the time and that may be a risk you have to face, but if right now is not the right time to move then so be it, no reasoning required. I know of two posters who activated their visas but never actually moved for various reasons within the five year validity, both were granted a 12 month RRV.

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