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Emigration Eve


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So here we are. The night before we fly.


We are in the Double Trees near Heathrow. It's nice. Room was a decent price. Food and drink are a different story but we expected as much :-)


I can admit that today was undoubtedly the hardest day of the whole process. Firstly a goodbye to my family in Wales. Then up to England to say goodbye to my wife's parents. We knew it would be hard and we knew exactly what would happen but it is still always going to be a challenge. Nothing can really prepare you.


We fly with singapore airlines tomorrow and head to Brisbane. We will keep people updated and share our thoughts and experiences.


Probably a suitable time to thank PIO for getting us this far but we are not done with the forum yet ;-)

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I wish you the best of luck with everything, flights, jobs, houses etc!


You both have a fantastic life ahead of you and make the most of it! Please keep us updated with everything. Everyone will be happy to read about everything you're doing, how you're doing it and when you're doing it!! Keep your heads up and do stuff that makes you happy :cute: :smile:




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Looking forward to the updates and possibly meeting up in 12 months. Feel like I know you both already.


Just had the flight the other way and body clock all over the place so going to bed in a minute.


By the way; decision has been made for Sheldon for our daughter which means we are probably looking at Thornlands, Alexandra Hills or Victoria Point to live when we get there rather than Ormiston or Wellington Point but none of these places are far apart.


Best of luck.



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So here we are. The night before we fly.


We are in the Double Trees near Heathrow. It's nice. Room was a decent price. Food and drink are a different story but we expected as much :-)


I can admit that today was undoubtedly the hardest day of the whole process. Firstly a goodbye to my family in Wales. Then up to England to say goodbye to my wife's parents. We knew it would be hard and we knew exactly what would happen but it is still always going to be a challenge. Nothing can really prepare you.


We fly with singapore airlines tomorrow and head to Brisbane. We will keep people updated and share our thoughts and experiences.


Probably a suitable time to thank PIO for getting us this far but we are not done with the forum yet ;-)


All the best,hope it all works out aces

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Best of luck and enjoy the flights, take time to explore Singapore airport which is quite unique otherwise if you have time pop out to the city (you will need a few hours though as about 40min taxi ride) or buy your way into a lounge, not glamorous but do have showers and beds. We fly 2 weeks today and panicking as so much to do although with each deep breath the next little job is completed.


We will be in Ascot for 4 weeks whilst we find our feet, have already had our first invite for Saturday with friends and just need to hire a small car for a week of two.



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