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Abbot govmint Gaffe Watch


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Come the next election if tony Abott gets booted out all his problems will end it will not be his fault as who ever comes into office it will be all their doing ,nothing to do with the previous government , that's how I understand things by some of the posts you read on here.


The whole world needs to act on climate change not a select few countries ,,when the carbon tax was introduced what exactly did this achieve except make Things more expensive for everyone in Australia, in my short time on the earth I have witnessed since the day I can remember , extreme heat, drought , record levels of snow fall ,excessive rain fall every type of weather we know some winters are wetter than others some summers are hotter , show me non biased evidence as any body can write a report to suit their own agenda.


Incedently how how long have climate reports being kept compared to the age of the planet ,from my reading this again shows what I have said above .

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Come the next election if tony Abott gets booted out all his problems will end it will not be his fault as who ever comes into office it will be all their doing ,nothing to do with the previous government , that's how I understand things by some of the posts you read on here.


The whole world needs to act on climate change not a select few countries ,,when the carbon tax was introduced what exactly did this achieve except make Things more expensive for everyone in Australia, in my short time on the earth I have witnessed since the day I can remember , extreme heat, drought , record levels of snow fall ,excessive rain fall every type of weather we know some winters are wetter than others some summers are hotter , show me non biased evidence as any body can write a report to suit their own agenda.


Incedently how how long have climate reports being kept compared to the age of the planet ,from my reading this again shows what I have said above .


Hi mate, where do you strand on the anti vax debate?

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Haven't read much about it ,I can only comment on what I have heard on the radio and to be honest I was a bit surprised by the whole thing and the government approach , this debate has been going on in the UK for some thine I think ?

Imo I think you would have to have a very strong case not to get your child vaccinated both my daughters were.

If this is a way of trying to save money there are better ways to do it.

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My God, on the one hand we are told there is a right wing press campaign to suppress the 'real' news about Tony Abbott, and then we are supposed to believe rubbish like this from Reneweconomy which is just another mouthpiece for 'Climate Change is real and cannot be challenged under any circumstances.'



Ok so we've ascertained you don't like the reporter, how do you feel about the figures, they speak for themselves surely.

I can find a similar report from a different outlet if it will make you happy.

Point still stands, the current evidence proves da is a handout disguised as a bad idea.

People may slate the carbon tax but it was working, figures prove emissions were dropping and given time with the plummeting price of grid storage, would have worked.

Just a shame a select few would have had to pay, bills are for minions not Tony's mates.

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Ok so we've ascertained you don't like the reporter, how do you feel about the figures, they speak for themselves surely.

I can find a similar report from a different outlet if it will make you happy.

Point still stands, the current evidence proves da is a handout disguised as a bad idea.

People may slate the carbon tax but it was working, figures prove emissions were dropping and given time with the plummeting price of grid storage, would have worked.

Just a shame a select few would have had to pay, bills are for minions not Tony's mates.


What about the twenty year (and counting) hiatus in warming, which climate change scientists claim is 'just a blip', after first saying that we had to wait ten or fifteen years to see if it was significant. They are still going on about their 'modelling' as opposed to 'facts' showing that it is just a blip.


The carbon tax was not working, and the main problem with it was the fact that Juliar said 'there will be no carbon tax under a government I lead' and then promptly introduced one.

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I thought it would fair it we used today as day 1 of Gaffe Watch, therefore all players start with a clean slate.


However, Tony Abbot has waded into the Scottish Independence debate by saying that an independent Scotland would not be in the best interests of the international community.


His comments have been labelled as 'ludicrous', Alex Salmond's spokesman saying "Tony Abbott has a reputation for gaffes, but his bewildering comments have all the hallmarks of one of the Westminster government’s international briefings against Scotland" and also that Abbott was the only leader out of 71 represented at the recent Commonwealth Games who had “put his foot in it”.


Scottish Greens leader and independence campaigner Patrick Harvie said the pro-indepence campaign had the support of the Australian Greens.

He added: “In contrast, Tony Abbot’s ludicrous comments indicate that he thinks the Yes campaign are a collection of comic book super villains.

“Australia has prospered as an independent country, able to make decisions for itself. I wonder how many Australians would like to see that reversed.

“After a Yes vote Scotland will take our place as a valued and respected member of the international community, just as Australia and almost 200 other independent states do already.”









I mean really who gives a f..k ....

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Can any anti vaxers, sorry climate sceptics, post any meaningful links to evidence of this much fabled '20 year hiatus'?


Fallacious argument there Harpo. Just because we are climate change sceptics does not mean that we also believe that it is dangerous to vaccinate kids. The vaccine debate is based upon hard facts and figures, not computer projections and simulations.

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And the evidence for the 'hiatus'? Did you read about it in the Australian?


The climate sceptic culture is completely analogous with the anti vax debate, both rely on pseudo science, ideology and prejudice rather than evidence and science.

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And the evidence for the 'hiatus'? Did you read about it in the Australian?


The climate sceptic culture is completely analogous with the anti vax debate, both rely on pseudo science, ideology and prejudice rather than evidence and science.


Even if that is true, it still does not follow that anyone who is a climate change sceptic is automatically 'anti-vaccine.'


With vaccination, as soon as each one was introduced, death rates for each childhood disease dropped away to nothing.


If climate change believers only deal in facts, why are they so opposed to nuclear power, which is the least polluting form of power generation?

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Even if that is true, it still does not follow that anyone who is a climate change sceptic is automatically 'anti-vaccine.'


With vaccination, as soon as each one was introduced, death rates for each childhood disease dropped away to nothing.


If climate change believers only deal in facts, why are they so opposed to nuclear power, which is the least polluting form of power generation?


least polluting....


wind, then solar then hydro i guess.

ever heard of sellafield? yucca mountain?

try recycling that into something useful..... with today's technology.


yes it's not spewing out carbon but it's still creating a problem that will need to be dealt with.

we have the technology to make power with very few side-effects.

as for the whole baseload debate, power = wattage. coal nuke solar battery hydro gas csp the list goes on, the first bit can be whatever you want it to be, but the output is always and will always be wattage.

if enough is available baseload isn't a problem, infact batteries are far better, standard generation has to overproduce to allow for peaks, this is all wasted.

batteries can respond to peaks instantly, allowing them to stabilize without overproduction.


did you ever wonder why a hybrid car that is 200Kg heavier than its oil burning counterpart can achieve such low L/Km?


do the homework, state facts, don't believe the hype.... and have a great day :)

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least polluting....


wind, then solar then hydro i guess.

ever heard of sellafield? yucca mountain?

try recycling that into something useful..... with today's technology.


yes it's not spewing out carbon but it's still creating a problem that will need to be dealt with.

we have the technology to make power with very few side-effects.

as for the whole baseload debate, power = wattage. coal nuke solar battery hydro gas csp the list goes on, the first bit can be whatever you want it to be, but the output is always and will always be wattage.

if enough is available baseload isn't a problem, infact batteries are far better, standard generation has to overproduce to allow for peaks, this is all wasted.

batteries can respond to peaks instantly, allowing them to stabilize without overproduction.


did you ever wonder why a hybrid car that is 200Kg heavier than its oil burning counterpart can achieve such low L/Km?


do the homework, state facts, don't believe the hype.... and have a great day :)


If 'CLIMATE CHANGE IS THE GREATEST THREAT TO HUMANITY' then the alleged dangers of nuclear power are merely the lesser of two evils.


Other countries have successfully used nuclear power for decades, eg France, so why not Australia? Australia has the largest reserves of uranium in the world. Australia sells it to other countries so why not use it ourselves?


Do you mean that batteries can power a country like Australia? I'm not a scientist but don't batteries need to be charged by electricity, and how do we generate that electricity?


Sun and wind are not capable of providing enough power for a modern western style economy. Please give an example of a country that has achieved this 100 per cent by sun and wind?

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If 'CLIMATE CHANGE IS THE GREATEST THREAT TO HUMANITY' then the alleged dangers of nuclear power are merely the lesser of two evils.


Other countries have successfully used nuclear power for decades, eg France, so why not Australia? Australia has the largest reserves of uranium in the world. Australia sells it to other countries so why not use it ourselves?


Do you mean that batteries can power a country like Australia? I'm not a scientist but don't batteries need to be charged by electricity, and how do we generate that electricity?


Sun and wind are not capable of providing enough power for a modern western style economy. Please give an example of a country that has achieved this 100 per cent by sun and wind?


Norway and Iceland are the main two.

Iceland is 100% and has so much excess they are planning to sell it to the UK via an undersea cable.

Norway's generating capacity is 98% renewable, however they fall short if you take into consideration exports, as they sell their fossil fuels to other countries. Australia could do this, we have far far more resources to generate than Norway does.

So renewables can and do have the capability, watts are watts, and that will only become stronger with storage.

Sadly for Australian generation, this isn't going away, Adapt or die.

However dinosaurs and conservatives be like.........

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Norway and Iceland are the main two.

Iceland is 100% and has so much excess they are planning to sell it to the UK via an undersea cable.

Norway's generating capacity is 98% renewable, however they fall short if you take into consideration exports, as they sell their fossil fuels to other countries. Australia could do this, we have far far more resources to generate than Norway does.

So renewables can and do have the capability, watts are watts, and that will only become stronger with storage.

Sadly for Australian generation, this isn't going away, Adapt or die.

However dinosaurs and conservatives be like.........


Norway and Iceland? 5 million and 330 000 population respectively? And perhaps they have the natural resources to generate power 'greenly' (sic.) What about major industrialised economies? I seem to recall Germany announcing it would shut its nuclear power stations, but then has to import power from France. Norway is a major gas and oil producer? Isn't that 'bad' in terms of the environment?

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Norway and Iceland? 5 million and 330 000 population respectively? And perhaps they have the natural resources to generate power 'greenly' (sic.) What about major industrialised economies? I seem to recall Germany announcing it would shut its nuclear power stations, but then has to import power from France. Norway is a major gas and oil producer? Isn't that 'bad' in terms of the environment?


these are questions of scale not capability. Yes Germany has taken a step back, this shouldn't been seen as failure though, they are one of the top 5 in greening their energy mix, the current situation is temporary.

anyways the boy Abbott is doing a fine job of closing all the industries, we'll need 2 solar panels and a windmill for the whole country before long.

Norway is indeed shipping out loads of oil and gas, but when this slows they will be relatively self sufficient and as such their economy can adapt to newer ways of operating.

I fear Australia will leave it all too late and the correction is going to be very painful.

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expletives used in moderation give texture and colour to an argument.

I personally see it as a sign of honesty in the piece, it's more from the heart.

So often we hear perfect elocution of complete bollocks, these suits say one thing perfectly, then do the complete opposite.

I'd rather read through the swears than be lied to.

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expletives used in moderation give texture and colour to an argument.

I personally see it as a sign of honesty in the piece, it's more from the heart.

So often we hear perfect elocution of complete bollocks, these suits say one thing perfectly, then do the complete opposite.

I'd rather read through the swears than be lied to.


So should the mods allow us all to use expletives on PIO 'in moderation to give texture and colour to an argument?' How many of us, from whichever point of view we are arguing from, have to resort to 'F-ing' and 'C-ing' to get our points across?


I would argue that using expletives just shows that the arguer hasn't enough intellect to provide a valid argument, so they resort to swearing to hide their inadequacies.


I don't mind the odd swear word from a comedian, but I hate it when they pepper their act with profanities.


Since when did swearing equal honesty?

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