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Stressed and had enough


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Thanks everyone, I raised a few of the issues with my boss and took the time off sick (2 days last week) and told him how much work problems had been impacting on my personal life and my general wellbeing. He seemed like he was going to act on things initially and started being proactive for a whole day and acted concerned (although he did try and blame it on other things outside of work as well). He even said work would pay for me to speak to a counsellor but after being back in work for less than a day things have gone back to normal. I actually got through to somebody at immigration last week who suggested to me that my visa would only be cancelled if I have acted fraudulently and they certainly wouldn't make me stay somewhere that is impacting my health. This was a conversation though with a manager on their info line so I could obviously never rely on that if I were to leave my job and then my visa was to be cancelled. I can honestly say I wish I had never taken the sponsorship as this job has put me through hell and I have none of the support network I would have at home. The doctor prescribed me some medication but the side effects were really awful so I stopped taking it after a few days.

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Thanks everyone, I raised a few of the issues with my boss and took the time off sick (2 days last week) and told him how much work problems had been impacting on my personal life and my general wellbeing. He seemed like he was going to act on things initially and started being proactive for a whole day and acted concerned (although he did try and blame it on other things outside of work as well). He even said work would pay for me to speak to a counsellor but after being back in work for less than a day things have gone back to normal. I actually got through to somebody at immigration last week who suggested to me that my visa would only be cancelled if I have acted fraudulently and they certainly wouldn't make me stay somewhere that is impacting my health. This was a conversation though with a manager on their info line so I could obviously never rely on that if I were to leave my job and then my visa was to be cancelled. I can honestly say I wish I had never taken the sponsorship as this job has put me through hell and I have none of the support network I would have at home. The doctor prescribed me some medication but the side effects were really awful so I stopped taking it after a few days.


Doubt if you need medication what you need is action on the work front. The ridiculous expansion of ill conceived work practices and the blaming of everything onto mental health, when the main problem is the inability of those in position to take responsibility and act in finding solutions is the real issue I see here. Afraid all too common. Best to flush the medication. Remember to write e mails expressing issues and outcomes to date.

Seek a further meeting to update your boss. Record the request as a follow up relating to previous concerns voiced at previous meeting.

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I know, I completely feel like my boss is trying to blame it on other issues as well outside of work when it is my job that is making me feel like this. I have followed it up again today and have recorded it in an email. I have stopped the medication as I know it is my job that is making me depressed.

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I know, I completely feel like my boss is trying to blame it on other issues as well outside of work when it is my job that is making me feel like this. I have followed it up again today and have recorded it in an email. I have stopped the medication as I know it is my job that is making me depressed.


Very glad to hear it. It is a tough time you are going through without doubt. I am glad that you are taking the initiative though. Be suspect with regards to your boss as to me they appear to be doing it by the manual. Anything to take the blame away from work issues by placing the responsibility back to you claiming it to be caused by an out of work personal situation. Stay focused and to the point. The problem is not with you but the conditions you have to endure.

Do keep us up to speed. Good luck and stay strong.

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I really feel for you and I know exactly where you are coming from. I had a similar situation. I was here on a sponsorship, hated my job due to a bully, was encouraged to put an HR complaint in by my work place (a huge organisation) but this actually made the situation worse and I knew I had to leave. I decided to give up on my sponsorship as I decided that my health was way more important and Australia wasn't going anywhere - I can come back. However I had a huge stroke of luck, a couple of weeks after I resigned, my PR came through. I work in health so it was easy. I know you don't have this option.

I don't have any legal advice for you or knowledge of other visas like other people on here, but I do know that health is more important and no job is worth it. You really do not want this to spiral out of control. It really does not sound like you have issues with yourself though - it seems purely associated with the job so I agree, the medication is pointless. Also, remember that resigning and giving up on the visa may seem like a failure or waste of 2 years, but in the grand scheme of your whole life, it's just a blip.

I really hope you find employment that lets you shine and lets you have the happiness to make the right decisions for you and your other half. Best wishes xx

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I'm sorry you had to go through a similar thing Alijane but its good it all worked out better. I hope things all work out for me and my partner in the end. I am going to start looking for jobs and applying now. My visa is 187 so I am technically a permanent resident although my conditions were to work for my employer for 2 years from the grant of the visa. By the time I have a new job sorted I will maybe be 5-6 months out so it will be a decision for immigration to make. It is clear my boss is not prepared to do anything and/or take things seriously. In a conversation earlier today he commented how work had permitted me to take 2 days off last week and haven't caused a fuss about it despite me being signed off with a doctors note for depression caused by workplace bullying. The person who has been making my life hell has also been taken out for lunch today as she is apparently unhappy and they are wanting to find out what is wrong and make sure she is happy. I am sure that her 'unhappiness' is just a reaction as she has sensed she could be in trouble for the way she has been treating me as she really is that sly. My boss has reassured me that they value me and has told me I'm an asset to the company but their actions are speaking otherwise. I also haven't had my boss approach me at all since being back to check how I am and to follow up on anything we discussed last week so its a huge slap in the face to see how they are taking the person who is causing me to feel like this' welfare more serious.

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Agree with all that has been said before. But it is really important that you keep a contemporaneous diary of what is being said and done. That diary carries significant weight if there were to be any legal issues. Do speak with a lawyer - do that urgently, as well as keeping your employment options open. By doing these things you remove yourself from being the victim, to being proactive and in charge of your destiny. You will not like your employment, but you will know of a certainty that you are fixing it under your own terms

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I went to see a doctor yesterday and was given a referral to a psychologist and also some anti-depressants. I phoned in work sick this morning, I just couldn't get out of bed and face going there the thought made me so scared. I called my employer and told him I wouldn't be coming in and he was really quite abrupt. He asked if I was unwell and I explained I was feeling very low and that I had been advised by my doctor to take a few days off work. Now I am wondering if I should have just said I had a stomach ache.




You can take two days off without a certificate so yes, if you need a day to yourself now and then just ring up and say you're sick. You don't have to explain.


You say you can't take annual leave now because you've got 5 weeks booked for Christmas and Easter. Do you think you'll be able to stick it out till Easter? I think you need that time off right now, much more than you'll need it at Easter. After all, you may not even be in that job by Easter!

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My company actually request medical certificates for all absences so I always have to go and see a doctor if I don't go into work. I agree that I need the time off before then but flights are booked back home for Easter already and we have committed to travelling home for a wedding so its not really a trip we can pull out of.

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My company actually request medical certificates for all absences so I always have to go and see a doctor if I don't go into work. I agree that I need the time off before then but flights are booked back home for Easter already and we have committed to travelling home for a wedding so its not really a trip we can pull out of.


Check and see if a Stat Dec will be accepted in place of a doctors. In that case a chemist or a policeman etc can sign. Worked for me anyhow.

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Call me old-fashioned but I don't agree with people taking sick leave if they are not ill.


If you are suffering with depression as a consequence of what is going on at work then explain that to a doctor. The doctor should assess you and determine whether you are fit for work or not and sign you off as unfit.

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If you are considering handing in notice anyway, I'd consider extending sick pay until they actively terminate you. Then you would have a case of constructive dismissal - as well as getting GP on side, it would be great to seek advice from someone in HR/legal - not sure how expensive employment lawyers are but would be good to understand your rights and you wouldn't feel so alone


i totally agree with this, my OH had a breakdown due to work related stress. He was signed off sick by his GP and his employer rather stupidly phoned him and said he either had to come back or leave. He was in no fit state, but equally was in no state to fight a court case either. They invited him in for a meeting and I advised him to simply say 'you have left me with no choice but to resign' leaving it open to a constructive dismissal case. Anyway his employer had come to their senses and when he said that they said there was no need to be so hasty and offered him a redundancy package (the cause of the stress was a take over of another company changing the management structure and effectively the role he had done disappearing)


We did worry as he needed a reference for our visa application a couple of years later but they wrote a great one and the rift was healed - he counts one of the directors amongst his friends today - mind you he was also manoeuvred out!

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