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Taking tools in luggage?


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Hi, my family and I are off to Melbourne later in the month. I'm a stonemason and need to take my chisels/boots etc with me. How can I do this? Is it acceptable to put inside luggage? Or do I have to leave in container and wait till I get them in 2 months! Your responses would be greatly appreciated!

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My brother-in-law is a carpenter and he had his tools shipped separately (flown, I should say), as he could not take them with him in usual luggage. He had them flown as the containers took too long to arrive with all the other furniture and items etc. by sea (at least this is my understanding of what happened).

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I think it will come down to how much it weighs as to if you can put it in your luggage. How much is your luggage limit and are any of your tools not supposed to be in baggage of any kind?


Hand luggage would not be possible I'd wager as it all gets scanned and you do have a 7kilo limit (and I've noticed more airlines weighing hand luggage these days, hubbu had his weighed on all legs on his most recent trip).


If not, look to express shipping it or sending it with a company like shipmybag.com or some such. Would be there in a few days.

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I would put them in your checked baggage if you need to take them. I dont think there is a part on the landing card for tools, but just tell them when they are checking your card they will soon tell you if you need to declare.

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I've taken all sorts of tools on many different airlines worldwide. (Usual electronics servicing stuff, screwdrivers, sockets, spanners, all the usual hand tools, cordless drills, test equipment etc etc).


Just put it in your checked baggage and try and stay within the weight limit. Spread it amongst all the luggage if there are several passengers.


Excess baggage is a rip off. :-)

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