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Australia's Fly in Fly Out (FIFO)

Guest The Pom Queen

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It's an interesting comparison. I guess the main difference (leaving aside the danger aspect) is that a forces posting could mean a separation of maybe 3 months or so, and it's a one-off. Or at least once a year. Whereas a FIFO job is for the foreseeable future, month in month out. And you're trapped because you're spending the income that you earn. There's no light at the end of the tunnel. Unless, you are literally engaged on a contract only for the duration of subterranean excavations.


If you work in the FIFO industry and get "trapped" as you put it then more fool you. I've had a couple of jobs where I've got fed up with them and just changed. One was pipeline testing when I was in my mid 20's. Went into it for the money, had to live away from home most of the time, in caravans on sites though, not decent digs with a gym and food provided, put lots of weight on as we were in the pub every night and eating crap, not exercising. After about a year I'd had enough and got another job, started playing football at weekends again and got my life back.


That job showed me there is a lot more to enjoying life than having a lot of money.

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30]If you work in the FIFO industry and get "trapped" as you put it then more fool you. I've had a couple of jobs where I've got fed up with them and just changed. One was pipeline testing when I was in my mid 20's. Went into it for the money' date=' had to live away from home most of the time, in caravans on sites though, not decent digs with a gym and food provided, put lots of weight on as we were in the pub every night and eating crap, not exercising. After about a year I'd had enough and got another job, started playing football at weekends again and got my life back.


That job showed me there is a lot more to enjoying life than having a lot of money.[/quote']

Easier said than done for many many people doing FIFO Paul. You can't just go out and get another job that earns enough to support your family. Also many people professions limit them to having to work up North. The way you seem to see things and reality are very different.

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On the flip side there are people who enjoy it; my OH does it (admittedly, not the huge shift the bloke in the first post did). He likes getting away for a while, I like having my own spce and the money is good.


There are way, way better shifts on offer than the 4/1 in the first post, over here it's uncommon to do anything more strenuous than 7/7 (days), though 10/4 crops up during construction and exploration tends to do 19/9 (again, days), simply because you have to finish the borehole during your roster.


It's perfectly feasable to do much, much better shifts if you're prepared to have a bit of a look around and move if you have to.

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On the flip side there are people who enjoy it; my OH does it (admittedly, not the huge shift the bloke in the first post did). He likes getting away for a while, I like having my own spce and the money is good.


There are way, way better shifts on offer than the 4/1 in the first post, over here it's uncommon to do anything more strenuous than 7/7 (days), though 10/4 crops up during construction and exploration tends to do 19/9 (again, days), simply because you have to finish the borehole during your roster.


It's perfectly feasable to do much, much better shifts if you're prepared to have a bit of a look around and move if you have to.


Unfortunately what you claim regarding better shifts being on offer is not the case for the majority. Perhaps if you are a professional working salaried for the likes of Rio Tinto or BHP that may be the case but for your average contractor that make up a large percentage of the FIFO workforce that is definitely not the case. 3/1 and 4/1 swings are very common place and the option for an easier roster just isn't there. Especially in the current climate. It's an employers market at the moment. My company has many contracts throughout the North west and staff do a 3/1 and the plant operators and general site workforce do 4/1 in some of the projects. 10/4 during construction may have been more common throughout the boom but certainly not now for your average FIFO worker.

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I have to agree with it hard getting better swings. My OH is in the mines in construction and most of the jobs are 4 and 1. Hopefully at some point he might land a 2 and 1 maintenance job but still waiting!

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All year.. LNG sites


So you know what your talking about? So you can speak for the whole fly in fly out community without knowing each and every individuals life and financial situation when you state that nobody has to do it? That's a total nonsense statement! But whatever!

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So you know what your talking about? So you can speak for the whole fly in fly out community without knowing each and every individuals life and financial situation when you state that nobody has to do it? That's a total nonsense statement! But whatever!

Quite simple.. Don't buy a brand new mc mansion, new car , jet ski and all the other bollocks fifo people buy. You get used to 3.5 a week and can't give it up. It realty is that simple

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Quite simple.. Don't buy a brand new mc mansion, new car , jet ski and all the other bollocks fifo people buy. You get used to 3.5 a week and can't give it up. It realty is that simple


Totally narrow minded view. I could give you several situations of people who need to do it but I can't be arsed TBH... Whatever you say mate.. Whatever you say!

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Quite simple.. Don't buy a brand new mc mansion, new car , jet ski and all the other bollocks fifo people buy. You get used to 3.5 a week and can't give it up. It realty is that simple
Excuse me we are "FIFO PEOPLE" as you put it and have none of that. Doing it to save up a big deposit for a house as we dont want a huge mortgage in our 40's. So please dont generalise!
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Totally narrow minded view. I could give you several situations of people who need to do it but I can't be arsed TBH... Whatever you say mate.. Whatever you say!

Like paying off the old women because you've always worked away trying to keep up a lifestyle as 1200 working in the city won't cut it

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Easier said than done for many many people doing FIFO Paul. You can't just go out and get another job that earns enough to support your family. Also many people professions limit them to having to work up North. The way you seem to see things and reality are very different.


I know it's not easy Dave but you have to cut your cloth according to your means. You probably couldn't get another job in Perth that would give you the same money but you and your family would have to change and reduce your spending. If you were really unhappy I'm sure your wife would rather you be happy and spend a bit less. I would hope so anyway. Our friends who split up had everything going for them so we thought and they are nowhere near as well off as they were when he worked up North, but he's a lot happier. Don't know about his missus I've not seen her for a long time.


I've changed professions and careers a few times mate. Started off as a fitter for the NCB, worked in pipeline testing as a test Engineer, went back to fitting as a sewing machine mechanic, jobs disappearing fast when Maggie was in power so went back to tech to do a HTC in robotics then a 3 year degree in Systems Engineering. Worked in IT and comms for years. Came here and couldn't get a job in IT so went back to the mechanical side for a while and worked in the mining sector for about a year. Realised I didn't like it much and eventually got a job back in comms then IT. Been there ever since.


It's never easy and sometimes you think there isn't an option there but you can carry on looking while your in a job. It's worse if your out of work altogether and looking, hated that. You might be surprised what opportunities crop up. The pipeline testing and job back in mechanical Engineering here were both out of left field and not something I had looked for or considered.


Good luck.

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On the flip side there are people who enjoy it; my OH does it (admittedly, not the huge shift the bloke in the first post did). He likes getting away for a while, I like having my own spce and the money is good.


There are way, way better shifts on offer than the 4/1 in the first post, over here it's uncommon to do anything more strenuous than 7/7 (days), though 10/4 crops up during construction and exploration tends to do 19/9 (again, days), simply because you have to finish the borehole during your roster.


It's perfectly feasable to do much, much better shifts if you're prepared to have a bit of a look around and move if you have to.


Yep, my son knocked back a 3 on 1 off job he had offered when he went to the first agency. Guy rang him up on the way home from the agency interview. Told me and his Mum and we were both flabbergasted, thought he might never get another opportunity. Signed himself up for a course the agency guy said would help, met a guy on the course who's company was looking for someone 8 days on 6 days off. He was in.

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Australia just hasn't lived up to the utter bollocks it's talked about. Fair enought I'm on a good screw now but other than that its fails


Maybe your just depressed with the FIFO work and don't know it Paul. :wink: Thought you were moving over East anyway.

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It depends on your occupation. Some of us have little choice without changing occupation. I am trying to do that now, but it's not easy when your in your 40's.

I can understand with your job VS.. But 99%of us have a choice , and if you don't your on very very good moneyb

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