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If you had a job to go to - when did you fly ?


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Having a nightmare day !! Have a job to go to, starting Monday 1 September. We were going to book flights for the 12th so we could have a couple of weeks to chill, get over jet lag, have a potter around etc. shippers booked for 24 July, dog booked to fly on the 19th etc etc all in place. Due to exchange contracts on house this week, complete on 31st July and have booked a caravan to stay in until 11th August. All perfect until today :arghh: Our buyers buyers have at the last minute decided they will not complete until 21 August as -wait for it - they fancy a holiday first aaarrggghh even though we are ready and have things booked etc. our buyers are ready to go and move on 31 July. Our estate agent says why don't we just go on 12th Aug as planned and it will still complete on 21 August. I just feel so uneasy about this. Being on the other side of the world with no money until the proceeds come through. Should I be worried ? Have other people had this ??


alternatively we complete on 21 August and fly out a couple of days later which only be a week before I start work. Do other people start that quickly after arriving ?? Am I stressing needlessly ?? I'm so grateful to have a job I know that. Thoughts / reassurance pplleeasee.


Sorry for for the rant but there's only the dog here and he doesn't understand !!!

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Have you exchanged contracts? I would be happy to go after exchanging, but if you need the proceeds for the move I would be worried about going before exchange in case it falls through.


As for the move, I flew Thursday and started work Monday. My OH looked for the house rental.

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Having a nightmare day !! Have a job to go to, starting Monday 1 September. We were going to book flights for the 12th so we could have a couple of weeks to chill, get over jet lag, have a potter around etc. shippers booked for 24 July, dog booked to fly on the 19th etc etc all in place. Due to exchange contracts on house this week, complete on 31st July and have booked a caravan to stay in until 11th August. All perfect until today :arghh: Our buyers buyers have at the last minute decided they will not complete until 21 August as -wait for it - they fancy a holiday first aaarrggghh even though we are ready and have things booked etc. our buyers are ready to go and move on 31 July. Our estate agent says why don't we just go on 12th Aug as planned and it will still complete on 21 August. I just feel so uneasy about this. Being on the other side of the world with no money until the proceeds come through. Should I be worried ? Have other people had this ??


alternatively we complete on 21 August and fly out a couple of days later which only be a week before I start work. Do other people start that quickly after arriving ?? Am I stressing needlessly ?? I'm so grateful to have a job I know that. Thoughts / reassurance pplleeasee.


Sorry for for the rant but there's only the dog here and he doesn't understand !!!


We arrived on the Friday and I started on the Monday. It's been hard going to be honest, but if you could give yourself a week that should be enough to get over the jet lag and get yourself straight. I think I'd feel like you and would prefer to be around for completion. Hope it all goes smoothly for you!

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To be honest, going to work straight away helps with getting over jetlag. If you are not working you can be tempted to sleep during the day, whereas working you need to stay awake and sleep at the right time. Still, I do wish I had the time off before I started work, but it is not the end of the world either.

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I Was in a similar situation, we left Houston on March 31st and finalized our house sale almost a month later ( required a trip to the US embassy). I don't know what kind of work you do but it took additional 3 weeks for my husband to start working in a job he was already accepted for - background checks, orientation dates available. I would try to get a contract underway before you leave if possible, don't know about UK but we had a clause when we accepted the offer that should they withdraw they would lose several thousand $.Good luck and hopefully everything goes well!

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Thanks all for your help and advice. Hoping to exchange tomorrow or Tuesday ! (If ) all goes to plan - hope to be able to arrive about 10 days before starting work. So lucky to have a job to go to, so certainly not complaining. Would've liked a stopover to recover a bit from all the pre move stress but hey ho. Onwards and upwards to a new start. Thanks again x

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