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De facto relationship ended

Ligia Cristina

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Hello all,

Does anyone know if after granted a visa (subclass 190 main applicant + secondary applicant on de facto relationship) the relationship ends, it is necessary / appropriate / required to announce this fact?

If yes, and I declare that we are not a couple anymore, his visa will be cancelled?

We haven't made the first entry yet.

If I do that I will be able to sponsor someone else in the future?

Thanks in advance for your answers!


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If the visa has not been activated then you don't yet have the PR visa and should notify immigration. If you do this hen you will be able to sponsor another party in the next five years if needed but if you do not, that ban will apply as the government believes you already have a partner. It's best not to lie to immigration now...you never know when it might come back to bite you like when you apply for citizenship.

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The five-year limitation applies to someone who has sponsored a partner for a Partner visa. Including a partner as a secondary applicant on a skilled immigration visa is not the same thing at all and in that case, no five year limitation would apply. Of course, a Case Officer could well look at a new Partner visa application within only a year or so and suspect that something may be kosher with one or both of the visa applications, but that wouldn't be because of any five year limitation on sponsorship.


Get advice from a good RMA before doing anything.

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