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Big Career Change!!


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I've recently applied to do a Bachelor of Nursing and have been offered a place which I have obviously accepted!! It's been very quick, I start in 3 weeks! I'm a mature student, very mature in fact as I'm 45 and Feeling slightly nervous!! So I'm curious, has anyone here on PIO done this at such a 'mature' age! Or in fact has anyone totally done a career change like this as a mature student!! What were your experiences, what's your advice...any comments welcome!!!

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Hi Jessie


I personally haven't (although am very tempted sometimes!) but my OH went for a career change. He previously worked in finance but had always wanted to be a lawyer so took the plunge and went back to uni at 35 as a mature student. To be honest it's the best thing he could've done - it was tough going at times but he's now embarking on the career he always wanted and is so much happier for it. I think if you're in a position to take the plunge then go for it regardless of what age you are. It's understandable to be feeling nervous but it's also a really exciting time - I think as a mature student, you're much more disciplined with your workload and timekeeping and also probably appreciate the opportunity much more.

I wish you the best of luck and hope you really enjoy it :cute:

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Hi Jessie


I personally haven't (although am very tempted sometimes!) but my OH went for a career change. He previously worked in finance but had always wanted to be a lawyer so took the plunge and went back to uni at 35 as a mature student. To be honest it's the best thing he could've done - it was tough going at times but he's now embarking on the career he always wanted and is so much happier for it. I think if you're in a position to take the plunge then go for it regardless of what age you are. It's understandable to be feeling nervous but it's also a really exciting time - I think as a mature student, you're much more disciplined with your workload and timekeeping and also probably appreciate the opportunity much more.

I wish you the best of luck and hope you really enjoy it :cute:



Thank you so much for your lovely reply! I can't tell you how much it means, just to say that my life long ambition was to be a lawyer!! My career has predominantly been heavily involved with legislation and my role in particular was interpreting it into policy and procedure, I completely respect and commend your OH for following his heart and it sounds like it all went well!! much much respect! I really felt very passionate in my 20's about a legal career! my dream was to be a barrister! I didn't have the drive i needed and I opted for safer choices, forged a different career then started a family! them emigrated and whist loved the new life just couldn't find my mojo' funnily enough, nursing had also been a passion and right here, in this lovely new life, nursing seems to be the right fit!

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I did, I was 29 when I retrained as a nurse. I am due to qualify. Do not worry about being a mature student at all, on my nursing course 50% were mature students and there was many your age. No one focuses on your age in nursing and I think that being a mature student I have found the course easier and my mentor's have treated me more maturely than some of my younger counter parts. Without going in to too much detail I am on placement with a 20 year old at the moment who runs round like a bull in a china shop driving the staff round the twist. I get my jobs done, but in a more relaxed fashion, asking relevant questions along the way. In 6 weeks, 3 managers have since asked me to apply for a role there (its my very last ever placement). Personally, I was walking home this morning after a night shift and the sun was shining (6am in the morning) and I had the biggest grin on my face, I feel so happy that I have had this opportunity and cant believe how much of a difference it has had on my life. You will love every single second. Just relax and enjoy the experience.

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I did, I was 29 when I retrained as a nurse. I am due to qualify. Do not worry about being a mature student at all, on my nursing course 50% were mature students and there was many your age. No one focuses on your age in nursing and I think that being a mature student I have found the course easier and my mentor's have treated me more maturely than some of my younger counter parts. Without going in to too much detail I am on placement with a 20 year old at the moment who runs round like a bull in a china shop driving the staff round the twist. I get my jobs done, but in a more relaxed fashion, asking relevant questions along the way. In 6 weeks, 3 managers have since asked me to apply for a role there (its my very last ever placement). Personally, I was walking home this morning after a night shift and the sun was shining (6am in the morning) and I had the biggest grin on my face, I feel so happy that I have had this opportunity and cant believe how much of a difference it has had on my life. You will love every single second. Just relax and enjoy the experience.



I was already feeling quite excited! I know it will be hard work and some but your post has just put it all into perspective! Thank you so very much xxxx

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Hi my husband is 45 and is just about to qualify as a nurse with a BSc (Hons) - he was made redundant 5 years ago after 25 years as a railway engineer. He had to go to College for a year to do an access course first. I am hoping when we get to Australia he can be the main breadwinner!! He loves being a nurse and it has been the best decision we have ever made! It seems a long way ahead at the beginning but now we are at the other end it seems to have flown by!

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I went back to uni in my 30's to change career and trained as a geologist. That was what brought us to Oz.


It was great fun and the uni was very well geared for mature students. We had our own common room and things. It was my second time at uni and found it much better being older. The kids on the course were initially a bit nervous of me and the mature students tended to stick together a bit. But that soon changed and we were all knocking about together.

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