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We got visa's and my little girl has been battling cancer.

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HI everyone, we were supposed to have moved to Oz over a year ago but just before we found we had been accepted for my husband's job my little 6 yr old girl got diagnosed with Neuroblastoma a rather devastating cancer. Finally she has reached clear scans although she is in remission things can still change over the next five years. We wondered if there is anyone out there who has experienced similar to us, can give advice about the hospitals, we are hoping to come under the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne for her 12 week scans she has to have, does anyone else have scans and what is it like? is it as expensive as what we think? This is a big move for us but much needed in order for us to move forward with our lives it would just be nice to be able to chat with others in the same sort of situation as ourselves.

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HI everyone, we were supposed to have moved to Oz over a year ago but just before we found we had been accepted for my husband's job my little 6 yr old girl got diagnosed with Neuroblastoma a rather devastating cancer. Finally she has reached clear scans although she is in remission things can still change over the next five years. We wondered if there is anyone out there who has experienced similar to us, can give advice about the hospitals, we are hoping to come under the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne for her 12 week scans she has to have, does anyone else have scans and what is it like? is it as expensive as what we think? This is a big move for us but much needed in order for us to move forward with our lives it would just be nice to be able to chat with others in the same sort of situation as ourselves.

I hope all goes well for all of you. :hug:

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What an enormous relief it must be for you to have your daughter in remission after such a scare! I am assuming that you validated your visas before she became sick because, if not, you should have alerted DIPB to a change in her medical circumstances and that could impact your visa. If you are going on a temporary (457) visa then things could be a bit trickier - getting permanency could be a no go due to her cancer and if you ever wanted PR you'd be wise to use an agent who specializes in medical issues. If you've got a validated PR visa then you are home and hosed!


Royal Children's in Melbourne will be just fine for her treatment and if you are PR it will be free. You could get her specialist to make overtures to the relevant Aus specialist before you move to make things easier. Good luck!

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