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Hot flushes


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Just a thought, can any ladies on here tell me how you cope with the dreaded hot flushes in a country that is already hot. Is it any worse or just the same, or is it indeed less noticeable as you are already hot anyway lol.



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It was a long time ago but I remember dashing out of a meeting to strip down to my singlet in the snow (quite rare occurrence) in Canberra one day. Having power surges in the summer was a nightmare TBH - another reason why I hated the heat

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Thanks Fifi,


i have been having mega hot flushes just lately and sometimes go outside to standing the garden to cool down. Was wondering what you do when its as warm outside as it is inside. Docs are dead stingey with HRT these days, you have to grin and bear it. If I knew how long they went on for it wouldn't be so bad but a woman at work has had them for 8 yrs :elvis:

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It was a long time ago but I remember dashing out of a meeting to strip down to my singlet in the snow (quite rare occurrence) in Canberra one day. Having power surges in the summer was a nightmare TBH - another reason why I hated the heat


I can sympathise with that Quoll, that is how I feel. They come on suddenly and make you feel dizzy and sick. I am currently having about 3 per hour which is quite debilitating. Not looking forward to the 22hr flight, must make sure i have an aisle seat so I can escape if needs be lol.

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I occasionally have hot flushes, nothing in your league @Metoo and I remember reading in one of my homeopathic books about a herbal concoction. Of course, the problem is, most of my books have been packed away now but I will ask around the family as five will get you ten that there's a "cure" involving ginger, garlic or haldi :laugh:. These "cures" always sound like a load of old codswallop and then I try one and they really work! I did draw the line at the paraffin for head lice though.

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Suffered dreadfully for over 15 years then discovered Livial and still take it. Asked the doc once how long and he said "how long is a piece of string". My friend's mother in law in her seventies at the time told me she still got the occasional one. Depends on people. My best friend never got one. I got all hers :laugh:

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I tried all the herbal remedies never worked for me. Depends how intense symptoms are I guess. There are HRT patches, I was allergic to them. Now can get HRT that you sniff up the nose as its does not put the weight on like the pills. Also there is a gel that you can rub on, Sandrina.


The scrip I take is not free on PBS and costs 68.00 a month or therabouts.

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I used the red clover pills from memory and they took the edge off and then I went on to oestrogen patches (allergic to the glue) and then to an oestrogen implant - that was pretty good! Unfortunately you still have to take progesterone pills with that and I mucked about with a progesterone implant at one time too - unmitigated disaster! Best solution for me was the total hysterectomy and never had a hot flush after. They're things that I had written out of my mind after I no longer had them but, in hindsight - what a horrible period that was! You have my sympathies!!!!!

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@Metoo, I have investigated the whole hot flush thing for you and asked around as in terms of what about in hot countries, how can you help and basically, HRT can only be prescribed for a finite amount of time (apparently as you posted, they are really stingy with it). So, everyone concurs that there is no magic cure for it, but to take either Primrose Evening Oil or St Johns Wort, both of which have an accumulative effect so you need to take for a few days before you see the difference but although they won't cure the symptoms apparently they make them more manageable. However, be aware that St John's Wort can interact with other medications so you will need to check on this if you are taking anything else, but those are the two main ones. Not sure if you've tried them but the whole point is apparently that you have to persist in taking them. I am going to go and post a recipe for a nourishing posset on my recipe thread now and you should take it, as it's very nice and soothing.

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I've heard a teaspoon of turmeric in a glass of water before bed helps alleviate hot flushes? X

@jodipodi. No, this is an old remedy for stomach upsets with the side effect of keeping mosquitoes away as after about a month of daily drinking, you will start to secrete a smell (don't worry, no one else can smell it) that the mosquitoes don't like. Haldi in water will not help with hot flushes, that is an old wives tale. Haldi is good for many things but not that sadly.

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Maybe the doctors are different is Aus, I was suffering really badly, went to the doctors and he put me on low dose HRT - works like magic and to be honest I had forgotten all about the hot flushes. I had previously thought that I would never take anything like HRT but when your whole life is taken over by hot flushes to the extent that sometimes I thought I was going to pass out when out shopping and had to sit down, well then you take anything that will help you live a normal life without the fear of the next flush.

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Never had the need to try it haha...gladly....I remember a lady whose nails I used to do was seeing a naturopath or a herbalist or something and that's what they advised...I wouldn't fancy it myself but I guess people get desperate xx

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Never had the need to try it haha...gladly....I remember a lady whose nails I used to do was seeing a naturopath or a herbalist or something and that's what they advised...I wouldn't fancy it myself but I guess people get desperate xx


It is very good for the mozzies and used a lot in Africa, where malaria is a problem and it really does work. But it does knock you sick to drink it!

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It is very good for the mozzies and used a lot in Africa, where malaria is a problem and it really does work. But it does knock you sick to drink it!

Yeah I bet! Urrrgh...funny....never heard anyone advising a shot of vodka and a divorce?..... Hahahahaaa

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