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Barriers to moving over to Oz from UK


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Hi all, new to the site but been reading it for ages! I just wanted some feedback really. My family and I all have permanent residence Visa's (myself and husband and two children) and we have been to Perth on a holiday. Due to second child arriving this has delayed our plans to immigrate. My problem now is I am hesitant to move from the UK and leave a stable job where I work part time. The only thing holding me back from moving is the thought of not having enough savings to sustain us without jobs for the first few months and that I will almost certainly need to work full time and put kids in fulltime childcare (one after school and one for a full day). Should I let these stop us moving or what has anyone else's experiences been - any feedback would be great!


Thank you.


PS my husband is a plumber so would earn the the entry level for this trade initially..

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The only thing holding me back from moving is the thought of not having enough savings to sustain us without jobs for the first few months and that I will almost certainly need to work full time and put kids in fulltime childcare (one after school and one for a full day). Should I let these stop us moving or what has anyone else's experiences been - any feedback would be great!


We're not moved over yet, but our plans are for me to move over by myself leaving the wife + kids in the UK for 2 or 3 months while I (hopefully) get a job and house sorted in Oz. If all goes well, I fly back to the UK for a week or 2 to say goodbyes, then we all go back to Australia.

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Hi all, new to the site but been reading it for ages! I just wanted some feedback really. My family and I all have permanent residence Visa's (myself and husband and two children) and we have been to Perth on a holiday. Due to second child arriving this has delayed our plans to immigrate. My problem now is I am hesitant to move from the UK and leave a stable job where I work part time. The only thing holding me back from moving is the thought of not having enough savings to sustain us without jobs for the first few months and that I will almost certainly need to work full time and put kids in fulltime childcare (one after school and one for a full day). Should I let these stop us moving or what has anyone else's experiences been - any feedback would be great!


Thank you.


PS my husband is a plumber so would earn the the entry level for this trade initially..


To make this decision, you really need to get as much info as you can. Then you can make an informed decision based on your own risk tolerance.


For example, what work do you do? Perhaps you will have no trouble getting a great job.


Secondly, what experience does your husband have and would he consider FIFO (fly in fly out)


Third, you also need to think about savings you have if a job does not materialise immediately.


Start with these questions and try to answer them by speaking to recruiters in Perth.


From a position of knowledge you can decide if the move is exciting (fun) or stressful. You might also want to consider the opportunity cost, like what about your kids running on the beach?


Hope that helps guide your decision.

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I'm not sure how your family's quality of life will really improve in that scenario. But you obviously had reasons in the first place, and only you can judge if the balance still comes out this way.


how long does your PR visa run for? Have you got a few years to play with?

As you probably know, Perth is very expensive and not really doable on one wage. Also, jobs are tightening here right now. out of the frying pan and all that! and yes it can cost a few grand (so i've seen and heard) for tradies to get set up with new quals etc here.

Childcare for 2 ain't cheap either.


shame to let the opportunity go but don't do it blind as i'm sure you aren't. if you've got a few years left on the visa, get some hard cash behind you.

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one good way is to keep looking on the jobs websites i.e seek.com for whatever it is you do and plumbers, any jobs that come up apply for them you'll be surprised how much interest you might get (or not!), you may even be able to secure a job before you go out.


As we're here on a 457 this is what we had to do in order to secure a sponsorship, so I got my husbands cv together (aussie style) and uploaded it to seek.com and a covering lettering and everytime a job came up i'd just apply for it. I did get quite a lot of people respond, but when they found out we didn't even have a visa yet the interest faded, but as you already have your visa you may have more luck.


Just an idea to see what the job market it like :tongue:

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