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Lots to consider now


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We were hoping to be moving back to the UK mid year, but now I am facing 6-8 months of treatment for breast cancer, which is a bummer. The new concerns are firstly for my daughter, who we had thought would be going back into year 11 and taking a few GCSEs so she could do A levels. This would also have given her 3 years of residency to go to uni on normal fees. Now we need to know what the alternatives are. We will be moving back in the UK Spring, when I complete the treatment. Very bad timing!


Also how will it be getting taken on by a UK hospital as I will need lots of follow up care?


Any ideas welcome?


On the plus side, I am getting great treatment and have a wonderful surgeon. We are public patients and don't have private cover, but it hasn't mattered.


Ladies always do you self exams and take any changes seriously.

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Can you send her home to stay with relatives in August so she can start the academic year on time? Failing that, could you afford a boarding school?


Sorry to hear about your illness though and all the best for a complete recovery!

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We were hoping to be moving back to the UK mid year, but now I am facing 6-8 months of treatment for breast cancer, which is a bummer. The new concerns are firstly for my daughter, who we had thought would be going back into year 11 and taking a few GCSEs so she could do A levels. This would also have given her 3 years of residency to go to uni on normal fees. Now we need to know what the alternatives are. We will be moving back in the UK Spring, when I complete the treatment. Very bad timing!


Also how will it be getting taken on by a UK hospital as I will need lots of follow up care?


Any ideas welcome?


On the plus side, I am getting great treatment and have a wonderful surgeon. We are public patients and don't have private cover, but it hasn't mattered.


Ladies always do you self exams and take any changes seriously.


Sorry I have no advice for you beanbear, I just wanted to wish you the strength to get through your treatment, and well for the future and a full recovery.

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Sorry to hear of your diagnosis beanbear, here's to a speedy recovery.


Very long shot but are there any international schools in your city that would have a British curriculum? I know kids can take GCSEs in Dubai at the British School there. Obviously that's UAE and not Australia but could be worth a quick Google just in case.


Is there any way you could move mid-treatment and immediately start treatment in the UK? Incredibly stressful time to move, I know but if you could be guaranteed continuity of care it might be doable.

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In a similar situation having to delay return due to illness (my son's). Health comes first and it won't harm your daughter to delay a year - Good luck with your treatment - a good friend has just pulled through breast cancer - I know worrying about kids doesn't help but hopefully you will be able to prioritise your needs - not easy for mums. Could she do the international baccalaureate? Very portable.

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