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So I'm coming to Aus in February and I was on Instagram looking at people's times in Australia and I've only just realised how big spiders are!!! Can anyone recommend any good repellant or anything to keep them at bay???




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I've been in my house since November. I haven't seen one spider, even small ones. The houses here all have screens on the doors and windows so they don't get in.


I work outdoors in a plant nursery and other than little jumping spiders the size of your little fingernail it is very rare to see any.


I have seen a couple of big huntsman spiders, but no bigger than spiders you'd see in the uk, just a bit more chunky.

You really don't have anything to worry about.

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Well huntsman spiders look a bit like a tarantula, but seeing them, especially big ones is not common here in Adelaide. As I say, I work outdoors with plants and probably see one small one a week. Big ones hardly ever.

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I pick up pots all day, shoving my fingers under the rims and don't wear gloves. That's how uncommon they are (in Adelaide anyway).

I did get bitten a few months ago, but that was in my car and was one of the little cute jumping spiders (which I hadn't realised could bite).


Infact, the most common place for me to see spiders is vehicles! I drive a van a bit at work and I spray that every now and again for spiders (twice I've had them come out when I've been driving, and they seem bloody big then lol).

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The picture I saw was taken from a distance and looked like a tarantula! Is this uncommon?


Where are you moving to? The very large spiders are found in the tropical areas - Queensland and Northern Territory. Spiders in the cooler southern areas of Oz are usually much smaller.

Lemon oil is a good deterrent...the genuine essential oil type, not the lemon flavouring for cooking.

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Ive had a few huntsmen just outside the house, im trying to post pics but dont know how! i live on The Gold Coast. My house has been sprayed so even if anything gets in it dosent live long! I do have the odd gecko coming but they dont bother me

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We're in Sydney and our house backs on to bush, and apart from the odd redback in the garage or under the rim of a plant pot, we haven't seen many. I think in the 5 years we have been here we have seen maybe three huntsmen, and only one of those was big. If anything, I see less spiders here than I did in the cottage we lived in in the UK, and we don't spray our house or anything either.

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We are in Brisbane and had a lot initially (mainly smaller ones) due to having trees and bushes around the house. We cut back the bushes and also used an outdoor Mortein barrier spray. Seems to have done the trick and not had that many recently.

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For the first 6 months we were here, we saw spiders all the time.

Redbacks, white tips, huntsmen and a wolf spider.

I think it's because our house backed onto a bush reserve.


In the house we are in now, all we had was orb weavers in the garden, during summer months (they don't move from the fence).


I love spiders. They eat cockroaches :arghh:

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I'm going to be travelling all over Australia pretty much starting in Sydney. Literally considering having hypnotherapy I'm so scared of them! Thanks for reassuring me that you don't get that many! I was thinking I'd wake up with about 50 in my room...:arghh:

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I'm going to be travelling all over Australia pretty much starting in Sydney. Literally considering having hypnotherapy I'm so scared of them! Thanks for reassuring me that you don't get that many! I was thinking I'd wake up with about 50 in my room...:arghh:


Don't worry too much about it - I'm hopeless when it comes to spiders (as in tears, can't look at pictures of them, full on radar if I go into a room where I think there may be one etc - urgh feeling creepy just thinking about them, ridiculous I know ha ha!).


When I did my WHV I was really worried on the flight over about them (plus my OH at the time had a fear of snakes so we were a bit rubbish between us!) - I travelled around most of the East Coast and can honestly say I didn't really see that many. As for the ones I did see - I've seen much worse in the UK. I even braved sleeping out under the stars on a some of our travels and didn't see anything too bad at all. I have heard some horror stories about large ones but personally I never saw anything like that - you'd have probably heard me screaming all the way in the UK if I had :laugh:

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I was the same. did my WHV and saw one while at work, and went to visit about 3 years ago, and saw one at a mates mams house, but shes out in the bush.

I really wouldnt be afraid, and I to am also petrified of them.

Am trying to convince my family that they arent there in the hope they come to visit. I always say its the aussies way of trying to keep the pommies out :)

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So I'm coming to Aus in February and I was on Instagram looking at people's times in Australia and I've only just realised how big spiders are!!! Can anyone recommend any good repellant or anything to keep them at bay???






the big spiders like huntsman are not really put off by spider repellent unfortunately, but the good news you will hardly see them, I only saw one in three years and it was in my post box, and not in the house.

Most places have screen doors and a lot of apartments have them on the windows too, I never actually saw a single spider inside the house! It's only returning to the UK we have been bombarded by the little critters!

And the huntsman yes are big, very big in fact but not aggressive or poisonous . It's the little ones you need to be wary of.

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