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Bridging Visa A and applying for Bridging Visa B - who has done this?


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Hey guys!


I'm new here, so firstly, apologies if I'm repeating any other posts here, or even posting in the wrong place!


I'd like some very general advice - I know nothing can be taken as gospel, but the department of immigration has just shut shop for the night so I'm unable to speak to them until the morning, but I just wanted to put my feelers out regarding the following issue, and maybe, hopefully have a good banter about the situation I'm in, and I'm sure many others have faced.


As the title states, I currently hold a bridging visa A, while my partner and I await a decision on our temporary 820 de facto visa (submitted March 2014). We are told by the department that this can take around a year to process, and as yet we haven't been assigned a case officer, which from what I gather, would be the next step after submitting.


We plan to travel in July for 3 weeks, initially to South America, and then back home to the UK for a week or so, and the thought has suddenly struck us that this may not be possible! I know I need to apply for a bridging visa B in order to leave and return to Australia, however, in the notes of the form 1006 Application for Bridging Visa B, there needs to be substantial reasons for it to be granted.


If anyone has any experience in such an application (and for whatever reason!) I would greatly appreciate some guidance. I have very substantial reasons for visiting the UK, to see family. However I don't know if I can 'use' that as the excuse and then hop off to South America en route! As much as I'd like to!


We're about 3 weeks from booking, and that's something I obviously won't do until I've sorted the visa situation! But currently the suspense is killing me! :eek:


Friends of ours have recently had their de facto visa approved in a seemingly record-breaking 5 months, so I'm currently keeping everything crossed that we'll receive the same speed of progress, although that would still be August at the earliest!


If anyone can shed a little light on this topic, it'd be much appreciated!


Thanks in advance!

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You shouldn't have any problems. I frequent another forum and on there they seem to be handing out 6 month BVB's. None of these posters have had anything too "compassionate" as their reason for travel. Most have been holidays and family visits.


i believe that the department is being a lot more lenient because of the lengthy processing times.


ill be applying for one in the next few weeks and that's purely for a holiday and family visit in the UK

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I got one for a holiday to visit a friend At the time people were getting a hard time. I was told at the time it depends on how long you've been in the country. I had been here for three years without leaving and my visas were taking a 18 months to issue.

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Many thanks engaus and blossom79 for your positive replies!


I shouldn't get my hopes up too much before I speak to them, but it's a relief to know that they are possibly more lenient than the form notes appear! Even searching through googe, all the info I've managed to find is rather dated, so I really appreciate your input here!


Engaus I'm curious as to which other forum you frequent, if possible (and I hope I'm not breaking any rules here) are you able to PM me the other site? There are a few issues I wouldn't mind reading about and so would appreciate any further reading you can recommend. Good luck with your application!


And blossom79, did you simply state that you were holidaying/visiting a friend and that was it?


Also curious as to how long they take to issue? I've seen elsewhere that BVB's are valid for 6 months now, whereas previously, you had to supply exact dates and were rarely allowed more than 28 days out of the country? Don't get me wrong, I love it here, but it's nice to know we may not be as restricted as we thought!


Many thanks again, guys!



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My bridging visa was issued in 2010 on the spot. I put 'holiday to see best friend and her daughter'. The guy was lovely. The visa was issued there and then. It was a set three months. The guy told me I should make the most of it and go somewhere else too (I was only going for five nights).


Any other forum mentions will have to be via pm. ;-)

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Cheers guys, and wongkitogalo :)


For any future reference for anybody else viewing this post...


I managed to speak to an adviser on Friday (via a very helpful callback service, think that's a new thing) :ssign19:... I was informed that I need to apply with a form 1006 and that they will give me their decision one week before we intend to travel! She told me that they are taking the lengthy visa processing times into consideration, and they will grant for a whole host of reasons (none that she could advise me on...) So it seems we have to book our travel and then await the verdict! She said they are generally valid for 3 months, so my plan is to apply soon and with an earlier departure date, before booking travel. I don't really see any other way, although I hope that doesn't land me in any strife! I'll update with any further information as and when I have it, in the hope it may help others in a similar situation.


Thanks for all your replies!

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