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depart Australia on foreign passport just after citizenship ceremony


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my situation is as below.


will attend citizenship ceremony within 2 weeks, but due to family issue, will need to travel overseas

as early as i can. event no time for 48 hours urgent passport or ADV visa...


is it possible to depart australia just after the citizenship ceremony, and then apply for australia passport

at overseas embassy with citizenship certificate ?


will there be any trouble at airport custom when leaving australia ? hope people with similar experience could advise, Thank you.

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just wonder if i will get trouble at sydney airport custom, and be challenged by embassy officer when i try to apply for australia passport at overseas embassy ...any experience share will be highly appreciated...

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I doubt there would be an issue leaving Australia and I imagine it's perfectly ok to apply for your passport from overseas as long as you wait until at least 10 days after your ceremony for them to update the systems as advised by the DIBP. I'd expect it might take a little longer to process and perhaps be more expensive. Maybe you could call the passport office and ask what the provisions are at your destination?


My situation is similar: I am going overseas 2 weeks after the citizenship ceremony date I was given, so also not enough time to apply for an Australian passport before I go. The best solution was for me to decline the citizenship ceremony date and wait for the one after my return to Australia. Something else to consider perhaps.

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A similar thing happened to the son of a friend of mine. He travelled to the UK on his (unexpired) UK passport, and then realised he had to come back into the country on an Australian one (basically once you've had the citizenship ceremony any Australian visa you had is effectively nul and void). His mum couriered his documents (birth certificate, citizenship certificate etc) to him and he got his Aussie passport at the consular office in London. You don't say which country you are travelling to, but if it has an Australian embassy/consular office you should be able to do the same. It's not the leaving Australia that's the issue, it's the getting back in!

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A similar thing happened to the son of a friend of mine. He travelled to the UK on his (unexpired) UK passport, and then realised he had to come back into the country on an Australian one (basically once you've had the citizenship ceremony any Australian visa you had is effectively nul and void). His mum couriered his documents (birth certificate, citizenship certificate etc) to him and he got his Aussie passport at the consular office in London. You don't say which country you are travelling to, but if it has an Australian embassy/consular office you should be able to do the same. It's not the leaving Australia that's the issue, it's the getting back in!


Thanks Daine, there's Australian embassy in my home country, that's why I was thinking if I could complete all the necessary forms and supported document and then apply for Australian passport at Australian embassy in my home country .


but, the aspect i was worried about is after attending citizenship ceremony, will there be any trouble when exiting sydney airport custome...


seems there will be no problem when leaving australia on foreign passport ...thank you very much.

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After attending Citizenship ceremony, technically you will be Australian Citizen, So, on leaving Australia on other passport, I can think of one main point to keep in mind, Does your current country supports dual citizenship? If yes then you are good, if No then you need to make sure if you can still use your passport from home country in that case, The regulations of home country might stop you from doing that.

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As far as I'm aware, as an Australian Citizen you MUST leave and enter the country using your Australian passport. This is a quote from DIBP website " An Australian passport is the most conclusive proof of Australian citizenship when travelling. As an Australian citizen you must always leave and enter Australia on an Australian passport." Here is the link : http://www.citizenship.gov.au/current/


In regards to the waiting period before you apply for an Australian passport, you can go to post office and apply for your passport right after your ceremony. There is no need to wait for 10 days so they can update your status in the system. I have done it and got my passport within couple of days right after my ceremony as I had a similar situation. Also a friend of mine has done it too without any issue.


Therefore, my advice to you is not to risk an air fare and postponed you trip for 3 days get your passport and then leave.

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As far as I'm aware, as an Australian Citizen you MUST leave and enter the country using your Australian passport. This is a quote from DIBP website " An Australian passport is the most conclusive proof of Australian citizenship when travelling. As an Australian citizen you must always leave and enter Australia on an Australian passport." Here is the link : http://www.citizenship.gov.au/current/


In regards to the waiting period before you apply for an Australian passport, you can go to post office and apply for your passport right after your ceremony. There is no need to wait for 10 days so they can update your status in the system. I have done it and got my passport within couple of days right after my ceremony as I had a similar situation. Also a friend of mine has done it too without any issue.


Therefore, my advice to you is not to risk an air fare and postponed you trip for 3 days get your passport and then leave.


Good to know! My ceremony date letter says to wait 10 days after the ceremony before applying for a passport but somehow it doesn't surprise me at all that it's not necessary!

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I would talk to DIBP. It is possible to get a passport on the same day by going to the Passport Office with all the right forms filled in and begging (and paying the higher fees). But I don't know whether they would be able to do this if it is immediately after a ceremony - hence worth talking to them first. Leaving on a non-Australian passsport may flash something up to say that your visa is not in effect - hence causing you trouble.

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I have a similar problem. I've waited 6 months for my ceremony date to come through. Well it did and it is 3 days before I fly back for my grandsons 1st birthday!


I rang up immigration and they told me I must depart and return on an Australian passport, my visa is cancelled as soon as I attend the ceremony and become a citizen.


I then rang up the passport office and they told me to check I will indeed get my citizenship certificate on the day as it isn't always the case. I should then take it o to the nearest main post office (in Brisbane) straight after and apply for a 2 day fast track. It will cost more but it's the only way.


Failing that they said I can cancel the ceremony date given and get a new one upon my return.



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In theory you should leave and enter with an Australian passport.....

But I just travelled back to Australia last week and there were people in the Australian/NZ passport line using foreign passports to enter the country as Australian citizens. They just had to have a quick chat to immigration. Still managed to get into the country no problems. Just caused a massive hold-up for everyone else queuing in the citizen line.

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I was in this situation last year. Except I only had 24 hours.


This is what you need to do


Call the passport office now and explain the situation and that you need a Oz passport immediately after your ceremony and make an appointment at the passport office for first thing in the morning after the ceremony.


Fill in the form in advance and get the pictures done and signed but date everything for the day after the ceremony.


Take to the passport office and they can do a passport in a day - my appointment was 8:30 and it was ready by 3pm.

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