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Working Holiday Visa, back packing, travel companion advice!


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I'm 18 years old and I went to Australia for a month on holiday in November 2013! Ever since I was 8 years old, I've loved Australia, I've always watched Neighbours and Home and Away, the aussie soaps and its been my dream to go live and work there! So basically, since I'm due to finish college either this year or next year, I've always planned after college to go to Australia on a 12 month working holiday visa! I'm excited but very nervous cause I'll be doing it on my own and I feel a bit panicky about how much there is to think about, for instance, setting up an aussie bank account, getting a tax number, accomodation and just in general being on my own!

I do have family on the Gold Coast and in Brisbane, and if living with them wasnt an option, which I don't think it will be, what could I do for accomodation? I'm nervous about hostels as I can be shy at times and find meeting new people sometimes daunting!

I really want to do this and must not quit on my dream, its just a bit scary, and I hope somebody on here can help!


I also don't really wanna do the whole back packer thing where all you have with you is a back pack, I'd rather take a suitcase, get a job and live and work in Aus like I already do in the UK!


If anyone has any advice at all, please help!

I want to do this, but feel a bit panicked!

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it may sound scary at first when your planning everything but you will be fine, millions of people are doing the same thing you are. You will be fine.


Not sure what advice to give other than enjoy your self, and dont worry about it (kind of hard now i know)

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It's really simple to do all the admin stuff, you could do it in a day. I would say though don't limit yourself, Australia is huge and different places have different identities, like different countries almost. Brisbane is great, actually probably my favourite city so far and if you do just want to get a job and stay here then it's a good place to be but if it's because you're concerned about meeting people etc, don't be, it all falls into place. Just like starting a new job, going on a course etc, even if you're shy someone else won't be lol people will always strike up a conversation and next thing you know you're going for a drink together. Make the most of it! :)

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When you put it like that, you have a fair point! :) Thank you! I had a talk with my mum and ive 100% decided i must make this trip to Aus! Without a doubt! I guess ive just gotta man up and meet new people and do what I gotta do! Its life and you only have one shot at it, as cringey as that sounds! To be honest I think I would just base myself either on the Gold Coast or in Brisbane, just cause I find its convienient, I love it there and I just feel at home there, so I'd look for work there and live within either one of them! But I would obviously like to take trips to other places in aus when I'm not working! Thank you so much for your advice, its definitely struck a chord with me, you're so right and I'm going to make the most, meet new people and travel! :)

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Welcome to PIO.


there are group flights you can go on from Bunac on work Australia programme, more expensive but you all fly together and in same boat....


I did it this was as I was a bit worried too. But I shouldn't have been the place is set up for backpacking and people are generally falling over themselves to talk. I met 2 great friends on my group flight, we lived together for a bit and travelled then split up and did our own thing.


Bank account you can do before you go. Tax file can do online once you arrive. Accommodation, there is so many hostels it can be difficult to choose.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all the replies guys! So helpful! Jessicat, I would love to stay in touch with you seriously! I plan to come out next year but I'm 100% committed to the idea and Brisbane/gold Coast as I say would be my base! Hope everything goes well for you, I'm so scared to go alone but I just know it'll be so worth it and you'll love it!

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