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Reaction to washing powder


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I've been in Sydney for 2 months now and mostly loving it... apart from 1 thing! I am prone to small amounts of eczema/sensitive skin and since I moved here it's been worse. I am pretty sure I've narrowed it down to the washing powder. Even when using the hypoallergenic versions my face/eyes still react. I never had this problem with washing powder in the UK, so thinking of trying to import/buy some British washing powder. Does anyone have any advice on where I might be able to get hold if this, that's not too expensive?

Has anyone suffered from the same thing and has any other advice on treating?


Thanks in advance

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Guest The Pom Queen

This does seem to be a common thing for a lot of people. Try Earths Choice, lux flakes or omo sensitive and always do a second rinse.

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We thought the same for hubby till I tried all sorts and it didn't clear up.


Turns out its just the atmosphere, the dust, pollen etc around him here. Doc put him on antihistamines and a dermo cream and he's been much better since.

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I've been in Sydney for 2 months now and mostly loving it... apart from 1 thing! I am prone to small amounts of eczema/sensitive skin and since I moved here it's been worse. I am pretty sure I've narrowed it down to the washing powder. Even when using the hypoallergenic versions my face/eyes still react. I never had this problem with washing powder in the UK, so thinking of trying to import/buy some British washing powder. Does anyone have any advice on where I might be able to get hold if this, that's not too expensive?

Has anyone suffered from the same thing and has any other advice on treating?



If you've tried the hypoallergenic variety and it's still itching then it's probably not the washing powder. It could be that your washing machine isn't rinsing out properly - try running an extra rinse or two. Also, it's been shown that you get just as clean a wash with about half the recommended dose.


However, I'm thinking it's more likely the heat, or it may be pollens that are settling on the clothes while they're drying. Have you tried drying the clothes indoors? Alternatively, it could be dust mites or mould getting on the clothes while they're in the wardrobe/drawer.


It could even be sensitivity to the sun, or just sensitivity to the dust and pollen in the atmosphere. Allergies are very, very common in Australia.

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Thanks for your input everyone, I really appreciate it! Our washing machine is arriving today (until now we've been using a laundrette), so I will definitely try the extra rinses and reducing the amount of powder used.


I will ill also keen an eye on other things, I.e is it worse outside or inside, using sun cream etc. it's very hard to isolate what you're reacting to when your whole life has changed.

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Thanks for your input everyone, I really appreciate it! Our washing machine is arriving today (until now we've been using a laundrette), so I will definitely try the extra rinses and reducing the amount of powder used.


I will ill also keen an eye on other things, I.e is it worse outside or inside, using sun cream etc. it's very hard to isolate what you're reacting to when your whole life has changed.


I would honestly go see a doctor and get a referral to a dermatologist. Quickest way to get an answer and saves the discomfort and itching for weeks on end while you do trial and error. I doubt it is the washing powder or the machine. Its more likely to be allergens out and about, pollen and all that. Its a totally different environment and lots of people have reactions to it. It won't get worse then better being outside, the things just build up and remain if you know what I mean. My son also had problems but thankfully his skin settled down within a few weeks and he adjusted without needing medical help.

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Our youngest reacts badly to washing powder. The only one I can use with her now (she is 6) is Omo Sensitive, but when she was younger the only thing she could tolerate was Lux soap flakes. I would try the extra rinse, and maybe also try the soap flakes or even get some soap nuts and put in vinegar as a rinse instead of fabric softener. I actually use sodium bicarbonate and white vinegar instead of washing powder and softener when I wash our face cloths and they come out lovely and clean. For our two girls and myself (all prone to eczema and dermatitis), I use some eczema cream by a company called moogoo (http://www.moogoo.com.au). They make some absolutely fantastic creams, there is an eczema cream that we use, we use the full cream, udder cream (yes really - that is what the cream was originally used for!), and my absolute favourite is the MSM soothing cream.

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