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Undecided on what is best for us


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Thanks for all the comments and sharing your personal experiences.


For now we will be remaining in the UK, my wife can not come to terms with not having a second or more the possibility of not being able to say 100% we can have a second in oz, its not something that could defiantly happen if we were to just to oz just now. I suppose its a 50/50 and would depend on salaries over the coming couple of years and lifestyle.


I am still thinking of the idea of maybe applying in the next 12-24 months if I still fulfill the visa requirments, when we are a family of 4, running the activation run with us all and then working on bettering career ops in the uk between now and then, so that would allow us to go on day down the line, as I the visa has a 5 year expiry on it. It does open a whole new can of worms that we wont go into on this thread, like if we went close to expiry and needed to leave Oz we would need resident return visa etc.


There is a drive for me, and the pull of oz which I can not shake. Yes I am guilty of not doing enough in the years prior to now in not bettering my career faster and getting more qualified to allow this dream to happen, I hold my hands up too that. I agree with if its broke dont fix it, but I also agree that on this subject in particular that it doesnt need to be broke, there just needs to be the desire to give it ago.


As I said my life is ok in the UK, at the moment, that could change as in any country, but for now I am fine... but I suppose for me and I'll be honest, I don't want to repeat my life, with my kids, living in the same place etc etc, I had a great up bringing but its just something inside me that wants to try something different, maybe it doesnt have to be oz to do that, but the drive and pull is there just now.


Anyway thanks for all the posts, and hopefully one day down the line I am in a better position to go with my family

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Guest Ptp113
Thanks for all the comments and sharing your personal experiences.


For now we will be remaining in the UK, my wife can not come to terms with not having a second or more the possibility of not being able to say 100% we can have a second in oz, its not something that could defiantly happen if we were to just to oz just now. I suppose its a 50/50 and would depend on salaries over the coming couple of years and lifestyle.


I am still thinking of the idea of maybe applying in the next 12-24 months if I still fulfill the visa requirments, when we are a family of 4, running the activation run with us all and then working on bettering career ops in the uk between now and then, so that would allow us to go on day down the line, as I the visa has a 5 year expiry on it. It does open a whole new can of worms that we wont go into on this thread, like if we went close to expiry and needed to leave Oz we would need resident return visa etc.


There is a drive for me, and the pull of oz which I can not shake. Yes I am guilty of not doing enough in the years prior to now in not bettering my career faster and getting more qualified to allow this dream to happen, I hold my hands up too that. I agree with if its broke dont fix it, but I also agree that on this subject in particular that it doesnt need to be broke, there just needs to be the desire to give it ago.


As I said my life is ok in the UK, at the moment, that could change as in any country, but for now I am fine... but I suppose for me and I'll be honest, I don't want to repeat my life, with my kids, living in the same place etc etc, I had a great up bringing but its just something inside me that wants to try something different, maybe it doesnt have to be oz to do that, but the drive and pull is there just now.


Anyway thanks for all the posts, and hopefully one day down the line I am in a better position to go with my family


Forget it. It takes 100% commitment and you don't have it, even 99% almost guarantees failure.

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There is a drive for me, and the pull of oz which I can not shake.


I think you really need to sit down and define exactly what the "pull of oz" is and why it's so strong. For most people, the attraction is better weather and a better lifestyle - but you've worked out that you'd almost certainly have a worse lifestyle, so why are you still so attracted to the idea? Are you sure you're not hankering for the Australia you experienced while travelling? A lot of the enjoyment you got then was possible because you were young and had no responsibilities. Go to Australia as a husband and father and it won't be like that.

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Thanks for all the comments and sharing your personal experiences.


For now we will be remaining in the UK, my wife can not come to terms with not having a second or more the possibility of not being able to say 100% we can have a second in oz, its not something that could defiantly happen if we were to just to oz just now. I suppose its a 50/50 and would depend on salaries over the coming couple of years and lifestyle.


I am still thinking of the idea of maybe applying in the next 12-24 months if I still fulfill the visa requirments, when we are a family of 4, running the activation run with us all and then working on bettering career ops in the uk between now and then, so that would allow us to go on day down the line, as I the visa has a 5 year expiry on it. It does open a whole new can of worms that we wont go into on this thread, like if we went close to expiry and needed to leave Oz we would need resident return visa etc.


There is a drive for me, and the pull of oz which I can not shake. Yes I am guilty of not doing enough in the years prior to now in not bettering my career faster and getting more qualified to allow this dream to happen, I hold my hands up too that. I agree with if its broke dont fix it, but I also agree that on this subject in particular that it doesnt need to be broke, there just needs to be the desire to give it ago.


As I said my life is ok in the UK, at the moment, that could change as in any country, but for now I am fine... but I suppose for me and I'll be honest, I don't want to repeat my life, with my kids, living in the same place etc etc, I had a great up bringing but its just something inside me that wants to try something different, maybe it doesnt have to be oz to do that, but the drive and pull is there just now.


Anyway thanks for all the posts, and hopefully one day down the line I am in a better position to go with my family


I think you have made a wise and well thought out decision. Certainly the idea of choosing to live in another first world country over having a second child, is one you could really come to regret. It doesn't mean you cannot review once you have the family you want in place, I was 40 when we moved and I know plenty that were older than me.

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I agree, I think you have been brave enough to put your feelings aside and consider the practical.


Work on your family first, there's no point in moving to Australia and being unhappy in yourselves.


good Luck in the future, I am sure if the desire is strong enough you will figure out a way to make it happen when the time is right!

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As I said my life is ok in the UK, at the moment, that could change as in any country, but for now I am fine... but I suppose for me and I'll be honest, I don't want to repeat my life, with my kids, living in the same place etc etc,. . . its just something inside me that wants to try something different, maybe it doesnt have to be oz to do that, but the drive and pull is there just now.



I think you may have changed that last paragraph after I posted. It does sound as if your main problem is common to most of us - it's the thought that you're stuck living in the same predictable rut forever, even if it's a pretty comfortable rut.


Frankly, moving to Oz is on the extreme end of what you can do to avoid that. As you've pointed out, moving to the other end of the earth is very expensive - just the move itself will cost you half your savings. If making that investment would result in a higher salary so you'd be better off in the long run, that would be one thing - but it's unlikely.


So think about it. Instead of throwing that money at a move to Oz, what could you do with it that would change your life? It doesn't have to be profitable - you were willing to throw it away on the move after all. Maybe there are other options??

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I think you may have changed that last paragraph after I posted. It does sound as if your main problem is common to most of us - it's the thought that you're stuck living in the same predictable rut forever, even if it's a pretty comfortable rut.


Frankly, moving to Oz is on the extreme end of what you can do to avoid that. As you've pointed out, moving to the other end of the earth is very expensive - just the move itself will cost you half your savings. If making that investment would result in a higher salary so you'd be better off in the long run, that would be one thing - but it's unlikely.


So think about it. Instead of throwing that money at a move to Oz, what could you do with it that would change your life? It doesn't have to be profitable - you were willing to throw it away on the move after all. Maybe there are other options??


He's already said they're planning for another child. There goes the money and the change to life.

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You only have one life and one shot at it. Do what your heart tells you. Things have a way of working out. Countless others have had the same set of problems ( dare I say, most?) and the majority survive and do well over here.


And they have decided to take that shot at having another child, that is an option that won't be around forever. I can only applaud OP for carefully weighing up whether and how they can afford a second child.

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seriously smart and well-thought out, Rupert. I marvel at how our live in oz seems to be marketed over your way. I'm 47 and i'm definitely working more than ever (and my money seems to buy less and less!) - I'd say in that respect it's similar to a lot of places! Should things change, there's nothing stopping you and your wife re-considering a move at a later stage. Really smart thinking there. :)

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seriously smart and well-thought out, Rupert. I marvel at how our live in oz seems to be marketed over your way. I'm 47 and i'm definitely working more than ever (and my money seems to buy less and less!) - I'd say in that respect it's similar to a lot of places! Should things change, there's nothing stopping you and your wife re-considering a move at a later stage. Really smart thinking there. :)


Rupert? It's not my thread.



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