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More evidence Global Warming is real....


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Except for last year the UK has seen a 20% drop in annual rainfall over the last decade and Spring is coming earlier and earlier....time for those with their head in the sand to start to realize what 93% of independant top scientists now....its real.


Global warming is depleting fresh water and crops, destroying coral reefs and melting the Arctic, theUnited Nations said today in a report that concludes the world is ill-prepared to face many new threats.

Global warming caused record Australian heatwave, top scientists conclude



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I believe fervently in global warming, and the least polluting means of power generation is nuclear, and Australia has the world's largest reserves of uranium. So, assuming that global warming is the number one threat to our planet, far out-weighing any possible problems with nuclear accidents and/or spent fuel disposal, WHY isn't Australia aiming for 100 per cent nuclear power?


Of course, I am cynical enough to believe that even if Australia DID achieve the perfect record on combatting global warming, it would be like a bloke trying to empty a bath with a spoon whilst other blokes** were filling it with buckets.


** China ( building a coal/oil fueled power station every day?), India, the USA, Russia, etc.

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Guest Guest66881
I believe fervently in global warming, and the least polluting means of power generation is nuclear, and Australia has the world's largest reserves of uranium. So, assuming that global warming is the number one threat to our planet, far out-weighing any possible problems with nuclear accidents and/or spent fuel disposal, WHY isn't Australia aiming for 100 per cent nuclear power?


Of course, I am cynical enough to believe that even if Australia DID achieve the perfect record on combatting global warming, it would be like a bloke trying to empty a bath with a spoon whilst other blokes** were filling it with buckets.


** China ( building a coal/oil fueled power station every day?), India, the USA, Russia, etc.


America is the worst for saying and not doing, Australia should be going down the nuclear route you are correct, they won't because you can't export it.

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I think that we are over the hill with this and we need to take drastic action, however with governments wanting to stay in they are not going to do anything as a lot of people want to deny that it is happening. Unfortunately our children and grandchildren are going to have to make a lot of changes.


There is an article in the paper today about the currents around Australia and how the warmer currents have now migrated around Australia which then brings different species looking for cooler waters and moving south. This upsets the apple cart with the sea grass and where the sea grass was growing now coral is growing etc etc.


I cannot understand why every house does not have solar panels here in Aus when they are built and we should have solar power stations. There is one being built, but solar is a dirty word, guess the bosses of the solar companies don't go to the right clubs. Its all about the large power companies.


Nuclear would not worry me personally but having lost my oh to asbestos I guess I can understand that people are worried about the safety aspect as we tend to say things are fine and then find out thirty years later that they are not fine.


Think that the weather is going to bother us all in one way or another with the warming of the planet.

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When I arrived in Australia, forty years ago, the vast majority of the population was vehemently opposed to Nuclear Power, the governments listened and went down another path. It is possible to build a coal power station that with modern technology including sequestration that does not produce any harmful gasses etc but this will not be done unless it is controlled by strictly enforced legislation. The cost of sequestration is far less than storing the radio-active by-products for 256,000 years. We certainly do not want the type of coal power stations that are reported as being built at the rate of one a week in China using the old technology. In about another fifty years we might be on the edge of introducing nuclear fusion, this could be considered as a useful power source because it produces very little radio active waste

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Nuclear would a hard sell, particularly after the recent accident in Japan.


Australia is hardly known for it's tectonic activity though...

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Except for last year the UK has seen a 20% drop in annual rainfall over the last decade and Spring is coming earlier and earlier....time for those with their head in the sand to start to realize what 93% of independant top scientists now....its real.


Global warming is depleting fresh water and crops, destroying coral reefs and melting the Arctic, theUnited Nations said today in a report that concludes the world is ill-prepared to face many new threats.

Global warming caused record Australian heatwave, top scientists conclude




I don't really stand on either side of this debate, but is a decade of weather really enough? Climate has changed many times over many years way before Cars and Coal power stations.

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That earthquake is nothing compared to the Japanese quake care to mention anymore? Plus you were the one saying Japan as being a reason...

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