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Advice on certified copies please....


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Hi there,


I have a Solicitor that has agreed to sign the relevant documents that need to be certified but the thing is my other half is a Bricklayer and his old course syllabus is quite lengthy. Does he need to sign every single page of this syllabus or photocopy the lot and sign the front page? There seems to be about 100 pages and he said he would charge us £2.00 per copy. of whatever we wanted.


Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance,:v_SPIN:

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Guest Tom the Pom

When I did mine I got all my certificates and apprenticeship document copied. There was about 30 sheets. Cost me £50 (job lot discount).


They photocopied, stamped, signed and EMBOSSED each sheet.

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Guest HelenaBooth

Hey ya


My sisters boss is doing mine (she is a nurse) which doesnt help you I know and Im sorry but I was wondering how they go about making something certified.

Do they just sign every peice of paper and date it? or do they have to write a little


' i believe this to be a genuie copy of the orignial document?'


Argh so confusing

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Guest Ian Laverick
Yes they have to sign every page it seems and I think the wording is:

'I certify that this is a true copy of the original document'


Declared at: (address where signing took place) Date:



Mine was exactly the same ... they had to type the "I certify that this .." bit onto each certified copy document.


The Solicitor even got me to recite something while holding a Bible.

I think I got the full, official treatment ... but then again, he was a bit eccentric.


To satisfy TRA I had to get certified copies of trade (City & Guilds) and apprenticeship certificates only.

Note : each copy has to be photocopied by them and certified on the premises.

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Guest Invisible Fish

We got our local solicitor to certify all our documents and she charged £1 per page. Our local magistrates wanted to charge £8 per page!


To my knowledge, I didn't think that a nurse was on the list of approved people who can certify. Didn't realise until very recently that as from 1st Oct 2006 migration agents can certify too!

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Hi there thanks for all of your replies, I'm going to get him to sign every page I think, might just send an email to Immigration Office and see what they say. It can get quite expensive can't it? The costs are just totting up! Oh well, small price to pay for a better life hopefully.

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Guest Patrice

Hi everyone,

just wondering where you can actually get a list of people who can certify?

From the 1119 info booklet from immi website it states that documents can be certified :

"by a person or agency recognised by the law of the person's home country"

Surely the police are recognised by the law??

Is there are list anywhere?

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Guest HelenaBooth
Just check who can sign and who can't - I remember it was slightly different in Aus when we applied and we got a solicitor because a nurse wasn't on the list (may have changed now)




Hello :wubclub:


On the 888 form it says a nurse can do it, but I know thats for cetification in Oz, I cant find any website which says who can do it in England, do you think a nurse in a no no in England, we are lodging our application at London you see.


Please let me know if you know



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We're applying for the spouse defacto visa at the mo and have a friendly pharmacist that will certify for free, does anyone know if this is ok? Only list I can find is for australia, failing that her hubby is a teacher (also on the list for Oz) but again not sure if this is ok for UK.


Any ideas?

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Guest Davidgolf

I was told that your childrens teacher is able to sign them maybe that is worth you looking into that if you still have children at school.


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Guest sean,marie & gang

Hi every one, when we were trying to get our documents signed we emailed oz and the gov in London and they said completely different things. One give us a full list which included nurse, doctor, teacher, etc(OZ) The london office said lawyer, solicitor, judge and notary. So we went with this one, we foned for prices and they all do range and went with one that was £2-00 a copy.But I have read on here other people getting a set price for many. So all I say is you only do it once, so do it right and phone around for prices!!

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Guest HelenaBooth



I didnt know who could and couldnt certify so I contact the Australian Government.


Here is what I have


this is produced by the London Contact Centre for Clients applying while in England


UK:- (only people can can certify)



Notary Public

Justice of the Peace

Commissioner for Oaths

Offier of a court appointed by a judge to take affidavits


I went with Solicitor


In Ireland:- (only people can can certify)


Notary Public

Commissioner for Oaths

Offier of a court appointed by a judge to take affidavits


Hope that helps


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Guest Donna0z

Hello All


I just found this on the CASA website and i wonder if it is what we have been looking for?? I googled English law-certified documents.

People who can certify proof of identity documents



  • Any person who is entitled to witness a Commonwealth Statutory Declaration (see below)
  • A CASA delegate or employee
  • A CASA appointed Designated Aviation medical Examiner or Designated Aviation Ophthalmologist

The following people are entitled to witness a Commonwealth Statutory Declaration



  1. a person who is currently licensed or registered under a law to practise in one of the following occupations:
    • Chiropractor
    • Dentist
    • Legal practitioner
    • Medical practitioner
    • Nurse
    • Optometrist
    • Patent attorney
    • Pharmacist
    • Physiotherapist
    • Psychologist
    • Trade marks attorney
    • Veterinary surgeon


[*]a person who is enrolled on the roll of the Supreme Court of a State or Territory, or the High Court of Australia, as a legal practitioner (however described); or

[*]a person who is in the following list:

  • Agent of the Australian Postal Corporation who is in charge of an office supplying postal services to the public
  • Australian Consular Officer or Australian Diplomatic Officer (within the meaning of the Consular Fees Act 1955)
  • Bailiff
  • Bank officer with 5 or more continuous years of service
  • Building society officer with 5 or more years of continuous service
  • Chief executive officer of a Commonwealth court
  • Clerk of a court
  • Commissioner for Affidavits
  • Commissioner for Declarations
  • Credit union officer with 5 or more years of continuous service
  • Employee of the Australian Trade Commission who is:
    1. in a country or place outside Australia; and
    2. authorised under paragraph 3 (d) of the Consular Fees Act 1955; and
    3. exercising his or her function in that place


    [*]Employee of the Commonwealth who is:

    1. in a country or place outside Australia; and
    2. authorised under paragraph 3 © of the Consular Fees Act 1955; and
    3. exercising his or her function in that place


    [*]Fellow of the National Tax Accountants' Association

    [*]Finance company officer with 5 or more years of continuous service

    [*]Holder of a statutory office not specified in another item in this list

    [*]Judge of a court

    [*]Justice of the Peace


    [*]Marriage celebrant registered under Subdivision C of Division 1 of Part IV of the Marriage Act 1961

    [*]Master of a court

    [*]Member of Chartered Secretaries Australia

    [*]Member of Engineers Australia, other than at the grade of student

    [*]Member of the Association of Taxation and Management Accountants

    [*]Member of the Australian Defence Force who is:

    1. an officer; or
    2. a non-commissioned officer within the meaning of the Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 with 5 or more years of continuous service; or
    3. a warrant officer within the meaning of that Act


    [*]Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia, the Australian Society of Certified Practising Accountants or the National Institute of Accountants

    [*]Member of:

    1. the Parliament of the Commonwealth; or
    2. the Parliament of a State; or
    3. a Territory legislature; or
    4. a local government authority of a State or Territory


    [*]Minister of religion registered under Subdivision A of Division 1 of Part IV of the Marriage Act 1961

    [*]Notary public

    [*]Permanent employee of the Australian Postal Corporation with 5 or more years of continuous service who is employed in an office supplying postal services to the public

    [*]Permanent employee of:

    1. the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth authority; or
    2. a State or Territory or a State or Territory authority; or
    3. a local government authority;

    with 5 or more years of continuous service who is not specified in another item in this list

    [*]Person before whom a statutory declaration may be made under the law of the State or Territory in which the declaration is made

    [*]Police officer

    [*]Registrar, or Deputy Registrar, of a court

    [*]Senior Executive Service employee of:

    1. the Commonwealth or a Commonwealth authority; or
    2. a State or Territory or a State or Territory authority



    [*]Sheriff's officer

    [*]Teacher employed on a full-time basis at a school or tertiary education institution



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Guest Wenders


I was reading this thread earlier as we are in the process of sending all O/H certificates off, I was a little confused about this too so I called our Agent and was told that he will certify everything for us?????? I just have to send originals in registered post and he will copy and sign all certs!! I was also told to get both our (long) birth certificates and passports together and send those along with my 1st marriage certificate and divorce papers as all this will need to be copied and certified too ready for the 2nd stage. Jeez, theres so much to think about.



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Guest Donna0z

It is so confusing. I am not using an agent (I guess this is why you pay them the money!). I think it'll be safer to get solicitor!


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Guest jenny4nails
Hi there,


I have a Solicitor that has agreed to sign the relevant documents that need to be certified but the thing is my other half is a Bricklayer and his old course syllabus is quite lengthy. Does he need to sign every single page of this syllabus or photocopy the lot and sign the front page? There seems to be about 100 pages and he said he would charge us £2.00 per copy. of whatever we wanted.


Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance,:v_SPIN:


Hi Evian33


I'm not sure which visa you are applying for, my OH is a brickie and we are in the process of applying for a 175 visa.


We didn't get college paperwork (syllabus) certified, just his certificates (City & Guilds) and his training certificates.


We also got letters that prooved OH had been to college (he had letters on letterhead from his old college that he'd saved).


I'm not sure which stage you are at, but we sent about 80 certified copies off all in all when we did our 1st stage VETASSESS and we passed no problem.


They don't want to see your syllabus as such, just proof that he can do certain tasks (checkout VETASSESS website for details).


We are on our visa application stage now, and you have to send the same load of certified forms off to them too, so get 2 COPIES signed when you have your documents certified (1 set for VETASSESS and 1 set for your visa application)


People who can certifiy documentsare different to people that can witness.


Certify is:

  • Legal practitioner

  • notary public

  • justice of the peace

  • peace commissioner

  • commissioner of oaths

  • judge

  • magistrate

This is for your VETASSESS


Witness is used when you do your statutory declarations, that's when you can have a dentist, medical person, vetinary surgeon etc sign your document.


Hope this helps



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Guest Donna0z

Hi All,


I have just had an email from the Australia house contacts and they have reflected exactly what helenabooth says above. I have a load of PDF files that might be helpfull, but i can not attach them here.


If you want them then PM me and i'll send them directly. Information i hadn't realised. I'm applying for the Defacto partner visa and my partner is eligible new zealand citizan so if i can help anyone i will.



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Guest jenny4nails
Hi what's a 'notary public'? thanks Catherine


We didn't know that either :err:


When we got married in Oz 2 years ago we had to have a 'notary public' sign our paperwork in the UK before we could get married.


If you search for notary publics in your area, you should get a list of who is registered (as a notary public).


They are a legal body/person, we found ours at a law firm.


Hope this helps



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