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457 Visa Transfer


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Hi All,


Was hoping to get some advice for a friend off here..


My friend moved over from the UK on a 457 Visa. The company he works for started up a new part of the business which he works in.

They had a key person leave and are starting to get cold feet but want to do the right thing by my friend.

He has an option to work for another company but there are some questions


1) This company has not sponsored in several years would they still be eligible or would they have to go through everything again?

2) I am sure they have stopped transferring Visas so a new one would have to be applied for right? how long would this take since he in in the country already on a 457 Visa?



If anyone else has been through something similar and could post about it, it would be extremely helpful.


The way he see's it at the moment is


A) he continues to work for Company A and hopes it can work out although they have no contacts in the area he works in since this key person left.

B) he tries to get another job with the other company who will potentially pay more and have a more established business.

C) he goes back to the UK which he is not really ready for at the moment.





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Thats good news any research I did said they had to re apply for the 457. this would make it easier would they still need to meet all requirements?

I am sure they will as have sponsored lots of people in the past. They are currently going through the process with someone from Fiji so not sure if that makes a difference, Would it be the same requirements?


Thanks again



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Just did a little more research and it says it can be transferred provided certain criteria is met. Guess he will have to check on the company status.

If the company has sponsored previously will they have to go through the checks again or will they still be able to sponsor?





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If the new company's business sponsorship has expired, they'd need to appy for a new one. They could then immediately lodge a nomination application for his position. Once the sponsorship and nomination have been approved, he could start working for them. He doesn't need to apply for a new 457.

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