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Having a whinge :)


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Feeling fed up today, don't know why, so I'm in the mood for a whinge.


1. Since coming to Australia I have gained weight :arghh: I thought here I would actually maintain or even lose more weight but no I'VE GAINED IT....


2. I am sick to death of the bl**dy flies, no wonder Australia has a hole in the ozone layer, it's all the blasted aerosols used to kill the little b*st**ds, never in my life have I had so many different sprays - surface spray, flying insect spray, spider killing spray and more bl**dy spray. They're forever there round your face, your food, you name it they're there!!!


3. I love the sun but nobody warned me about the humidity and how dripping wet you get - even Malaysians I've worked with don't like it!!


4. I live currently in a nice area but its like living on the set of the Trueman show or Stepford wives...


5. Its creepy going out in the neighbourhood after dark - its dead, and lack of street lights make it more so, so I don't go out walking or anything like that (when its cooler)


There's more I could write but I'm calming down now :smile:


Thank you xx

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I've actually become the lightest I've ever been but when am fed up I exercise more & don't eat as much! I'm sick of bloody insects espesh the fecking ants that have decided they like the look of my house! Oh & sweating too....even after a shower!

Hope you feel less fed up soon xx

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Oh my goodness, the humidity and the sweating. I really hate summer! - I disliked it when it was hot in the UK (which wasn't often, lol) I have met a lot of Aussies that hate summer too though including my boy who is a native. Bring on Autumn & Winter!


I did put a lot of weight on but that was my own fault because DF really likes fast food and I'm too weak to say no! :)

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I can sympathise with you - 50 bloody kg for me - now off thank heavens, with lots of outdoor walking!


My DH in Aus for his annual visit said today "I just want to be home with you!" Woo hoo - maybe he won't be opting for 6 weeks next year!!!! The weather has something to do with it!

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Hee hee, I agree on pretty much all of those.


Could easily see myself getting very fat here but just over a year ago I made a really conscious effort to lose some weight and managed to shed a stone. Put it all back on and a bit more during this pregnancy but for a good reason! It was hard work but I did it over 6 months and kept it off for another 6 months. All I can say is Hairy Dieters, that book was a godsend and I now feel I have the tools to lose weight after baby arrives.


Really not enjoying this summer. We've had unusually high rainfall which has turned Kal into a humid mossie bowl rather than the usual dry heat we get. I feel like a radiator at the moment anyway and sleeping with no covers on even though it's now dropping to 14C ish overnight here. OH keeps getting cold in bed! But I doubt summer's over yet, we reckon we'll have at least one or two more 40C days yet :(


Quoll that's great, maybe your hubby will want to stay more permanently in the UK?

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Off to Google Hairy Dieters - am assuming it's the two lovely North East chefs from the Telly?


We went back to Scotland in 2012 for our friends wedding and they'd lost loads of weight using that book. As we were looking to shed a bit ourselves when we got back we bought the book. Have tried 3 recipes out of it and they were horrible! I keep suggesting we try another but hubby refuses! (it was only about a fiver in Tesco so not too fussed!)

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We went back to Scotland in 2012 for our friends wedding and they'd lost loads of weight using that book. As we were looking to shed a bit ourselves when we got back we bought the book. Have tried 3 recipes out of it and they were horrible! I keep suggesting we try another but hubby refuses! (it was only about a fiver in Tesco so not too fussed!)


Some of them I wasn't keen on, like the lasagne with white sauce made with cornflour (I could just taste cornflour!). The curries are really good though as is the tortilla salad bowl. I used to make the recipes for the first time following them exactly, and then modify to suit. So next time I made the lasagne I stuck with the leek sheets but used a normal white sauce instead made with low fat milk. I also liked the fish stew, cassoulet and chicken pie.


I would try another and not tell your hubby. If he doesn't know its a 'diet' meal then he'll probably like it. The art of deception.... I recommend the chicken jalfrezi or lamb and potato curry.

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  • 1 year later...

Thank you for your windge! I am constantly cursing under my breath!


This stupid sodding heat... I don't no where you live but Im close to North Queensland and its disgusting! As I sit here I am dripping with sweet, hard to breath. I long for crisp fresh air! UK autumn air! I am sick of the sunshine. I need seasons. Real seasons. Not hot, humid a wet season. It sucks!! I even miss the snow. I am done with this evil summer. I hate it!


Flies.... oh those nasty vile vermin! I have a lizard, so I can no longer use those sprays. Yep I have to swat them with an electric tennis racket looking thing. I am sick to death of spending half my life trying to kill these stupid bastard flies. I can't even open my patio doors to go outside (not that I want to go out in the stinking heat) without 20-30 blasting their way through my house. They literally hover by the door. They get in your face, food.... they have all the outdoor space they could want but they insist on invading my personal bubble. I HATE HATE HATE them!!!!


Mozzies for me is seriously getting me down. My daughter does horse riding, and even with all the insect replant in the world does not stop them, when we are at the stables in particular. They are also massive here in Northern Queensland. I am sick of mozzies biting me, itching, looks like the elephant man.

Bugs, all kinds of bugs!!


It makes me miss the UK even more. Seasons with far less bugs sound like my idea of paradise.


Ok my rants over lol

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