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Snowboard equipment - should we bring it to Oz?


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We have been wondering for quite some time is it worth it to bring our snowboard equipment with us, when moving to Australia. It is good quality and the bindings and boots are switch type, which makes them rare, as the ones that we have are not made anymore.

What are your thoughts?

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We brought ours, they stayed in the shed for 5 years and now we've brought them back. But we were in Perth and broke most of the time we lived there so holidays to the snow were out of the question.


We have boarded in New Zealand before we moved to Australia - compared to European resorts it was very limited but okay. Queenstown is a brilliant place to stay and there are a few different snow fields around there. From Perth though it was cheaper to do a package holiday in Europe than go to New Zealand though!

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We are prepared that boarding in Australia or New Zealnad will be very different from our experience in Canada and Europe and may be more expensive. Especially from Perth - the remotness of the place is a major drawback for us to choose it as a place to move to. We lived in Calgary for 10 years and it was exactly the same - we had to pay a lot to go on a holiday or to travel anywhere compared to the rest of Canada.

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We are prepared that boarding in Australia or New Zealnad will be very different from our experience in Canada and Europe and may be more expensive.


There are a number of ski resorts in NSW to choose from. Your major problem will be the traffic getting out of Sydney. :wink: Hopefully the increase in average temperatures won't impact on snow cover in the next few years, at least.



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Skiing is popular here in Perth. lots get out of Perth snow boarding to Europe or NZ and Japan etc..


The ozzies are mad on going to Europe, its a status thing I think as i think many here in Oz dont go anywhere due to it being prohibitively expensive.


There are a few snow boarding shops in Perth city centre so I would say if that's your hobby then bring them.

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Yeah, the shops selling snowboarding gear in Perth are a bit incongruous! We had friends that went to NSW though and a trip to Europe is on a par with going to Whistler or Aspen from the UK.


Return flights to from Perth to Geneva for under £1000 in February at the moment on Skyscanner - the cheapest flight I can see from Edinburgh to Vancouver is £1400.


A good reason to keep the gear though is like us you might just miss the snow too much and come back!!

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Right now, we complain about the snow and the cold, but I am sure we will miss it a bit when we move to OZ.


There's a big difference though between 2 inches of snow bringing the transport system to a halt and a foot of powder in the alps. I definitely didn't miss the former but the only snow we've experience since being back is the fluffy kind on holiday at Christmas in Aviemore which couldn't have been more perfect :)

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If you are going to live near the snow fields in Victoria or NSW then bring them, my friend's on is a snow boarder. He goes to Hotham and Falls Creek. My brother does cross country skiing as well.


Most Melbournians into snow got up to Buller, Falls, Hotham or Mount Stirling


A lot go over to NZ as well in the winter.

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Thank you all for the replies!

It will be a different experience but at least it is there if we feel we miss the snow and having the boards with us will make things easier. Meanwhile, we will try to get the best of what is left of our last winter here.

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