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First steps


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I'm sure some of you are rolling your eyes at seeing this but I can't find an answer on the forum, so apologies in advance!

My husband and I, and are two young kids, are hoping to move to Australia. What's the first thing we should do?? Is it look for work, or decide where we'd like to live, or start form filling (and if so, which forms?)?



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Hi and welcome.

Decide what visa you can apply for, if you can apply for one. Is yours or hubby's job on a SOL list.

I think until you know that then there isn't much forward planning you can do.

I'm using the app at the mo so can't copy and paste links but if you do a google search for Australia sol list you can see of either of your jobs are in there.

Do you have family over there that can sponsor you? That's another option.

I hope that's enough to get you started and I'm sure some of the others will be along soon with more in depth info about the different visas.

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