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Are WDU finances accurate?


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The Wanted Down Under show that was on yesterday with the mum and daughter perplexes me. They seem to have low salaries, expensive mortgages and food etc and yet when they do the financial bit, they come out several hundred pounds better off each month. Surely they cant be just making the numbers up? Any views?

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ok , thats good . maybe they are realistic?


they always seem to go on about the really high price of potatoes, yoghurts and bread ? it wouldnt stop me , i would just eat less of those things . its not the end of the world


It's not as easy as that when feeding a family. It is important for people to realise that everything is more expensive here than in the UK, especially food and then budget accordingly before arrival.

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It's not as easy as that when feeding a family. It is important for people to realise that everything is more expensive here than in the UK, especially food and then budget accordingly before arrival.


yes , i understand .


is it not a bit more relative though when your in oz on an oz salary and earning $ aus dollars

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Thanks for your answers....


a bit more info....


yes they were in nz but I have noticed the same pattern with oz too

low salaries were something like 10k and 12k pounds

I am sure some of the oz episodes have been nowhere near the 2.2 ratio everyone recommends and yet they still have extra cash each month........very strange:err:

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It is quite complicated, as the high dollar will make imported goods cheaper, but have no effect on domestic goods and services. Hence there will be large variations. As the dollar drops, the cost of living will become even more expensive in oz, but it will appear cheaper when looking from the UK.

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I think I get what u r saying.....:yes:

It is quite complicated, as the high dollar will make imported goods cheaper, but have no effect on domestic goods and services. Hence there will be large variations. As the dollar drops, the cost of living will become even more expensive in oz, but it will appear cheaper when looking from the UK.
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Thanks for your answers....


a bit more info....


yes they were in nz but I have noticed the same pattern with oz too

low salaries were something like 10k and 12k pounds

I am sure some of the oz episodes have been nowhere near the 2.2 ratio everyone recommends and yet they still have extra cash each month........very strange:err:

10k or 12k pounds wouldn't even pay the rent in most places never mind a mortgage.


The figures they use on WDU seem to be plucked out of the air ........they are usually totally unrealistic

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