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21 years old what's there to do at night!


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Hi, I'm 22 and just recently moved just north of Newcastle, I love it here but the only thing is there's nothing to do at night it's like a ghost town for people

My age I can't find any one! I been to the local rsl and find me self drinkin a good few at night haha. It's the only thing to do. If there's any one that knows of any groups that get together or if there's anyone that wants to go discovering with me let me know :).

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Have a search around for a few sporting clubs Sam. A lot of them like biking, exercise classes, swimming kick off early morning (I'm talking 5:30am ish) but a lot of the people that do that sort of stuff are usually up for a few beers and a chat at night too. As soon as you have something in common it breaks the ice. You might start to enjoy the early mornings too.:cool:

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No I'm scared of the dark......


Maybe you SHOULD be, judging by the furore being drummed up in the Sydney newspapers! The CBD, Kings X, Surry Hills (my own suburb that one) are 'no go' areas for some, according to 'The Tele!'


Join some clubs, talk to people in the pub or the RSL, see if there are any quiz nights and the like. Take your life into your hands and come down to Sydney for the weekend.

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Maybe you SHOULD be, judging by the furore being drummed up in the Sydney newspapers! The CBD, Kings X, Surry Hills (my own suburb that one) are 'no go' areas for some, according to 'The Tele!'


Join some clubs, talk to people in the pub or the RSL, see if there are any quiz nights and the like. Take your life into your hands and come down to Sydney for the weekend.


I stay at the Holiday Inn at Potts Point every time I visit Sydney, which has been a lot over the last 20 odd years. I've seen the Cross and surrounds improve beyond belief in that time and although I've seen a bit of trouble, considering the number of people that go there you would still have to be very unlucky. I like it round there, always plenty to do. Should have seen it 20 years ago when it was a bit dangerous to walk down McElhone steps after dark. They've moved most of the druggies and pros on now.

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Newcastle is supposed to be the template for Sydney with its lockouts and bans on shots. I would not think that having lots of pubs and clubs makes it any easier to meet people and make friends. Better to find one local pub/cafe/restaurant, and talk to people, get to know them.

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I stay at the Holiday Inn at Potts Point every time I visit Sydney, which has been a lot over the last 20 odd years. I've seen the Cross and surrounds improve beyond belief in that time and although I've seen a bit of trouble, considering the number of people that go there you would still have to be very unlucky. I like it round there, always plenty to do. Should have seen it 20 years ago when it was a bit dangerous to walk down McElhone steps after dark. They've moved most of the druggies and pros on now.


There are always odd people around. Watched and listened to a bloke raging on the street outside the cafe today on Elizabeth St. I don't think he was actually swearing at anybody in particular, but lots of "*** off, you ****" and waving of fists and arms!

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There are always odd people around. Watched and listened to a bloke raging on the street outside the cafe today on Elizabeth St. I don't think he was actually swearing at anybody in particular, but lots of "*** off, you ****" and waving of fists and arms!


I was having breakfast one day in the Holiday Inn at Potts Point when an aborigine guy stood the other side of the big glass window and just started abusing everyone through the window. Waving his fists and using the most vial language you could imagine. I just laughed ignored him and carried on with breakfast. You could see the Asian visitors were all pretty scared though and went to find the security guys. They went outside and tried to get the guy to calm down or move on but he was having none of it. They had to get the cops in the end who managed to get him to walk off down the street, still ranting.


There's a really flash private girls school at the bottom of Victoria Street and the schoolgirls were all walking past at the time in their uniforms. He gave them a bit of abuse too but they must be used to it and took no notice.

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I was having breakfast one day in the Holiday Inn at Potts Point when an aborigine guy stood the other side of the big glass window and just started abusing everyone through the window. Waving his fists and using the most vial language you could imagine. I just laughed ignored him and carried on with breakfast. You could see the Asian visitors were all pretty scared though and went to find the security guys. They went outside and tried to get the guy to calm down or move on but he was having none of it. They had to get the cops in the end who managed to get him to walk off down the street, still ranting.


There's a really flash private girls school at the bottom of Victoria Street and the schoolgirls were all walking past at the time in their uniforms. He gave them a bit of abuse too but they must be used to it and took no notice.


I think there are two private girls' schools - one at the bottom of Victoria St, the other on Darlinghurst side of William St? S.C.E.G.G.S. is one I think. Seems odd in a way, that in the heart of 'sin city', there should be private schools.

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What are you oldies up to, not behaving very nice to a young person who just asked a question. If you do not know the answer leave the question alone. If I was this young man I would feeling what have I struck here.


If you want to argue or insult please stick to the usual suspects.

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Guest The Pom Queen

Ok I've deleted a couple (ok 9) posts off this thread. Please remember that newbies to the forum haven't been around long enough to know what's a personal attack and what's a laugh. The written word can come across very aggressive at times.

Sam why not join the Sydney forum http://www.sydneyforum.com

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Lying on the side of thé water at.Clovelly. Sometimes, a thread just piques ones interest and then someone else says something interesting and before u know it u are dissecting somerhing else. (& damne my phone and its prédictive text and preference for foreign languages.)

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What are you oldies up to, not behaving very nice to a young person who just asked a question. If you do not know the answer leave the question alone. If I was this young man I would feeling what have I struck here.


If you want to argue or insult please stick to the usual suspects.


I was sticking up for the young guy.

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Hi, I'm 22 and just recently moved just north of Newcastle, I love it here but the only thing is there's nothing to do at night it's like a ghost town for people

My age I can't find any one! I been to the local rsl and find me self drinkin a good few at night haha. It's the only thing to do. If there's any one that knows of any groups that get together or if there's anyone that wants to go discovering with me let me know :).


How is it going up there, anyway?

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