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Rucksack or suitcase


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I was just wondering what to take a small-medium size suit case or buy a rucksack. I'm planning on staying in Melbourne with family for few weeks then either stay there with a job. Or go find some fruit picking jobs/farm work. So what would be best?

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Try some packs on, get them to load it to around 20kg and see how you go, they feel very different empty.

I have a backpack/ soft bag with wheels. I could never have carried a pack. A suitcase would be difficult as it's rigid, can't squish it in places, but to be fair, For moving around, I just used the wheels, much like a suitcase! It's easier to get a soft bag into a car etc but wheels have been a god send for me so it's a good compromise.

Whatever you do, don't scrimp. You want comfort and durability. If it's uncomfortable to carry or it breaks you'll be fuming!

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Backpack, no doubt! As has been said - try them on with weight in them, get one with an adjustable back, waist band and chest strap. Personally I don't go for the ones that have wheels - extra weight to carry. Get one that has a zip cover for the straps so your straps dont catch on anything while being loaded onto planes etc. My son swears by packing cells and I'm going to get some too - lightweight bags to sort of organize your stuff within the pack - makes things so much easier to find. I'm an old lady but I can still wrangle a 20kg pack no worries. Try the proper bush walking stores to find one that suits you - mine is a Kathmandu (45litres??) but there are loads around that look good and functional.

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I got packing cells on Quoll's recommendation and they are fab, makes everything so easy to find and re packing much easier.

One for undies, one for tops , one for bottoms etc. Got mine from amazon.

Also got some nylon laundry bags from the pound shop. Shoes in one, chargers in another etc.

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I initially had a backpack when I went travelling but got rid of it halfway through the year for a suitcase, with wheels, as I found it annoying to carry and too heavy for me, also finding stuff was a nightmare. I like the idea of the side opening backpack though, wish I knew about those at the time. And I probably should have got one properly fitted for my size

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Me and my partner both got the male and female berghaus jalan backpack, opens pretty much all the way like a suitcase, also has an extra small backpack that detaches for when your just wanting to head out for the day. Read reviews and it seems to be quite popular due to being well made and not breaking/ripping etc

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