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help student nurse with permanent residency


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Hello everyone,


Im new to this site, Im looking for a bit of advice.


Me and my family currently hold a 175 permenat residancy visa for OZ, It has been our dream to for years to go, we were delighted when we were granted our visa in 2011. I am also currently in 1st year university studying nursing.


My problem now is our visa is due to expire in 2016, and im not due to complete my nursing degree until 2017.


Is there anyway I can get an extension on the visa given the circumstances, or pahaps complete my training in OZ.


my head is so messed up I want the 2 so badly but feel I may have to give up one to forfill the other.


any help would be much appreciated.


thanks :biggrin:

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To be able to complete your training in Australia - that will be something you will need to contact university's direct about to enquire about transferring.


As for extensions - you might be able to get a Resident return visa.....but might be a long shot if visa has expired a year before you apply. Don't think that not moving within the 5 years due to studying would constitute exceptional circumstances, suppose its worth a shot.


If you do plan to let it expire and then re-apply for skilled visa, be aware that the cost have dramatically increased for family's as you now need to pay for each secondary applicant.



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Thanks for the advice, I will email university's in oz and see what I can come up with.

Was hoping there might have been someone on here in a similar situation.


I don't really want to go down the route of re-applying as it has cost us a fortune already.

but if we did, we would just re-apply as my husband as the main applicant again.

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I cant imagine it being a situation that you can change as it was a personal decision, one that as previously been mentioned was one you chose knowing you had a visa and there was a time limit. I assume that certain elements from your first year uni will be transferable however, whether the uni's will accept that is up to them, especially the placements you are doing here. Nursing courses in oz seem very different. If I was in your situation Id ask the questions to the universities in Oz and very quickly decide whats more important - becoming a nurse asap or getting to oz asap. If your plan is to go to oz I would be moving over and applying to study over there. If its training to be a nurse you are going to more than likely take a hit with the cost of the visa (which again as mentioned has dramatically risen in 2013).


Sorry I cant offer a more positive reply however these are the choices we make.

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Thanks for the advice, I have emailed uni's in oz so now just waiting on a reply.


After some discussion with the other half we have came up with a plan that we think may work.

If my husband went out to oz just before the visa expired and I stayed here to complete my last year of nursing and then follow him out when I finished.


Dont know if this would work or what the cost implications would be. Any ideas??




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Sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong but I think you have to live there for a minimum of 2 years out of the 5. If not then you have to apply for residents return visa. Contact an agent and ask. The last thing you want is your hubby being in Australia on a valid visa and yours elapsing. You would then have to apply for your own visa.



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Once your initial 5 year visa expired you require a RRV If you want to leave & return to Australia. For a 5 year RRV you need to have spent 2 years in last 5 to be eligible for 5 year RRV. If you are not eligible for the 5 year one there are 1 year and 3 months with different requirements.


To OP if you were to go down the route if your husband moving out then you returning to uni, you would have high chance of being able to get a RRV as you would have ties to Australia.


If not the cost of offshore partner visa would be $3085 currently, onshore around $4500. But with your husband living in Australia I can't see an issue getting the RRV.


What ever you do - do not apply for a visitors visa, as this will over ride your PR visa.

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Once your initial 5 year visa expired you require a RRV If you want to leave & return to Australia. For a 5 year RRV you need to have spent 2 years in last 5 to be eligible for 5 year RRV. If you are not eligible for the 5 year one there are 1 year and 3 months with different requirements.


To OP if you were to go down the route if your husband moving out then you returning to uni, you would have high chance of being able to get a RRV as you would have ties to Australia.


If not the cost of offshore partner visa would be $3085 currently, onshore around $4500. But with your husband living in Australia I can't see an issue getting the RRV.


What ever you do - do not apply for a visitors visa, as this will over ride your PR visa.


Thanks for the reply, I didn't realise there were diffferent types of resident return visas!


Well I will not have lived in Oz for 2 out of the 5 years so I know i wont be aligible for the 5 year rrv, do you know what the requirments are for the 1yr and 3 month rrv are? I tried to search it but can not find any info.


I dident realise fees had gone up that much, It would be myself and 2 young children seeking the rrv.as im a student I will find them fees hard to come by as well as flights etc....

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I agree. If it were me, I'd move and then try to continue my training there. And if you can't continue, it's not so bad to start again as your still in your first year. Plus you'd have 2 houses to run if your hubby travels ahead of you. That's just my opinion anyway.



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Agree with both Que sera, sera and travelchic, I wouldn't want to break the family up.


And you have actually only done half of a first year university course.


If you start again here (uni starts end feb...) would you have to pay up front fees or would you qualify for HELP? (or whatever it is called these days?)

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