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Brisbane is the coolest city ever


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They weren't bottled they have their own stuff on draft

I am aware of that....but they are chilled and pressurised and often filtered.....That is no way to serve proper beer.


Virtually any British town of any size will now have it's own microbrewery producing the real stuff.....that is cool

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Just wonder where else in your experience may be considered cool? Not been there to be honest and am not in a rush. I do know a number of progressive thinking inclined folk that left there though (same applies to Perth) The world is full of long standing cool cities in my opinion that I would venture to before venturing to Brisbane. I can't think of a single thing that would entice me there that couldn't find in abundance elsewhere. I have lived in Queensland though.


Not sure why this seems to have annoyed you so much. Just having fun with my city being the coolest for a couple of days and then forgotten about.


What do you consider a progressive thinker. I lived in London and have a masters degree. Does that make me one?

Coolness is so subjective it's totally pointless accolade anyway! I prefer Living here than London but I'm sure many others feel the opposite

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Guest littlesarah

I like the assumption that everyone wants to live in and visit only places considered 'cool' by some travel writer or other :biglaugh:

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Not sure why this seems to have annoyed you so much. Just having fun with my city being the coolest for a couple of days and then forgotten about.


What do you consider a progressive thinker. I lived in London and have a masters degree. Does that make me one?

Coolness is so subjective it's totally pointless accolade anyway! I prefer Living here than London but I'm sure many others feel the opposite


I'm equally having fun at Brisbane and the suggestion of coolness. No having a masters means just that and why ever would that along with having lived in London make you a progressive? You asked as I wasn't thinking personal terms just geographic. Besides London in my view has passed its time of coolness in the greater sense but what is cool anyway. Still pockets of coolness survive and progressive and interesting people are still to be found.Actually rather loathe the term as a shallow term meaning not a lot. But hey I'm in no sense of the term annoyed and very "cool" about the entire matter.

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I wouldn't want to live anywhere else for the lifestyle I require and I've travelled the world. Just had 4 weeks of work. Been diving, snorkelling , surfing , up in the rainforests , seen a few shows at brisbane powerhouse. Eatin out to many times, shows on the belly.Bit peeved that I hadn't done the fishing I wanted too. All this right on my doorstep. Everywhere I go brisbane has always drawn me back. not many places offers me what brisbane does. I like the fact I'm close to places like vanuatu, new cal, indo and all the islands. Nice and cheap too.

On the other hand I do understand why certain people posting on here don't see what I see in places like brisbane and Perth. It's all about the lifestyle some require . I hate being stuffed inside , or living in centre of cities, couldn't think of anything worse.

My local dan murphys imports British ales if that's what tickles your fancy. We purchased alot over Christmas , I offered them to folks, no one interested, poms included.

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I like the assumption that everyone wants to live in and visit only places considered 'cool' by some travel writer or other :biglaugh:


Amazingly a number tend to want to. The end result of course is that the initial attraction of the place if often lost due to a number of factors, but often through over development and price hikes. The innocence is lost.

Places that spring to mind would be Koh Samui and Phucket in Thailand. Bali perhaps now Lombok in Indonesia. Berlin seems to be going that way as well.

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I like Brisbane. Would be my number 2 City after Perth. Had some great times there and been able to enjoy it as work were paying. Found plenty to do, good pubs, restaurants, clubs, casino is good without being pretentious, liked it a lot more than the big soulless plastic affair in Melbourne and I think Perth's Casino is now going down the same route now it's all owned by Crown.


South Bank is great, Perth could learn a lesson there about what to do with lots of foreshore. Love the pubs near the Outdoor free pool, decent bands on, good atmosphere. Brisbane is great.

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IMO Brisbane is the best city in Aus. That doesn't mean it's the best city for everyone - by default it's only cool or great if you like it or it fits with what you like. It's all about individual taste that's why these sorts of recommendations are crap as not everyone likes the same thing.


For us it's bloody great but I know others who hate the weather. Horses for courses as they say :-)

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Well England's cosmopolitan and worldly cricketer, Kevin Pietersen, wasn't taken in by LP's latest whim city. Sooner watch paint dry and boring was how he stated he found the place.



Its not easy making a good impression on a bloke when his team plays terrible and gets a hard time from the press, which in return made them never leave their hotel room. Boring reflects the individual...

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Its not easy making a good impression on a bloke when his team plays terrible and gets a hard time from the press, which in return made them never leave their hotel room. Boring reflects the individual...

He said It before the series even started:laugh:

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He said It before the series even started:laugh:



It was banter. He's never been anywhere but the hotel and the Gabba. He wasn't exactly swimming at southbank

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Don't blame him....certainly a lot more interesting places in the world


Why don't you move to one then?


Must be terrible hating where you live.

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Well it's not got London/Paris interesting history.


But i'm 29 and I enjoy the Bars and restaurants the weather, the opportunity to swim in the sea year round. Outdoor activities. I like cruising down the river on the city cat.

I'm a member at the Lions.


I don't miss walking over London Bridge every morning in the rat race and getting the crammed transport home in the dark to just sit and watch tv when I get home.

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Who said I hate it?


Not really a very interesting city though.


Probably return to the UK later this year.....depends on whether I retire or not.


I often wonder what makes "an interesting City" for some people. Basically City's are the same the world over, too many people, too much traffic, fair bit of rubbish, high rise buildings so you can't see very far. What makes Brisbane more interesting than most are places like South Bank where you can walk through some nice open spaces and enjoy a swim if you want one, obviously the River always helps any City and the weathers generally nice.

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It was banter. He's never been anywhere but the hotel and the Gabba. He wasn't exactly swimming at southbank


I'm sure being in Brisbane on several previous occasions he was fully aware of what was on offer in that city. Not sure why it may appear odd to some that others may find Brisbane wanting. It's not even uncommon to hear it from local born and bred.

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I often wonder what makes "an interesting City" for some people. Basically City's are the same the world over, too many people, too much traffic, fair bit of rubbish, high rise buildings so you can't see very far. What makes Brisbane more interesting than most are places like South Bank where you can walk through some nice open spaces and enjoy a swim if you want one, obviously the River always helps any City and the weathers generally nice.


Do you really need to ask? An interesting city is firstly a city where folk want to go. Let's be clear we in this case are talking city and not the massive suburban sprawls that is sometimes loosely referred to Perth/ Brisbane etc. That would rule out either these places with few folk venturing into either on a regular basis.

A city has urbanity. It is or should be grit and intensity. More a place of sensory surroundings. A place that defines the identity and provides variety.

It requires a energy. A liveliness and be invigorating. It should be walkable (an increasingly recognised concept in how American cities should aim for. Note Walkable City,a new book out ,but don't recall author)

A place of random meetings, something don't find in Aussie cities really but very much so in European. A city such have a certain density and contain everything of need.

Above all it must have an interesting streetscape. A landscape not ruled by the auto centric sprawl and be a place of fusion in diversity between culture, lifestyles and freedom to be oneself.

OZ city centres being small can hardly offer the urban diversity available in other places but signs of some awakening are evident.

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