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24,000 families claiming benefit for 40,000 children living abroad.


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more people more outgoings i suppose, not sure TBH

Sorry simmo, I meant that if it's a couple and one earns over 50k then it's reduced, but if both ear 25k each it isn't?? Seems like that doesn't make sense if there's still two people, two outgoings y'know?:err:

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Sorry simmo, I meant that if it's a couple and one earns over 50k then it's reduced, but if both ear 25k each it isn't?? Seems like that doesn't make sense if there's still two people, two outgoings y'know?:err:

Havent got a clue TBH. You must understand you are talking to a bricky:wink:

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Havent got a clue TBH. You must understand you are talking to a bricky:wink:

Me neither simmo, and being a brickie has nowt to do with intelligence factor...I'm sure you know more than I can begin to understand. I just go on gut usually but I guess it's a tangled Web of political sh*te as usual, one that I'll never get.

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Sorry simmo, I meant that if it's a couple and one earns over 50k then it's reduced, but if both ear 25k each it isn't?? Seems like that doesn't make sense if there's still two people, two outgoings y'know?:err:


Simply because it was ill thought out Jodi,like penalising people for having a spare bedroom,even tho theres no places for them to downsize to,unless they go private which normally costs the taxpayer more

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Me neither simmo, and being a brickie has nowt to do with intelligence factor...I'm sure you know more than I can begin to understand. I just go on gut usually but I guess it's a tangled Web of political sh*te as usual, one that I'll never get.


Going with your gut is good. I go with what i see day to day, i travel in the tube and see what happens, i've seen the swarming at ATMs in oxford streey and regent street. I take most of the political stuff with a pinch of salt but when you see it for yourself and then the figures back it up then it get silly when people that haven't got a clue telling you otherwise..

anyway i don't want you to get tangled up in the t!t for tat stuff:wubclub:

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Simply because it was ill thought out Jodi,like penalising people for having a spare bedroom,even tho theres no places for them to downsize to,unless they go private which normally costs the taxpayer more

This has been my 'raging' point since it came into effect Pabs!!!!! They want the money off it but can't provide more suitable housing, families living in miniscule high rises with little ones, families offered 3 bedroom houses by their local housing authority just a few years ago now being told they are under occupied yet are unable to provide them alternative suitable affordable accommodation.:sad:

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This has been my 'raging' point since it came into effect Pabs!!!!! They want the money off it but can't provide more suitable housing, families living in miniscule high rises with little ones, families offered 3 bedroom houses by their local housing authority just a few years ago now being told they are under occupied yet are unable to provide them alternative suitable affordable accommodation.:sad:


"They" know better than us tho apparently girl?! more social housing wouldn't sort it would it!!

Right,back to the match,we've got a pen!

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Simply because it was ill thought out Jodi,like penalising people for having a spare bedroom,even tho theres no places for them to downsize to,unless they go private which normally costs the taxpayer more


Turns out the "bedroom tax" was a Labour idea.


my opinion::elvis:

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I believe single fathers/mothers who have their kids at weekends for example also get hit with this bedroom tax?? What makes that different, surely they cannot expect children to share a bedroom with a grown adult..except in the case of a baby say, but once they get older it's a not ideal really.why is that different :goofy:

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Sorry, I know the point of the post is about uk benefits going to non UK children/families etc but...I don't understand the reasoning behind 'if one person earns 50k, benefit is reduced ' but not if both incomes are total 50k?? Why is that?:huh:


I think it was designed to be simpler. The state would have to prove that two people earning over £50k combined were co-habiting. Many would claim they were not and it is hard work and a lot of effort (snooping basically) to disprove the claims.

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2004,Milibands in charge now,PFI schemes were a tory idea,we went into the EU under the tories,how long do you want to go back? now im watching the match,i'll give you some attention later if thats what you crave,tara for now tho...

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"They" know better than us tho apparently girl?! more social housing wouldn't sort it would it!!

Right,back to the match,we've got a pen!


The so-called bedroom tax is a classic example of an idea that looks ok on paper but when applied to real people all the flaws are exposed. Families living in over-crowded housing or b&b, single people remaining in 3 bed houses. 'Let's encourage the latter group to move to a smaller property'. It is papering over the cracks really. Social housing was sold off and not replaced, not enough housing.

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I think possibly because some of these politicians have insufficient knowledge of the real lives of others in a different situation to themselves. The diversity of families and living situations, they must just have a brain fart and then just let it pan out however it does after that, then think 'oh..?...never thought about that...'

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Mr Cameron said: ‘I don’t think that is right and that is something I want to change.’




Is Dave right?


Yes, I would say he is right. I was surprised to see that child benefit could be applied to non-resident children. Child-benefit is a bonkers thing anyway. Giving money each week to people regardless of their financial status merely for procreating. If you want to help poorer people there would be easier ways through the tax system and then they could choose for themselves whether they could afford to have children. Can't help thinking that universal benefits like this help to sustain a benefit culture.

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2004,Milibands in charge now,PFI schemes were a tory idea,we went into the EU under the tories,how long do you want to go back? now im watching the match,i'll give you some attention later if thats what you crave,tara for now tho...


oh don't go pabs pleeeeeeese pay me attention.. i crave your attention!!:laugh:

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Sorry, I know the point of the post is about uk benefits going to non UK children/families etc but...I don't understand the reasoning behind 'if one person earns 50k, benefit is reduced ' but not if both incomes are total 50k?? Why is that?:huh:


I agree - it's insane. A single parent earning £55k or a family with one 'stay at home' parent where the working parent earns £55k don't get it but my family with a combined income of £80K do.


I'm not going to refuse it but it's so unfair!


And on the OP, I am a stereotypical middle-class, left wing Guardian reading liberal and even I think it's wrong - how can it be right to claim for children not in the country. I am all in favour of reciprocal EU benefits but this is madness - can anyone put forward an arguement as to why it is right??

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I think possibly because some of these politicians have insufficient knowledge of the real lives of others in a different situation to themselves. The diversity of families and living situations, they must just have a brain fart and then just let it pan out however it does after that, then think 'oh..?...never thought about that...'


Politicians are becoming ever more separated from reality unfortunately. It is not as if ther are bad people per se but they come through public schools, become unpaid political advisors and then paid advisors and are then parachuted into safe seats. The current crop of politicians are being guided and advised by wannabe politicos. Many I suspect mean well (or at least they did once) but they seem to lack grounding and are coached and trained in sound-bite politics. I am really ranting now.

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If migrants bring children to the UK they are 'swamping' our schools and hospitals apparently.

By that reckoning these 24,000 families should be thanked for not adding to the supposed problem.

A big hand for these conscientious Polish families!!!

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Cop out ;)


No,its a fact actually,i know a lot on PIO dont like to hear those pesky things,but its just the truth,in the same way we cant put every criminal in a room and mow them all down with an Uzi sub machine gun


"I hereby sentence you to be smote by a thousand bullets from an Uzi on automatic saaaaah"?

Doesnt sound right does it? i take it you're not a racist xenophobe Simmo? so you're main concern is cost to the uk taxpayer is it?

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