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Is this correct or just wrong?

Guest Guest66881

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Guest Guest66881

An English council has come under fire for portraying rape victims as "reckless drunks" in its Christmas drink-driving campaign.

According to a report in the London's Daily Mail this morning, the Calderdale Council poster shows an injured blonde woman covered in dirt and carrying her shoes, with the slogan: Night of the reckless drunk.'

Women's rights activists claim the advertisement shifts blame to rape victims and is actually "helping rape victims".



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hmmm...i had a look at the link. I suppose perhaps there are many rapists or potential rapists who are opportunistic and may see a lone drunk woman as an opportunity. I don't think the poster is right though, I think it's wrong. Women have enough trouble often proving their cases without this. I have been attacked and sexually assaulted, I wasn't drunk - i had had a few, I wasn't even alone the second time, the first time was in broad daylight - but I still felt responsible and sorry for the perpetrator, It was awfully hard to talk to the police about it and in essence it just got dropped. I hope women can be safe and do there best to reduce opportunities for offenders when they are out, but i don't think this poster is a good way to get that message across. it's an issue i feel fairly strongly about i suppose because rape is so life changing for the victim and although help is there it's hard to get the right help and to blame oneself is just more trauma. anyway, i am not finding the right words tonight.

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An English council has come under fire for portraying rape victims as "reckless drunks" in its Christmas drink-driving campaign.

According to a report in the London's Daily Mail this morning, the Calderdale Council poster shows an injured blonde woman covered in dirt and carrying her shoes, with the slogan: Night of the reckless drunk.'

Women's rights activists claim the advertisement shifts blame to rape victims and is actually "helping rape victims".



Whoever sanctioned that advertisement in council needs their job taken away.


Going by the same logic a drunk who gets run over by a car jumping a red light on the pedestrian crossing also asks for it because he was drunk crossing the road.


No one drunk or sober, male or female deserves to get raped. And no rapist should be given an excuse.


Sack whoever allowed this stupid advert to be shown.

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I can't see where the rape reference is - particularly as the campaign has male examples as well.


It could be that the advert just discourages getting drunk and potentially injuring yourself by falling over, as well as being a victim of crime. I agree with it.

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My friends and I have spoken about this before. No one deserves to be raped and obviously in a perfect world women could go out wear what they want, drink what they want and not be at anymore risk than anyone else.


However that is not the case and I'm sorry but if there were two women and one was so drunk she couldn't stand up let alone know what she was doing, separated from her friends and another girl who can walk, stand up, not on her own. Which one is more vulnerable? Which one would be more of a target to a rapist? Oh and just to add I've been attacked before. I wasn't so drunk I didn't know what I was doing but I made a stupid decision to be separated from my friends and walked somewhere I shouldn't of alone. I know it wasn't my fault but I wouldn't have made the same decision sober.


People have to take some sort of responsibility for their own safety in this world. Too many nasty people about.

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Guest Guest66881
My friends and I have spoken about this before. No one deserves to be raped and obviously in a perfect world women could go out wear what they want, drink what they want and not be at anymore risk than anyone else.


However that is not the case and I'm sorry but if there were two women and one was so drunk she couldn't stand up let alone know what she was doing, separated from her friends and another girl who can walk, stand up, not on her own. Which one is more vulnerable? Which one would be more of a target to a rapist?


People have to take some sort of responsibility for their own safety in this world.


I don't think a rapist as a preference just an ugly desire to harm and cause pain, the message could have worked without even referencing rapists don't you think?

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I'm sure rapists murderers thieves all have preferences. Sorry but I do. If a thief had to pick between my husband and myself to nick a bag from if we were together and on different sides of the streets I'm pretty sure he would pick me.


It's about opportunity and yes I think a girl drunk walking down a dark place on her own is more at risk than a group of people walking along.

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What about a drunk girl alone or a sober girl alone down a dark alley with some pervert hiding in wait?


I understand what you are saying but I wouldn't walk down a dark alley alone sober or drunk due to past experiences. I did and it didn't do me any favours. As a lone person you have to be more careful regardless. I'm not saying that anyone deserves to be raped/attacked/robbed or that it's someones fault if they do far from it.


I'm just saying that people can lessen the risk of being attacked by the things they do and the way they behave. I've been there and I've worked for the police. I've seen both sides and it can be a nasty world out there.

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I agree with the poster to be fair...nothing to do with if a woman is drink she is asking for trouble, don't agree with that.


Its just from my own past experiences like CS I have found myself in some situations that no way would I have got myself into had I not been ...not blind drink, but past the merry stage. Thankfully probably through luck I've never come to any harm...


Been very annoyed with myself come morning time though at my stupidity..


I have seen some very drunk people out in the streets and it does make me worry, especially when they are own their own. The worst was a youngish girl laid out on a very cold Xmas night in Leeds. She couldn't stand, couldn't get any sense out of her. I just thought of my own daughters and couldn't leave her there. Myself and my friend took her into the hotel we were staying at.

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Whoever sanctioned that advertisement in council needs their job taken away.


Going by the same logic a drunk who gets run over by a car jumping a red light on the pedestrian crossing also asks for it because he was drunk crossing the road.


No one drunk or sober, male or female deserves to get raped. And no rapist should be given an excuse.


Sack whoever allowed this stupid advert to be shown.


Totally agree.


Quote from a woman critical of the 'campaign':


"I've yet to see a Christmas anti-drink-driving campaign telling people to stay indoors in case they get run over by a drunk driver."


THIS is the core issue. Of course someone (anyone) is more vulnerable when alone and not in full command of their faculties, but there is a continuing and compelling need when it comes to the 'short dress/deserved it' syndrome of blame the victim.


The cretins who thought of this will keep their jobs of course. They always do.

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I don't see the word rape mentioned on the poster. I think it's just one of hundreds of posters at this time of year (portraying women AND men as off their face on drink or drugs) and advising them to take a bit more care and responsibility for themselves. Do NOT get drunk to the point you cannot stand, piss yourself, and pass out cold in the street (not to mention the risk of aspirating on your own vomit and dying), abuse the A+E system/take up space in a cell because it's safer for that person (and others) to be off the street.



Another going round twitter at the mo.


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That ad has nothing to do with rape at all.


Only because a woman is portrayed do you all immediately jump to the conclusion of rape. If it was a guy portrayed in the same headline you would not think the same.


I don't see the word rape mentioned on the poster. I think it's just one of hundreds of posters at this time of year (portraying women AND men as off their face on drink or drugs) and advising them to take a bit more care and responsibility for themselves. Do NOT get drunk to the point you cannot stand, piss yourself, and pass out cold in the street (not to mention the risk of aspirating on your own vomit and dying), abuse the A+E system/take up space in a cell because it's safer for that person (and others) to be off the street.



Another going round twitter at the mo.




I gave this some thought and decided to go back and look carefully at that advert.



Header: "Dawn of the Drug Driver" - 'If you drive on drugs, you're a danger to yourself and others.'


"Invasion of the mindless drunk" - 'Alcohol related A&E admissions double between 8pm and 5am at weekends.



Female: "Night of the Reckless Drunk" - 'When you drink too much you lose control and put yourself at risk'.



The first one (male) relates more closely to the female one.


(The 'mindless' drunk example is simply used to show hospital admissions).



The first clearly identifies the type (Drug Driver) and gives the male 'ownership' of his actions.


The one directed at females refers to "reckless" drunk and takes that ownership away suggesting that her fate is in the hands of others because of her drinking.


This is stereotyping pure and simple.

And it is so common that I dare say the promotions people in that Council didn't give it a second thought.

Because it's a mindset.


For the record: drunk/alone at night...not very wise. But that is down to the potential attacker, NOT the victim.

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I see no reference to rape,only the danger of not being in control of your actions the way you would be if sober,i think people are looking way too deeply for offensive connotations towards women,the theme to me is drugs/drink makes you act in a less than sensible way,whether thats a lad getting behind the wheel of a car,or a drunken girl falling over in the mud

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I'll grant that I was very analytical, but I did so because this type of thing is (in my view) so common and so pervasively subtle.

It really is unnecessary to separate the genders in this manner. Just warn them all not to be bloody idiots.

It is simple horse sense. There is no need to categorise gender only drink/drugs.


What IS there, is why they do it. That is what I tried to show.


I would be shocked if a female was involved in this poor promotion.

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I'll grant that I was very analytical, but I did so because this type of thing is (in my view) so common and so pervasively subtle.

It really is unnecessary to separate the genders in this manner. Just warn them all not to be bloody idiots.

It is simple horse sense. There is no need to categorise gender only drink/drugs.


What IS there, is why they do it. That is what I tried to show.


I would be shocked if a female was involved in this poor promotion.



Hello again lol! no,i agree,"if" you delve deep enough you could say the male is empowered,and the female a victim in this ad,i just think sometimes we're conditioned to look for offence,and we can find it if we "really" try,my post was just addressed to the thread in general btw,wasn't analysing your reply,i just think that in defending women,or any "cause" for want of a better word,we can be a bit patronising towards them,even if the intention was to "defend",if that makes sense

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Hello again lol! no,i agree,"if" you delve deep enough you could say the male is empowered,and the female a victim in this ad,i just think sometimes we're conditioned to look for offence,and we can find it if we "really" try,my post was just addressed to the thread in general btw,wasn't analysing your reply,i just think that in defending women,or any "cause" for want of a better word,we can be a bit patronising towards them,even if the intention was to "defend",if that makes sense


God Pabs you are so irritating! Here am I trying to get to my bisks and I see another post and respond!!


Fair point I suppose, I know this does occur increasingly, but not entirely. We've had the same pov on the other thread haven't we? We look for things sometimes because we know they are there! Because they have been endemically there for years.


Last line: it does make sense, but I changed after reading a known writers account of her rape-but more particularly how she was attacked in post after post by males for what she wrote. She was subjected to yet more abuse because she spoke up!


I have little tolerance now for any stupid categorising. The message was drink/drugs. Not male female. This truly does not need to be complex.


Ah sod it! I'm off.

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God Pabs you are so irritating! Here am I trying to get to my bisks and I see another post and respond!!


Fair point I suppose, I know this does occur increasingly, but not entirely. We've had the same pov on the other thread haven't we? We look for things sometimes because we know they are there! Because they have been endemically there for years.


Last line: it does make sense, but I changed after reading a known writers account of her rape-but more particularly how she was attacked in post after post by males for what she wrote. She was subjected to yet more abuse because she spoke up!


I have little tolerance now for any stupid categorising. The message was drink/drugs. Not male female. This truly does not need to be complex.


Ah sod it! I'm off.



I am irritating:cry::biggrin:,i must confess:wubclub:,i guess thats why so many women have hit me over the head with various objects over the years,ranging from whisky tumblers right thru to claw hammers:laugh:


Agree on the highlighted tho 100%:wink:

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