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is it legal for a subclass 190 act nominee to work in sydney while staying in canberra


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hi folks,


I have another question (I hope I`m not spamming :) ) ... With all the pessimistic opinions about the job market and also according to my own research (in the field of Multimedia, graphics and visual effects) I am starting to seriously worry about getting a job in the first weeks upon my arrival in canberra.


1 - My question is if it`s legal to find work in sydney while staying with my family at canberra. Am I obliged according to subclass 190 to work in canberra ?? has someone here tried to do that ?? is it even a good Idea ??


2 - Also I have another question . is queensbeyen area inside ACT ?? I mean am I able to stay there in the first two years ??


sorry if my questions sound naive or something ...I benefited greatly from you guys during my nomination process and I succeeded thanks to you... don`t fail me now :D

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Are you sure? I thought 190 is for a regione that you have choose, almost for two years.


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Yes I'm sure. Currently, legally you can work anywhere in Australia. You have a moral obligation to live and work in your sponsoring state. Some people have no morals and never intend to work in that state. Others genuinely can't find work, and both are free to move.

I predict it won't take long until this is changed from a moral obligation to a legal one as so many people are never even trying in their sponsoring state.

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risk to listening to others on your own terms but seeing the truth I wouldn't...I'd suggest before you go anywhere get a release from your ACT migration officer (written from the state). It may not be a restriction on of your visa, but it is a SPONSORED visa and you have agreed to meet the conditions and the very first one is that you are committed to live and work in ACT from the start for the next 2 years. People are not stupid at immigration and know what is going on.


also, any visa can be withdrawn and a state can initiate such a motion for not meeting your obligation. Don't forget you are not a citizen just yet.


The best bet would be to get in contact with companies directly while at home. Don't forget that short term accommodation may cost you $3000 a month and everything is on top of that. Knowing wat I know now, I would not come to Canberra with at least $30-40000 in my pockets. Read our other posts and get an idea for yourself. Trust me, I mean no harm to you but "better safe than sorry". Good luck

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There is the rsms visa which it IS a legal requirement to work at a certain job for two years. It is very clear that your visa can be cancelled if you don't. I've not seen one yet where the visa has been cancelled when someone hasn't stayed working there. There is no way in hell they are going to kick someone out for not following their moral obligation. It isn't an easy process and they don't do it lightly.

Immigration do indeed know what is going on, but they will change it for future applicants, not people who already have their visas.

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after I read your reply I re-checked an e-mail the act sent me and this time I read cleadly that I have to live and work ​in the act the first two years :(


I think you'll find that the ACT Government didn't grant your visa ...


Suggest you might have a discussion with skilled migration at the ACT Government - if you are concerned about the ACT's undertaking.


Best regards.

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risk to listening to others on your own terms but seeing the truth I wouldn't...I'd suggest before you go anywhere get a release from your ACT migration officer (written from the state). It may not be a restriction on of your visa, but it is a SPONSORED visa and you have agreed to meet the conditions and the very first one is that you are committed to live and work in ACT from the start for the next 2 years. People are not stupid at immigration and know what is going on.


also, any visa can be withdrawn and a state can initiate such a motion for not meeting your obligation. Don't forget you are not a citizen just yet.


The best bet would be to get in contact with companies directly while at home. Don't forget that short term accommodation may cost you $3000 a month and everything is on top of that. Knowing wat I know now, I would not come to Canberra with at least $30-40000 in my pockets. Read our other posts and get an idea for yourself. Trust me, I mean no harm to you but "better safe than sorry". Good luck


thank u so much maggie for the sincere and detailed reply...It`s a very good idea to coordinate with the act migration officer before relocation...I always go with the safest approach available and I will never even attempt to leave canberra if I find any job matching my qualifications...I only asked about this to consider it as a "safety net" or "last resort"....I mean who would benefit from me staying in canberra with no job for two years and bankrupting myself, and it would be a shame after all this time,effort and money spent on migration to return bach to my homeland empty handed

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I think you'll find that the ACT Government didn't grant your visa ...


Suggest you might have a discussion with skilled migration at the ACT Government - if you are concerned about the ACT's undertaking.


Best regards.


the ACT government doesn`t grant visas as far as I know only nominations... and they did grant me a nomination

as for discussing with an officer, It`s not an issue for me (yet) to leave canberra before the two year obligation .. I will only raise this issue with them if I tried so hard to find a job and still couldn`t have.I only raised this topic here for information sake and because I noticed no one mentioning it before...hopefully I will find a nice job in canberra in the first few monthes and wouldn`t have to leave it because I already love canberra :)

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