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Indo/Aussie relations gone

Guest Guest66881

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Guest Guest66881

Tony Abbott's image in Indonesia has hit a new low with a front-page cartoon in a serious political newspaper depicting him as a peeping tom.

The middle-brow broadsheet, Rakyat Merdeka, whose title literally means The Freedom of the People, caricatured the Australian Prime Minister as prising open a door marked "Indonesia" to peep inside. As he is shown to drool, sweat and masturbate, he is moaning, "Ssst! Oh My God Indo ... So Sexy".





Front page: Tony Abbott depicted as a peeping tom.




The cartoon suggests that Australia's spying on the telephones of the President, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, his wife Ibu Ani Yudhoyono, and his intimate circle, gave some kind of prurient pleasure to a brutish, hairy-legged Australia.


Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/australias-reputation-in-indonesia-hits-new-low-20131123-2y2k2.html#ixzz2lS66mwxh


Ok hes the man now, but who was the leader when all this happened, and why are they not accountable now?

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It'll mend in time. One shouldn't forget Indonesia is an Asian nation a question of face needs to be addressed. You can be sure a lot of work is going on behind the scenes and a lot of public broadcast stuff is for local consumption in Indonesia.

Elections next year also make it that much more difficult. Anyway thank goodness for The Jakarta Post that keeps as informed ...

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I doubt if Indonesia is overly concerned with regards the handout. More an honour thing. But saying that there are some very firey individuals in some high places that don't have a favourable outlook towards Australia. These sentiments need to be accounted for and no Indonesian leader can appear to be weak over Australia. East Timor has not been forgotten by some.

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Guest Guest66881
Personally, I think it would almost be an act of gross negligence not to spy on other countries!


That's just it though - ALL COUNTRIES SPY ON EACH OTHER but at what level and where do they draw the line?

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It isn't about the spying, it's the lack of diplomatic skill from Monk & Co tha didn't account for 'face'. Very silly but very expected

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The ironic thing, which Fairfax, the ABC, and the ALP, all conveniently forget, is that, Tony Abbott did not cause this problem. He merely had the bad luck to inherit it from the previous (ALP) Government. Is Rudd going to apologise? How about Gillard?


Why should Australia apologise to Indonesia anyway? Did they apologise to Australia for killing those five Aussie journalists in 1975 in East Timor?

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When the time comes for their handout we'll all be friends again


Oh, they will NEVER say no to another handout, but they will still demand an apology! It's the grovelling that irritates me, whether it's Australia, or the UK, depending upon where I am living. Always seems to be countries with far worse regimes than our own who demand apologies too.

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When it comes to politics, I'm very balanced.


I dislike all of them.





But if my next door neighbour started to whinge about a dead cat that was thrown over the fence 5 years ago, I would say that I wasn't living here so I don't know, it's nothing to do with me.


I would then offer to give the neighbour the forwarding address of the last owner so they can communicate directly.


Its not my argument, don't draw me into it!

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Oh, they will NEVER say no to another handout, but they will still demand an apology! It's the grovelling that irritates me, whether it's Australia, or the UK, depending upon where I am living. Always seems to be countries with far worse regimes than our own who demand apologies too.


But the reason Australia needs them is that they're the 2nd fastest growing economy in the G20 and Australia will want to use Indonesia more than Indonesia will need to use Australia one day....just the same as the UK and India and we only stopped giving them aid handouts last year.

The reason we kept giving them handouts was not because they needed it, but because we wanted to maintain influence with them by buying a stake in them. They're a nuclear nation with a space exploration programme and some of the richest people on the planet, why did they need "aid" ?


Indonesia has a labour force of 6 times the size of entire Australian population, they're a lot cheaper to produce goods and they're on the doorstep. That's why Australia wants to give them money, to keep them onside. Nothing to do with "handouts" under the pretence of begging, they're diplomatic sweeteners with a political purpose for Australia.

If Indonesia decided to tell Australia to shove it's aid up it's arse, it's only got to look North for alternative business from far bigger countries with cheaper economic deals.

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Just sounds like bribes to me, and you have to do plenty of that if you want to do business in Indonesia, or anywhere else up that way. And then there are the huge sums funnelled off to Swiss bank accounts!


And if India is one of the richest countries on the planet, then why do millions still live in poverty. India could quite easily switch some of its own money away from nuclear development (except they are scared of China and Pakistan) but they choose not to.


No doubt you will tell me that they only live in poverty because Britain ripped off all their resources during the Raj!


Why does Australia need Indonesia's cheap labour either? Plenty of other countries can supply it, and Australia's chief markets are still in the other First World nations.

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Just sounds like bribes to me, and you have to do plenty of that if you want to do business in Indonesia, or anywhere else up that way. And then there are the huge sums funnelled off to Swiss bank accounts!

And if India is one of the richest countries on the planet, then why do millions still live in poverty. India could quite easily switch some of its own money away from nuclear development (except they are scared of China and Pakistan) but they choose not to.

No doubt you will tell me that they only live in poverty because Britain ripped off all their resources during the Raj!


Why does Australia need Indonesia's cheap labour either? Plenty of other countries can supply it, and Australia's chief markets are still in the other First World nations.


Absolutely not, I agree with you. It is bribery from Australia to curry favour. That's the point i'm making...there are people on here thinking Australia is doing them a favour by giving "handouts", they aren't. Australia is doing itself a favour.

In any other language it is pure bribery, in politics they call it "aid".


India does not need UK money when it's one of the most richest, most corrupt nations on the planet. We didn't take their natural resources, we used them as a massive factory and labour supply, but they've since been in control of their own destiny for 66 years and not done a great job at all. It was the Indian media who pushed for the UK to keep it's "aid" because we assumed it gave us the right to tell them what to do, so they told us to shove it because it meant nothing in the big scheme of things.


The thought that Indonesia will toe the line because of Australian bribes is exactly the same. A newly-industrialised country of 250 million will not need to take bribes from a country of 22 million....who will need who the most in 10 years?

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But the reason Australia needs them is that they're the 2nd fastest growing economy in the G20 and Australia will want to use Indonesia more than Indonesia will need to use Australia one day....just the same as the UK and India and we only stopped giving them aid handouts last year.

The reason we kept giving them handouts was not because they needed it, but because we wanted to maintain influence with them by buying a stake in them. They're a nuclear nation with a space exploration programme and some of the richest people on the planet, why did they need "aid" ?


Indonesia has a labour force of 6 times the size of entire Australian population, they're a lot cheaper to produce goods and they're on the doorstep. That's why Australia wants to give them money, to keep them onside. Nothing to do with "handouts" under the pretence of begging, they're diplomatic sweeteners with a political purpose for Australia.

If Indonesia decided to tell Australia to shove it's aid up it's arse, it's only got to look North for alternative business from far bigger countries with cheaper economic deals.


That is exactly how it is. Folk should realise that the Indonesians perception of Australia is vastly different to how they see themselves. Australia comes over as arrogant and superior at times, something few Asian nations will tolerate these days.

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