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Melbourne most car mad city


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Exactly right, public transport is rubbish.


For me to get from Somerville in the south to lilydale in the east takes 1.5 hours by train into inner Melbourne to Richmond, then another hour to lilydale. Obviously there is also the commute to each station from where I am as well. Total time would be nearly 3 hours, and that assumes there is no waiting time between the 3 trains I would have to take.


Using peninsula link, east link and the maroondah hwy, driving a car takes about 50 minutes.


To the airport by public transport would be just as long. Again less than an hour by car.


It's a no brainier

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I thought Perth had the largest auto use in Australia to get to work. I'd say we're all pretty much of a muchness with an excessive over use of the auto, to nobodies benefit. Yet the government's answer is to build yet more roads and more far outer burbs being developed due to cost. Will some of these places be sustainable in the longer term?

Sounds like hell to me having to drive everywhere, with limited if any options available.

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I actually don't mind driving as it gets me exactly where I want to be in the least amount of time. The trains are uncomfortable and space is limited. They get to Richmond in great time, then its crawl crawl crawl as the infrastructure cannot handle the amount of trains.


New trams standing for anyone with a knee problem jerk jerk jerk and fall on the floor.


So car is comfort, music, sweets, as long as patience goes with it.

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We now live 2.5 hours from Melbourne ( by car) we have a train station in fact council have just spent a fortune doing it up, only thing it lacks are "trains" LOL if i want to travel to Melbourne by train well there is one that leaves at 6.50am gets to Melbourne around 10.30am the return train leaves Melbourne at 3pm arriving at around 7pm that is it no other trains to Melbourne or back on that day. No we are not an isolated town in fact we are a fairly major tourist town with a population around 12,000 in town and 72,000 if you ad in the local areas with in an hours drive. Bottom line is public transport in Melbourne (and victoria in general) is grossly under funded and grossly inadaquit. Coming from the UK you will fine a big difference as far as public transport goes.

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We now live 2.5 hours from Melbourne ( by car) we have a train station in fact council have just spent a fortune doing it up, only thing it lacks are "trains". No we are not an isolated town in fact we are a fairly major tourist town with a population around 12,000 in town and 72,000 if you ad in the local areas with in an hours drive.


Can I ask where you live?

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I did my first ever drive to work in Richmond at peak time today. Never again, dont understand why people like driving... My cycle , Train , cycle route takes 50mins, driving took exactly the same time but crawling all the way (its 20min on a sunday). Find the trains much better, in my 6mths commuting to work, not had a single problem with them, clean and regular.

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car mad, lol, i've just got my 3rd ticket in as many months. same bloody place too!

i'm gonna ask for the photo this time, so i can get an idea where they are hiding.

i guess im used to speed cameras being out in the open.

between 0 and 10k over the limit each time.

they've taken close to a month to come through too, im not even sure if i was driving, it could have been the missus.

I feel we're far from nutters, just getting where we're going safely.

there goes a grand, oh well!

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