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Immigrants, paedophiles, scroungers...


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You were very quick baz to jump on my choice of words earlier, however i never saw you jump on the word whitey that was used a couple of weeks ago, i found that distasteful to be honest but in objecting to this was told that it was perfectly acceptable by a moderator as was darkie or blackie as terms for people. I don't particularly see why it is ok for one but not the other, only my opinion though.


Dont worry about it mate. It's a word, some like it some don't. I wouldn't be bothered about it.


anyway stop being so grumpy, it's only the first of 5 test matches ;)

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Dont worry about it mate. It's a word, some like it some don't. I wouldn't be bothered about it.


anyway stop being so grumpy, it's only the first of 5 test matches ;)


Yeah i know but i wanted to win 5-0 not 4-1 :mad:

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Guest Guest 47403
You were very quick baz to jump on my choice of words earlier, however i never saw you jump on the word whitey that was used a couple of weeks ago, i found that distasteful to be honest but in objecting to this was told that it was perfectly acceptable by a moderator as was darkie or blackie as terms for people. I don't particularly see why it is ok for one but not the other, only my opinion though.


Are you for real? Darkie is a term used ime by 50 to 60 year old bigoted white people to describe black, afro Caribbean and African men, whitey had never been used as a derogatory term as far as I know, honkey or snow flake yes but whitey no mate PMSL have a feeling you will start ending your replies with 'not on my watch' soon!

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Guest Guest 47403

Just to add didn't read the part of your reply that the moderators of pomsinoz felt the term darkie was an OK term.


Lets roll back the clocks and include spade as an OK description of someone of a certain skin colour eh!

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Are you for real? Darkie is a term used ime by 50 to 60 year old bigoted white people to describe black, afro Caribbean and African men, whitey had never been used as a derogatory term as far as I know, honkey or snow flake yes but whitey no mate PMSL have a feeling you will start ending your replies with 'not on my watch' soon!

Yeah I am for real, I had a feeling one would be derogatory while the other is fine.

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Guest Guest 47403
Yeah I am for real, I had a feeling one would be derogatory while the other is fine.


So your happy with your lads using the term darkie to describe school friends of African and Afro Caribbean heritage?

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So your happy with your lads using the term darkie to describe school friends of African and Afro Caribbean heritage?


No certainly not, however i would not be happy if those African and Afro Caribbean boys called my lads Whitey. I was making a point baz in that racism works both ways in my book.

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Guest Guest 47403
No certainly not, however i would not be happy if those African and Afro Caribbean boys called my lads Whitey. I was making a point baz in that racism works both ways in my book.


Of course racism works both ways and in my experience growing up in inner city Birmingham it is stronger from the black community than from the white community but where I live now in Yorkshire a black face is pretty much on par with a little green man!

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Of course racism works both ways and in my experience growing up in inner city Birmingham it is stronger from the black community than from the white community but where I live now in Yorkshire a black face is pretty much on par with a little green man!


Little green men have feelings to baz :cute:



Look my brother in law is black as is my nephew and i don't look at them any differently as i do anyone else, to me we are all the same, i was just making a point.

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Guest Guest 47403
sorry.. didn't realise you where mass debating :dull:


Mass debating is fine...............self full filling is just sad :dull:

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No, they are trained to dehumanise those 'different' to themselves.

It's proven to work. Makes it easier to treat them inhumanely.

It's used in the armed forces, the Nazis used it, the Turks against the Armenians...


Trained by who Paul? I think you are reading a bit much into this mate.

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i didn't read that the OP was making excuses, but understanding why they have committed such a crime. As a social worker, which Paul and myself are, that's part of our job, to analyse people's behaviour, look for patterns in people's behaviour etc.


They are from a rough estate, they are rough people, the guy was different and suspected of being a paedo, true or not, they'd been on the piss all day by the sound of it, kids had been tormenting the poor sod for ages with no comeback. In their eyes and by the sound of the press article, a few more people around them, that was enough. Don't even bother trying to understand why, unless you are from the same type of area and background and live amongst it you are just wasting your time and other peoples money trying.

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Immigrants are 'different' in the eyes of the media as they are 'foreign'.

Welfare recipients are 'different' as they (allegedly) don't want to get a job and graft like you or I.

Gay people are 'different' because they are not like 'us'.


By continually highlighting how these different parts of our society are 'not like us' they leave the field open to those like these two men who are so angry and violent (or misguided, who knows?) that they will take it out on gays/immigrants etc as they have internalised that these are not real people.

We are all human beings, we all want to survive and prosper, to provide for our families, kids, loved ones.

But this forum continually acts as a board for intolerance- hence me pointing out what happens when this intolerance tips over the edge.

But this forum continually acts as a board for intolerance. WTF?????

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Absolutely not my experience. Maybe so in certain pockets of society but not overall.


Generally they are small pockets too and most people know where they are. I used to live close to the Hattersley Estate, where the police ladies were shot by the idiot last year. I sometimes used to run through the estate and it was like being in a different country from 3 miles down the road. Boarded up shops, burnt out apartments that no-one bothered with, cars just left on the side of the road to rot, dirt, dog crap, vandalism, graffiti. There are plenty more places similar and you tend to just keep away from them. I could see this type of crime happening in Hattersley and a few people there turning a blind eye, like they did in Bristol.


Move 2 miles away and you are in some of the most beautiful countryside with nice houses and nice people. That's just the way it is, no need to try and over-analyse everything.

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If the guy thinks it's happening he has a duty to bring it out into the open. Do you not believe it's happening? If he's wrong then that's a problem, if he's right then it not going to go away by not looking into it and pretending it's not happening. Look at the group who were abusing white girls all that time and most of them got away with it. If it hadn't have been for a policeman who wouldn't let it drop and a Dad who went out and followed his girl it would have all been put on the too hard pile.

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If the guy thinks it's happening he has a duty to bring it out into the open. Do you not believe it's happening? If he's wrong then that's a problem, if he's right then it not going to go away by not looking into it and pretending it's not happening. Look at the group who were abusing white girls all that time and most of them got away with it. If it hadn't have been for a policeman who wouldn't let it drop and a Dad who went out and followed his girl it would have all been put on the too hard pile.


That's is the biggest problem we have on this subject, if a "minority" are indulging in criminal behaviour it seems to me that it may well get swept under the carpet because it is not allowed to be discussed, take your point for instance, this guy wants to talk about an issue with a "minority" which he clearly believes is criminal and all of a sudden he is jumped on by people like Paulv and screamed down as having an agenda, and even as a little extra had a go at because he went to a good school :unsure: Then he is forced to apologize for fear of upsetting the "minority" and people like Paulv. Until we start accepting that "minorities" are not exempt from the law like the rest of us we will have massive problems.

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Guest Guest16631
That's is the biggest problem we have on this subject, if a "minority" are indulging in criminal behaviour it seems to me that it may well get swept under the carpet because it is not allowed to be discussed, take your point for instance, this guy wants to talk about an issue with a "minority" which he clearly believes is criminal and all of a sudden he is jumped on by people like Paulv and screamed down as having an agenda, and even as a little extra had a go at because he went to a good school :unsure: Then he is forced to apologize for fear of upsetting the "minority" and people like Paulv. Until we start accepting that "minorities" are not exempt from the law like the rest of us we will have massive problems.




.......I agree with much you say Andy......

.......have seen over the years how some minority's have played this hand to escape sensor ship and punishment....

........it's a shame as its done them no favours......

.........just brought more suspicion and hatred upon their kind.......

.........one law for all........

.........should be the rule........regardless of colour or creed.......

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That's is the biggest problem we have on this subject, if a "minority" are indulging in criminal behaviour it seems to me that it may well get swept under the carpet because it is not allowed to be discussed, take your point for instance, this guy wants to talk about an issue with a "minority" which he clearly believes is criminal and all of a sudden he is jumped on by people like Paulv and screamed down as having an agenda, and even as a little extra had a go at because he went to a good school :unsure: Then he is forced to apologize for fear of upsetting the "minority" and people like Paulv. Until we start accepting that "minorities" are not exempt from the law like the rest of us we will have massive problems.



Its classic victim blaming Andy. There is no evidence ive ever seen that suggests/proves that corruption is rooted in the Pakistani community.

Given that MP's and Lords have been jailed recently for dishonesty/fraud, the press is literally on trial, and the police are shown as more and more corrupt each day, why would a senior govt minister feel that this is an issue of note?

I haven't seen any members of this community being brought before the courts in any numbers (except politicians from Lab and Con!) so to generalise so wildly is stupid and flies in the face of the available evidence.

Re the 'good school', my point was that we all have networks of support/favour that we can rely on, and those politicians at the top of government have seen many a helping hand from friends of dad/mum/uncle to get them that job/contract etc.

Look at Cameron's first job for an example...

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