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3 months in and starting to feel homesick


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Simple things like when we went shopping in the UK we didnt look at the prices of the food, if we wanted it we got it...if you cant have a bit of nice food for working a full week then whats the world coming to! Also, we never counted the days to payday....something we will do here IF and i say IF we cant get well paid jobs.




When I was in the UK I just filled my basket with what I wanted. Now I check very carefully and budget for every cent. We have to estimate how much to top up our savings so the rent will go through. It's a very different life here for us and although we are not materialistic, struggling on this scale is a new and unwelcome way to live - At the end of the day it depends on whether a hotter climate is worth everything else that you have to give up. A great country if you can find highly paid work, a tough place to be if you are unemployed or in a low paying role

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When I was in the UK I just filled my basket with what I wanted. Now I check very carefully and budget for every cent. We have to estimate how much to top up our savings so the rent will go through. It's a very different life here for us and although we are not materialistic, struggling on this scale is a new and unwelcome way to live - At the end of the day it depends on whether a hotter climate is worth everything else that you have to give up. A great country if you can find highly paid work, a tough place to be if you are unemployed or in a low paying role


This is exactly how I see it Chortlepuss.


Don't get me wrong, I do really like Australia and it could/might end up being a great life.


At present (and thats all I can/am basing things on) its hard to see the same quality of life ALL ROUND that we had in the UK.


I ask myself is it really a better way to live by having to not eat certain things you like because they are too expensive or go without due to other reasons.


Its a tough one to call and despite what people think I am glad we have done this and will make the most of the next 2-3 years incase we do go back.



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TBH - I'm settled here, BUT every night at first, it's tapering off I 'missed' home, whatever home is, yes, I still miss people and its sort of painful to talk to them, if you know what I mean - it doesnt stop me, but 99.9% of the time, life goes on. Even when I moved around in the UK I had this 'missing' thing, so I think I understood and accepted I would feel that way. I think for me, I kept busy, said Hi, how are you to everyone - so have made mates - and eventually it's all got sorted. But its taken 2 years (and most say give it 5), and I keep busy, busy, busy. Also getting PR was hard so I think that made me view things differently. We're going back at Christmas for the 1st time and I know it wont be easy.


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From day 1 to about the 9 month mark if someone said that they had a ticket and would ship my stuff back i would have gone.

I'm still not stuck on the place to be honest but it isnt bad enough to make me want to leave now as the UK has many bad points too. basically both places I find are about equal, its just you dont feel comfortable yet and after a year I do feel more comfortable here now.


Ups n downs all along the way in the first year but they get less and less as time passes (all things being equal)

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Its quite funny/sad how many people are on here that don't feel settled, comfortable, happy etc but yet are still here...why?


Personally, for me to be away from family and friends for years on end there would have to be more than sunshine to make me stay. I read about people not having money, doing a job they hate or are way over skilled for, not being able to buy the food they want etc just to live here. Im not saying money is everything but at least when people go to the mines etc its to earn big bucks, or if people go to work in x country for a period of time its to further their career etc but Im just surprised and never realised how many people on here dont seem happy and yet, do nothing about it...is it easier to stay than pack up or are they afraid of looking like they made a mistake.


No doubt this post will spark comments but hey, I can take it....and actually want to be told why.


Life is a precious gift, one that not everyone is given the chance to have, so why are people happy to be un happy.....


I am looking at this as 2 years, then review, if that went well/quick, do another 2 to get citizenship and then review then....mainly for my boys sake incase they want to ever live here should we move back to the UK, it would save them all the red tape of going through the visa process.


I think we all know there are NO substitutions for family and friends around us - except skype :SLEEP:so if people are struggling here and it seems just as many are as are not AND there are no family...why do they stay?


Life is too short IMO to be unhappy....things happen in life that make us unhappy and sad that are out of our control....so when we can control it, why dont we?


I could go on all day making the same point (like i have a few times already in this post) and when a post is started with "we love it here but" or "ive never looked back since but"....are they trying to convince us or them selves?


Id rather be unhappy with family around me than unhappy on a sunny beach....just saying.


Enough from me....over to your guys.

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Guest The Pom Queen

Id rather be unhappy with family around me than unhappy on a sunny beach....just saying.


Enough from me....over to your guys.

But what if your partner and children are unhappy to go back would you still make th return, not meaning you personally, just a general question. I know a number of members here who stay for their partners/kids and a few members who have gone back to the UK either single if their partner refuses to go or with their partner dragging their heals and sinking in to a depression in the UK

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Id rather be unhappy with family around me than unhappy on a sunny beach....just saying.


In which case, why did you emigrate to the other side of the world? If you knew it would make you unhappy, clearly it was never going to work.

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But what if your partner and children are unhappy to go back would you still make th return, not meaning you personally, just a general question. I know a number of members here who stay for their partners/kids and a few members who have gone back to the UK either single if their partner refuses to go or with their partner dragging their heals and sinking in to a depression in the UK


Great reply and one that I have no doubt affects most here, its a common thing for 1 to want to go and the other to want to stay....


In our case, we made a pact that if one of us wanted to come home (after a reasonable time) then we all would (kids only 4 and 1 so they would come anyway)


We both loved our life in the UK and were very happy at work, finances, lovely house, car, friends, family etc but there was always something niggling at us to come here and as happy as we were we never settled for long (moved house 3 times in 2 1/2 years on the run up to us coming here) so oz seemed the way for us, the latest craze if you like, it was either that or have another child.....and despite all the ups and downs here this is definitely the easier option!!!


It was my wifes dream to come here but im one of these people that if i say im going to do it, i will...that day! So once she suggested oz, I said, yep, lets do it, and within 24hrs I had a migration agent preparing a contract..done!


At times I kept asking my wife if she was still sure she wanted to do this and that I hadnt called her bluff but she stayed true and is enjoying it here, bar struggling a bit with her close knot of friends.


Losing the thread here....


We agreed that due our life in the UK, if one of us wasnt happy here we would go back as the person who liked it here would be able to settle better back in the UK than the person who didnt like it here would settle here....make sense?


I do consider our kids too, they are only 4 and 1 but thats now, we arent going anywhere now, if we do it will be in 2-3 years, by then they will be 7 & 4...still not old enough to make a choice like that, nor would we all stay here unhappy just cos a 4 year old likes it, kids are resilient, yes they may moan for a few days, but get them back with grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins etc, they will be fine.


If I may just quickly refer back to me saying about us giving oz a go cos we felt it just niggled at us....we thought the only way we would know is to try, in a funny way we almost needed to come and do it to prove that it might not be for us and get it out of our system and never wonder 'what if'


Another reason why we needed to try it was because we (just my wife and I, pre children) had already lived on the gold coast for a year in 2008 on WHV and that was always in our minds but that said, we were comparing our child free life in oz to our full on family life in the UK....so we decided we needed to experience a family life in oz too. best way to make a decision!


Anyway, here we are,and here we will be for the next couple of years for def, who know what the future holds.



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No one knows how they will feel until they have lived here..!


Op wrote in the third sentence of his first post "IMO 3 months is a long time to be away from home and not see family", that seems pretty certain to me. Moving to Australia will obviously be a challenge to anyone that thinks 3 months overseas is a long time.

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In which case, why did you emigrate to the other side of the world? If you knew it would make you unhappy, clearly it was never going to work.


I didnt know, how could I? People always take for granted/dont appreciate things that are around them daily, friends, family, buildings, countryside etc..take that away, then you miss it...you dont miss something if you are there....

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Op wrote in the third sentence of his first post "IMO 3 months is a long time to be away from home and not see family", that seems pretty certain to me. Moving to Australia will obviously be a challenge to anyone that thinks 3 months overseas is a long time.


correct...and when did I write that...after being here for 3 months and realising it or before I came but came anyway.......?

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correct...and when did I write that...after being here for 3 months and realising it or before I came but came anyway.......?


Either or, I don't think it really matters. I hope whatever you decide it works out for you and your family.


Its quite funny/sad how many people are on here that don't feel settled, comfortable, happy etc but yet are still here...why?


Not a Pink Floyd fan I take it? "Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way" :wubclub:

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Either or, I don't think it really matters. I hope whatever you decide it works out for you and your family.




Not a Pink Floyd fan I take it? "Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way" :wubclub:


Of course it matters/makes a difference when I said things. If I had said it before I came and came anyway they got not one to blame, was always going to happen, but if it took me being away from my close family for 3 months to realise then that was the only way to find out....surely.


Whatever we decide to do will be what makes us happy, not gonna put on a front to those back home and on here and paint a perfect picture of life out here whilst craving for a grape but unable to afford one!


Dont get the Pink Floyd reference....sorry

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This is exactly how I see it Chortlepuss.


Don't get me wrong, I do really like Australia and it could/might end up being a great life.


At present (and thats all I can/am basing things on) its hard to see the same quality of life ALL ROUND that we had in the UK.


I ask myself is it really a better way to live by having to not eat certain things you like because they are too expensive or go without due to other reasons.


Its a tough one to call and despite what people think I am glad we have done this and will make the most of the next 2-3 years incase we do go back.



Change your shopping habits. If you shop like a pom, only in supercraps, it can be expensive

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Its quite funny/sad how many people are on here that don't feel settled, comfortable, happy etc but yet are still here...why?


Personally, for me to be away from family and friends for years on end there would have to be more than sunshine to make me stay. I read about people not having money, doing a job they hate or are way over skilled for, not being able to buy the food they want etc just to live here. Im not saying money is everything but at least when people go to the mines etc its to earn big bucks, or if people go to work in x country for a period of time its to further their career etc but Im just surprised and never realised how many people on here dont seem happy and yet, do nothing about it...is it easier to stay than pack up or are they afraid of looking like they made a mistake.


No doubt this post will spark comments but hey, I can take it....and actually want to be told why.


Life is a precious gift, one that not everyone is given the chance to have, so why are people happy to be un happy.....


I am looking at this as 2 years, then review, if that went well/quick, do another 2 to get citizenship and then review then....mainly for my boys sake incase they want to ever live here should we move back to the UK, it would save them all the red tape of going through the visa process.


I think we all know there are NO substitutions for family and friends around us - except skype :SLEEP:so if people are struggling here and it seems just as many are as are not AND there are no family...why do they stay?


Life is too short IMO to be unhappy....things happen in life that make us unhappy and sad that are out of our control....so when we can control it, why dont we?


I could go on all day making the same point (like i have a few times already in this post) and when a post is started with "we love it here but" or "ive never looked back since but"....are they trying to convince us or them selves?


Id rather be unhappy with family around me than unhappy on a sunny beach....just saying.


Enough from me....over to your guys.

Haven't been to a beach for 30 years. You wouldn't get me back to Blighty under any circumstances

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Op wrote in the third sentence of his first post "IMO 3 months is a long time to be away from home and not see family", that seems pretty certain to me. Moving to Australia will obviously be a challenge to anyone that thinks 3 months overseas is a long time.

Probably your most insightful post yet. I'm impressed

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I didnt know, how could I? People always take for granted/dont appreciate things that are around them daily, friends, family, buildings, countryside etc..take that away, then you miss it...you dont miss something if you are there....

It's called research. You obviously did very little!

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i read sprintmans 'advice/ feedback/ one liners...but can't say I take much notice, I would suggest you do the same..he/ she never offers any constructive info.

When you have been here half a century you learn a thing or two. Take heed!

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1) Takes many years to get over the homesickness. Surely poms understand that before they move here?

2) Of course the fishing is different. If you wanted the same why did you leave Blighty in the first place? You live in the 'Blighty bubble' and you'll never escape it.

3) Thank god we are crap at soccer (Girlie Ball), and hopefully we will remain that way!

4) Change your shopping habits. If you shop like a pom, only in supercraps, it can be expensive

5) Haven't been to a beach for 30 years. You wouldn't get me back to Blighty under any circumstances

6) Probably your most insightful post yet. I'm impressed

7) It's called research. You obviously did very little!

8) When you have been here half a century you learn a thing or two. Take heed!


Sprintman, above are your comments on Wattsys posts thus far, people come on here for advice and maybe arent as "knowledgeable" as your mighty fine self who I see as an ex-Pom who has denunciated his birth place and now takes solace in mocking people for doing what you did 50 years ago (whether that was by choice or not) and more strangely for being Poms like yourself.


I wont be 'taking heed' of any of your comments and I advise everybody else to do the same as they are not serving any purpose whatsoever, although they do help build a healthy appreciation of what can happen to someone who has been here 50 years!

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1) Takes many years to get over the homesickness. Surely poms understand that before they move here?

2) Of course the fishing is different. If you wanted the same why did you leave Blighty in the first place? You live in the 'Blighty bubble' and you'll never escape it.

3) Thank god we are crap at soccer (Girlie Ball), and hopefully we will remain that way!

4) Change your shopping habits. If you shop like a pom, only in supercraps, it can be expensive

5) Haven't been to a beach for 30 years. You wouldn't get me back to Blighty under any circumstances

6) Probably your most insightful post yet. I'm impressed

7) It's called research. You obviously did very little!

8) When you have been here half a century you learn a thing or two. Take heed!


Sprintman, above are your comments on Wattsys posts thus far, people come on here for advice and maybe arent as "knowledgeable" as your mighty fine self who I see as an ex-Pom who has denunciated his birth place and now takes solace in mocking people for doing what you did 50 years ago (whether that was by choice or not) and more strangely for being Poms like yourself.


I wont be 'taking heed' of any of your comments and I advise everybody else to do the same as they are not serving any purpose whatsoever, although they do help build a healthy appreciation of what can happen to someone who has been here 50 years!


I take heed of this!


On that note, I would say this forum could now close down and never have any regrets!

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