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Australia's Bikie Gangs

Guest The Pom Queen

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That's it I'm off to watch Sons of Anarchy, please play nicely and don't get personal. Mr Luv Pants is a friend and I didn't take his comments personal.


Oh I had to laugh.

Least somebody still has their sense of humor.

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A lot of the Vietnam vets became bikies in the past- they were rough and tough but some of them were ok- others very traumatised and you wouldn't want to meet them on a dark night. Don't know much about today's bikies except they do look pretty spectacular when they all ride out together- wouldn't want to get in their way,but.

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Take the dark shades off and they are all puddy cats really:ssign16:







Someone had better contact the author on this article and let them know ASAP that they are incorrect using the term BIKER and in fact it should be BIKIE...............


Or would that just be pedantic?? :rolleyes:

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Grow up people, look at the big picture.





I think the "big picture" has been well illustrated.................Stabbings in airports................shootings (of innocent bystanders) in Gold Coast malls................if "innocents mororcyclists" want to take affront at the difference between the terms "bikers" and bikies, and deny the damage the latter is doing, then they deserve to be caught up in the ensuing legislation.

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let's have more freedom not less.


freedom to do what? organise crime? monopolise the tatto parlours and threaten out of business any tatt artist who doesn't give freebies to bikers?...........get into the real world. I sometimes wonder how sheltered some folk are?

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Alright Alright... That's me been set straight!!.. .



Still think it was a bit on the pedantic / picky side but I shall retire from this thread with my tail between my legs. :wub:


I couldn't understand what you were saying anyway....must be your accent :wink:

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Guest Guest66881

Got to admit i tried to get into the tattoo scene here just after we arrived having done it back in Britain for over five years. It is so hard (it's a hard game to gain entry to anyway) but here it is like a closed door, punters only.

Looking at how it pans out over here i think i am well out of it anyway.

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Ever met a bikie? No but ...no matter...


Yes I did..................and he's a good mate. He was on the great ocean road at night when he was hit by a car on the wrong side of the road. He woke up and tried to stand up and couldn't.....................both legs broken and couldn't lift himself as his wrists were gone too. He thought he was a goner as no bugger drove that area at night...................turns out, there was an ambo parked round the corner of the road, resting after a long trip, who heard the noise....................million to one shot, but they got him back to a base hospital. He wakes up (or so he thinks) to see the roof of the hospital opening and a huge cloud formation which he interprets as "The Lion of Judah" (who he'd never heard or read of) telling him to arise and do good. He didn't know (at the time) if it was due to the the morphine administered at the hospital, or from the stuff that he was on just prior to being "unseated"....................all irrelevant now as that bloke is a good mate, also a qualified pastor, who I can call on any time, (although I don't, as religion [especially enthusiastic converts] embarasses me) who works with the families of imprisoned bikies, and runs a rehab programme for those released. They all respect him..............but..............that said.............he makes no bones about just how violent and how much they can control (even) local government...............he simply sees them as sinners needing saving................and.................he still wears colours.................so no............I don't judge 'em as all bad, but he says the influx of "offshore" members is a whole new ball game.

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freedom to do what? organise crime? monopolise the tatto parlours and threaten out of business any tatt artist who doesn't give freebies to bikers?...........get into the real world. I sometimes wonder how sheltered some folk are?


So your "real world" is to ban what scares you in totality. Thanks goodness some of us whom have experienced the real world, can see the abhorrence of such statements. What's up with tattoo parlours? A legit form of business which can be as cut throat as can massage parlours, fitness centres and goodness knows what else. Even ice cream sellers and their companies were at it a few decades back on the streets of London.



I seem to recall Old Bill involvement in organised crime not to long back in OZ. Don't recall too many saying they should be banned for corruption. I do recall an English policeman being recruited from Notts to take over the NSW police service in a bid to weed out an entrenched culture, without necessary having the public's sensibilities as a centre of their concern( one way of putting it)


You see every organisation has their bad eggs. Bikies/ Bikers follow a code as well which is strictly enforced. Away from that authority they can behave as bad as any other group and indeed some times worse.


Just we don't live in a dictatorship as of yet, although I am convinced many would prefer being told what to do and how to think told rather than formulating their own decision which would appear all too hard ......

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Guest Guest16631
Ever met a bikie? No but ...no matter...




.........yes......and him and his partner are lovely people........ ( to me)

.........have been good to me over the years.......

..........but.............the business they run was acquired by ........

..........persuading the previous trader to move on.........

...........they are very loyal to their ........gang....

...........with little regard for most others......

............they wouldn't go out of their way to hurt an innocent bystander......

.............but are focused on themselves and their interests......

................a lot of unlawful things go on behind business fronts........

.................we choose to live in a country that is safe.......

...................with the right to earn a lawful living.........

.....................sometimes they.......just by doing what they do.......deny others this right........

........................as in many cultures/groups family's even........

...........................there are always an exception to the rule.......

..............................but as a collective........they are in the main....lawless.....ime.....

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Yes I did..................and he's a good mate. He was on the great ocean road at night when he was hit by a car on the wrong side of the road. He woke up and tried to stand up and couldn't.....................both legs broken and couldn't lift himself as his wrists were gone too. He thought he was a goner as no bugger drove that area at night...................turns out, there was an ambo parked round the corner of the road, resting after a long trip, who heard the noise....................million to one shot, but they got him back to a base hospital. He wakes up (or so he thinks) to see the roof of the hospital opening and a huge cloud formation which he interprets as "The Lion of Judah" (who he'd never heard or read of) telling him to arise and do good. He didn't know (at the time) if it was due to the the morphine administered at the hospital, or from the stuff that he was on just prior to being "unseated"....................all irrelevant now as that bloke is a good mate, also a qualified pastor, who I can call on any time, (although I don't, as religion [especially enthusiastic converts] embarasses me) who works with the families of imprisoned bikies, and runs a rehab programme for those released. They all respect him..............but..............that said.............he makes no bones about just how violent and how much they can control (even) local government...............he simply sees them as sinners needing saving................and.................he still wears colours.................so no............I don't judge 'em as all bad, but he says the influx of "offshore" members is a whole new ball game.


Bikies/Bikers have changed to an extent over the decades with advancement of business interests in quite substantial degrees. This has brought added friction but also greater power and influence. I guess it is a reflection of the world we live in.


The ones I knew all held jobs (patched members ) like motor mechanics, seamen and the like. They grew weed and sold it illegally of course and did a bit of muscle inclined work when required.

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All I can say to end my comments on this particular subject is that most bikies/bikers have a code and are not usually a menace to the public. Of course they can get into drunken brawls as can many Aussies, punch ups are far from uncommon here so why wouldn't folk like bikies be apart of that culture.


I would like to meet an ordinary member of the public who has ever been assaulted or worse by bikies. It is true they have issues between their patched groups, which can be very violent and innocent folk could be accidently impacted.

As stated when the law is broken nail them. I think at times the police's time would be better used going after the real criminals than following bikies on one of their intra state runs. More for public image than anything else on the police part of course.

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So your "real world" is to ban what scares you in totality.


No......................I'm not blinkered by dogmatism and I'm also not as "protectionist" as to think that the gov't/police would be so stupid as to enforce something that would hit the "non-guilty parties". It's a law to minimise the growth of "organisation"...............leave it too late and that organisation will grow to be too big to handle. Like I say, I've seen it from both sides and "bikie" groups are attracting elements who can't even ride bikes.............to be unable, or refuse to see what the law is trying to address, is to (my mind) to never have experienced the consequences of not addressing it.


We've seen it all before .................Terry O'gorman gobbing off about erosion of civil liberies whilst living in a safe environment and defending those who endanger safety................Lawmakers gobbing off about stiffening sentences whilst magistrates don't draw down on those sentences. What tickles me, is that the majority of those I've seen fighting for civil liberties (and bear in mind I was a full-time TU officer and labour party member whilst also holding a green card) are those who ive in a (sheltered) environment where the impact of those they defend, never impacts on their defenders.

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All I can say to end my comments on this particular subject is that most bikies/bikers have a code and are not usually a menace to the public. Of course they can get into drunken brawls as can many Aussies, punch ups are far from uncommon here so why wouldn't folk like bikies be apart of that culture.


I would like to meet an ordinary member of the public who has ever been assaulted or worse by bikies. It is true they have issues between their patched groups, which can be very violent and innocent folk could be accidently impacted.

As stated when the law is broken nail them. I think at times the police's time would be better used going after the real criminals than following bikies on one of their intra state runs. More for public image than anything else on the police part of course.


Just goes to show that you think of bikies as simply "rebel rousers" who fight amongst themselves and may apologetically harm innocent bystanders..................the fact of the matter is that theyare part of the real criminal scene and organised crime.................to not recognise that merely shows your ignorance of the whole matter


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No......................I'm not blinkered by dogmatism and I'm also not as "protectionist" as to think that the gov't/police would be so stupid as to enforce something that would hit the "non-guilty parties". It's a law t6o minimise the growth of "organisation"...............leave it too late and that organisation will grow to be too big to handle. Like I say, I've seen it from both sided and "bikie" groups are attracting elements who can't even ride bikes.............to be unable, or refuse to see what the law is trying to address, is to (my mind) to never have experienced the consequences of not addressing it.


We've seen it all before .................Terry O'gorman gobbing off about erosion of civil liberies whilst living in a safe environment and defending those who endanger safety................Lawmakers gobbing off about stiffening sentences whilst magistrates don't draw down on those sentences. What tickles me, is that the majority of those I've seen fighting for civil liberties (and bear in mind I was a full-time TU officer and labour party member whilst also holding a green card) are those who ive in a (sheltered) environment where the impact of those they defend, never impacts on their defenders.


If you were what you say you were, I would have laboured under the apparent false assumption, that civil liberties, especially in these times, would have warranted a more robust defence of the subject, than the comment with regards to O;gorman gobbing of civil rights.

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Just goes to show that you think of bikies as simply "rebel rousers" who fight amongst themselves and may apologetically harm innocent bystanders..................the fact of the matter is that theyare part of the real criminal scene and organised crime.................to not recognise that merely shows your ignorance of the whole matter



A communique from the Central Office Of Crime Intelligence advised on this I expect. The real criminal scene apart from the unreal one. If being criminals why aren't each and every one tarred and feathered then?

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If you were what you say you were,


No I wasn't...................I'm just making it up..................I was just a lowly milkman/bus driver/coal man etc etc..................of course, the alternative could be that I woke up to the realities of life, and that the subjection of the majority to the resultant consequences of the indiscretions of the minority was/were not, something that (as I got older and wiser) something that I wanted to perpetuate...................


O' gorman is nothing more than a self perpetuating income/status raiser, (choosing to be), oblivious to the harm that that some of those whom he defends can cause. He would defend a terrorist bomber guilty of 300 deaths if he thought it would advance his "status" and that's what most of these w@nkers seek...........not financial recognition (which comes as a bonus) after hard up students and the like have been indoctrinated to income raise, but recognition from their lefty peers. The fact that his cause is just in some of his campaigns is irrelevant......................Arthur Scargill thought his cause was just and just like Scargill.........O'gorman is a "gob" who refuses to see that his fight against "the establishment" will damage others..............nothing more, nothing less.................. a "Gob" as we would once have called him in the TUC..............fighting from a trotskyist platform whilst likely, once arriving in "power" would see those whom he fought for (for his own advancement), as a threat and top 'em all.

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So your "real world" is to ban what scares you in totality. Thanks goodness some of us whom have experienced the real world, can see the abhorrence of such statements. What's up with tattoo parlours? A legit form of business which can be as cut throat as can massage parlours, fitness centres and goodness knows what else. Even ice cream sellers and their companies were at it a few decades back on the streets of London.



I seem to recall Old Bill involvement in organised crime not to long back in OZ. Don't recall too many saying they should be banned for corruption. I do recall an English policeman being recruited from Notts to take over the NSW police service in a bid to weed out an entrenched culture, without necessary having the public's sensibilities as a centre of their concern( one way of putting it)


You see every organisation has their bad eggs. Bikies/ Bikers follow a code as well which is strictly enforced. Away from that authority they can behave as bad as any other group and indeed some times worse.


Just we don't live in a dictatorship as of yet, although I am convinced many would prefer being told what to do and how to think told rather than formulating their own decision which would appear all too hard ......


Even I know that many many tattoo parlours are owned/targeted by outlaw bike gangs!

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