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Man nearly loses his leg after spider bite!!!


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A decorator almost lost his leg and will have to learn to walk again after he suffered a horrific bite from Britain's most poisonous spider.


Ricki Whitmore, 39, was injured when he disturbed a nest of flesh-eating false widows while working at a school and will be off his feet for six months.


Surgeons were forced to slice open his leg and flush out the venom after his thigh swelled to twice its normal size.


Experts said today that 10million of the spiders - a cousin of the deadly black widow - could be swarming around Britain and heading into homes to escape the cold.


Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2453833/Decorator-nearly-loses-leg-bite-UKs-poisonous-spider.html#ixzz2hWdyhGbd

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Oh Dear the fear mongers are at it again.


Saw an article or 2 on these little fellas the past few weeks. They are a little bit poisonous but nothing to worry about unless you have an allergic reaction. Might as well post up pics telling you to seal your doors and windows when the honey bee's are out. Far far far more people killed by those cute little guys every year than any other animal in the world!!

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darn newjez i better not go there....i have a phobia of spiders :frown: I'm not sure what'll happen if i came across the big aussie spiders lol i'd probably just run out of the room and close the door! Told paul we need to get a spider catcher so i don't have to try to kill it or pick it up...

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