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Am I mad to want to return to the UK?


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Look for all the bad things and you will find them, look for all the good things you will find them too.

Heathrow is only a staging post for the vast majority of people, Heathrow is not London! you can head directly away from Heathrow by road in three directions and not really touch London. Why would you fly to Manchester if you live in say Reading? maybe that's why people go to Heathrow.


I am not talking about Heathrow. I am talking about London.

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like I said, I arrived Heathrow and decided to get the Heathrow Express and travel across on the tube. Journey across London was nightmare, engineering works, delays, staff that couldn't care less, litter, food and detritus, graffiti, ridiculous prices, crowds and threat of care in community lunatics etc. essential workers struggling to buy homes. After a couple of hours I was wishing I was back here. Seriously its a third world dump. If you have friends or family there then you have to go back, but if you have escaped why go back to live ?

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Yes the planes are a bit noisy! oh you mean London! where 20odd million live, some still think the streets are paved with gold!
I visited Mumbai years ago, the general level of poverty and dilapidation was striking, but the city was developing quickly and for the better. There are some very beautiful buildings in churchgate, lovely peaceful parks and beaches, good public services, historical buildings and entertainment centres such as Bollywood, and friendly locals, world class universities too. Given the choice of holiday in London or Mumbai, then I would take Mumbai. One day the streets may be paved with gold but it will never happen in London.
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like I said, I arrived Heathrow and decided to get the Heathrow Express and travel across on the tube. Journey across London was nightmare, engineering works, delays, staff that couldn't care less, litter, food and detritus, graffiti, ridiculous prices, crowds and threat of care in community lunatics etc. essential workers struggling to buy homes. After a couple of hours I was wishing I was back here. Seriously its a third world dump. If you have friends or family there then you have to go back, but if you have escaped why go back to live ?


Ha...what you wrote is how I feel about Sydney...dint get me wrong, I love it, but to live its not my idea of fun.

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I visited Mumbai years ago, the general level of poverty and dilapidation was striking, but the city was developing quickly and for the better. There are some very beautiful buildings in churchgate, lovely peaceful parks and beaches, good public services, historical buildings and entertainment centres such as Bollywood, and friendly locals, world class universities too. Given the choice of holiday in London or Mumbai, then I would take Mumbai. One day the streets may be paved with gold but it will never happen in London.





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I visited Mumbai years ago, the general level of poverty and dilapidation was striking, but the city was developing quickly and for the better. There are some very beautiful buildings in churchgate, lovely peaceful parks and beaches, good public services, historical buildings and entertainment centres such as Bollywood, and friendly locals, world class universities too. Given the choice of holiday in London or Mumbai, then I would take Mumbai. One day the streets may be paved with gold but it will never happen in London.



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So that's my two penworth to the question "Am I mad to want to return to the UK ?" No, not if to see family or friends, look up the beautiful parts of the country and enjoy the really spectacular sights the UK has to offer. If you are looking for a special holiday destination that's going to stimulate your senses there are plenty of other places in the world to explore.

Its no use navel gazing this site for answers, all you will get is jpeg's, nostalgia and clichés. People mean well but we all do things for our own reasons. So one more time (because I really am certain about this) London really is degenerating into a medieval toilet and if you end up stuck there, you will wish you had stayed clear.

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So that's my two penworth to the question "Am I mad to want to return to the UK ?" No, not if to see family or friends, look up the beautiful parts of the country and enjoy the really spectacular sights the UK has to offer. If you are looking for a special holiday destination that's going to stimulate your senses there are plenty of other places in the world to explore.

Its no use navel gazing this site for answers, all you will get is jpeg's, nostalgia and clichés. People mean well but we all do things for our own reasons. So one more time (because I really am certain about this) London really is degenerating into a medieval toilet and if you end up stuck there, you will wish you had stayed clear.


Are you really really sure?

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks for the replies!


I've been in Oz now for about 15 years. When I first came I naturally didn't like it as I had left my mates, family etc behind. However I adapted quickly to Aussie life being in my early teens. Learnt to drive, made friends etc. I even remember telling my parents at the time that I was a true Aussie now! My parents, however, had a hard time adapting - their qualifications were not recognised in Oz for starters. And they found people very different. They had been on reconnaissance trips beforehand so I'm not sure how this all happened. I know that they wanted to escape the downturn/recession of the 90's in the UK. But they carried on in true Brit fashion and it has only been recently that they have admitted that perhaps they made a mistake coming to Oz. Now that I have worked here as a health professional I can understand exactly how they feel.


Life is not bad in Oz by any means. I've certainly made the most of it. However I just feel that somehow, even after so many years, I don't belong. It's a very strange feeling.


I'm looking at southern England to live. Not London though which is where I'm from. I haven't been back since I left but I intend to make a trip back to see if England is right for us in late spring/early summer.




We are returning to the UK, have just bought a house in Bournemouth, our old hometown. I can remember the weather forecasts in the UK though, at the start of Winter the snow-line would start in Scotland and gradually move South. By Xmas Yorkshire, New Year London. By late January the snow-line would fluctuate up and down the country, and would sometimes get as far as Winchester, very rarely coming to Bournemouth/Poole areas, maybe once every 10 years or so.


We returned from there in July, the day we left for Heathrow it was 36deg in Shaftesbury!


The countryside in Dorset is spectacular, from the Jurassic coast Durdle Door and Lulworth cove to the New Forest in Hampshire, and the sea temperature allows swimming all the year round for the foolhardy and brave. (As a 19 yr old I can remember waking up under Bournemouth Pier on Christmas morning after a lively session in the pavilion Xmas Eve with a banging headache and joining the Spartan Swimming Club in the sea after stripping off my 3-peice suit and jumping in still intoxicated from the previous night, sobering up very quickly in the water! Coming out to a howling gale and sleet all over my suit with no towel was fun times for me!)

Try getting a taxi Xmas morning at B'mth Pier as a dripping wet 19 yr old!

Work wise- you are a health professional, there are many Nursing homes in the area, and some fine Hospitals, you should have no trouble getting employment.

Culturally, being only 100 miles from London up the M3, and as a holiday resort there are countless nightclubs and theatres, the shopping is better in Poole, the Dolphin Centre is fully enclosed for inclement times. There are many others, from Chrischurch to Castlepoint a big shopping complex on the outskirts of Bournemouth near to the new Bournemouth Hospital.


House prices are 25% more than the average in the UK reflecting the better environs, but places under 200,000 GBP can be had.


There has been little immigration there due to lack of industrialization in the area so Dorset accents abound, but in May the grey rinse brigade descend followed by all the other grockles (local slang for holidaymakers) in the high Summer. There are also lots of English language schools for foreign students, so there is a very cosmopolitan feel to the place.


Salisbury is the furthest North I would live in the UK, it's all too cold up further North for these old bones!


The very best of luck to you young man, Tony.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just saw this post. Thanks for the advice Tony. Still debating what to do. Had a look at few houses online in Dorset. You are right - they ain't cheap that's for sure but as you say you get what you pay for in terms of area. Seems like a lovely place.


Just recently had someone I thought I could trust stab me in the back out of what I can only assume is pure jealousy. Seems to be rife in Australia - no kidding. People here esp. in regional Aus. just don't like seeing others succeed especially poms! I just don't understand this mentality. I've been all over the globe and seen a lot of things and spoken to a lot of people. This sort of thing (pretending to be your friend, getting tall-poppy syndrome, rumour spreading, backstabbing) happens elsewhere but it's just so prevalent here it's unreal. Ah well on to the next thing....

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Just saw this post. Thanks for the advice Tony. Still debating what to do. Had a look at few houses online in Dorset. You are right - they ain't cheap that's for sure but as you say you get what you pay for in terms of area. Seems like a lovely place.


Just recently had someone I thought I could trust stab me in the back out of what I can only assume is pure jealousy. Seems to be rife in Australia - no kidding. People here esp. in regional Aus. just don't like seeing others succeed especially poms! I just don't understand this mentality. I've been all over the globe and seen a lot of things and spoken to a lot of people. This sort of thing (pretending to be your friend, getting tall-poppy syndrome, rumour spreading, backstabbing) happens elsewhere but it's just so prevalent here it's unreal. Ah well on to the next thing....




They dislike the poms (that annoys me too-they're the poms not us-the derivation is from the letters stamped on the back of the original convicts shirts POHMR which stood for "Prisoner On His Majestey's Remand" -they're the dregs and criminals; at least their ancestors were most of them truly bad people, cutthroats and theives, rapists and murderers, the loaf of bread thing is a load of rubbish) probably more than any other because we are basically better educated, better mannered and nicer people than they.


Having said that people are pople no matter where they come from or what their skin colour may be, good, bad and indifferent.

You may just have been unlucky with your choice of pals.

The white city West Australians do seem to have a terrific chip on their shoulders, the country aboriginals I've found to be lovely people.

The West Aussies who have travelled overseas to other first world countries -I don't mean a trip to Bali- are also much nicer than the rest of them as they know this place isn't "the best place on earth", the Aussies keep telling themselves that maybe in the hope others may believe them.



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They dislike the poms (that annoys me too-they're the poms not us-the derivation is from the letters stamped on the back of the original convicts shirts POHMR which stood for "Prisoner On His Majestey's Remand" -they're the dregs and criminals; at least their ancestors were most of them truly bad people, cutthroats and theives, rapists and murderers, the loaf of bread thing is a load of rubbish) probably more than any other because we are basically better educated, better mannered and nicer people than they.


Having said that people are pople no matter where they come from or what their skin colour may be, good, bad and indifferent.

You may just have been unlucky with your choice of pals.

The white city West Australians do seem to have a terrific chip on their shoulders, the country aboriginals I've found to be lovely people.

The West Aussies who have travelled overseas to other first world countries -I don't mean a trip to Bali- are also much nicer than the rest of them as they know this place isn't "the best place on earth", the Aussies keep telling themselves that maybe in the hope others may believe them.




I have only ever lived in England but cringe at these generalisations and inaccuracies. Notwithstanding the fact that the vast majority of Australian citizens are not descended from the convicts it is a fact that murderers, cut-throats and the like we're hanged, not deported. A substantial number were petty criminals, often victims of poverty. The criminal justice system was dodgy and many poor people were wrongly convicted and deported in any case.


With that attitude towards Australians making friends there must be nigh on impossible. When people on these threads say Australians are unfriendly their own prejudices give an indication why that might be.

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Always have doubts when people play the race card. " They don't like me just because I am a Pom!" It does avoid the need for any introspection because it is them, not me.


I will find out for myself I guess but when visiting Australia people I came into contact with were friendly, and at least as friendly as I typically find in the UK.

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I have only ever lived in England but cringe at these generalisations and inaccuracies. Notwithstanding the fact that the vast majority of Australian citizens are not descended from the convicts it is a fact that murderers, cut-throats and the like we're hanged, not deported. A substantial number were petty criminals, often victims of poverty. The criminal justice system was dodgy and many poor people were wrongly convicted and deported in any case.


With that attitude towards Australians making friends there must be nigh on impossible. When people on these threads say Australians are unfriendly their own prejudices give an indication why that might be.



Yes its all so unjust and life is so unfair. Please go back to Dorset as fast as you can. After 3 weeks of boring the local population about your experiences in Oz, try Saudi or Rockall and let us know how life is there.

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'I have only ever lived in England'




Says it all Gbye Grey Sky


I dont think you have to have lived in aus to recognise sweeping generalisations about aus when you see them do you?

"They're the dregs and criminals(or at least their ancestors were),cut throats,thieves,rapists blaaaahhhh,they dislike the poms..."#sweeping generalisations#


Ive never owned or lived with any white rhino's,but im allowed an opinion on them aren't i?,my opinion on white rhino's?they're nice, i think so anyway,in a kind of a cuddly "i'll kill yer stone dead in one minute flat kind of way",they aren't white either,but the British never did go out of their way to learn other languages did they? so wide became white,i wouldn't want to own one tho tbh

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Guest Guest 47403
I dont think you have to have lived in aus to recognise sweeping generalisations about aus when you see them do you?

"They're the dregs and criminals(or at least their ancestors were),cut throats,thieves,rapists blaaaahhhh,they dislike the poms..."#sweeping generalisations#


Ive never owned or lived with any white rhino's,but im allowed an opinion on them aren't i?,my opinion on white rhino's?they're nice, i think so anyway,in a kind of a cuddly "i'll kill yer stone dead in one minute flat kind of way",they aren't white either,but the British never did go out of their way to learn other languages did they? so wide became white,i wouldn't want to own one tho tbh


Careful pabs legoman has a few issues with those of us that have never lived in Oz posting in MBTTUK we are not worthy in his opinion, apparently I constantly post in this part of the forum (in reality it's about one thread per a month I post on! :wub:


By the way always look into the eyes of a white rhino gives there intentions away :wubclub:

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Careful pabs legoman has a few issues with those of us that have never lived in Oz posting in MBTTUK we are not worthy in his opinion, apparently I constantly post in this part of the forum (in reality it's about one thread per a month I post on! :wub:


By the way always look into the eyes of a white rhino gives there intentions away :wubclub:


I suppose if you live there mate your opinion on day to day living in aus is more valid than those that dont,but,stating the obvious here i know,but when people start asserting "THEY dont like the British/English" as if its fact,people are allowed to disagree aren't they?ive only ever spent a few weeks in aus tbh,and ive said this before,that "every" time we or i went out for a beer in aus we were invited to parties and stay behinds,i mean every time btw,so i can only go on what i seen,the aussies were sound

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Guest Guest 47403
I suppose if you live there mate your opinion on day to day living in aus is more valid than those that dont,but,stating the obvious here i know,but when people start asserting "THEY dont like the British/English" as if its fact,people are allowed to disagree aren't they?ive only ever spent a few weeks in aus tbh,and ive said this before,that "every" time we or i went out for a beer in aus we were invited to parties and stay behinds,i mean every time btw,so i can only go on what i seen,the aussies were sound


Yep if your living there day to day then yes I guess you do have a stronger feeling for things, but we are all allowed an opinion regardless.


I've only spent 10 days in Oz and that was in Darwin and it was fantastic we were welcomed by the wife's family who live there, there Australian neighbours who just walked in the house like family (not sure about that one!) we had a days swimming in a creek 2 hrs from Darwin with some aboriginal families that invited us out as the SIL is a social worker and I spent the whole time looking for crocs lol

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