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On your first day...


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What do you do on your first day in Australia?

Here is part of my list...


I have applied online for my tax file number.

I need to buy a mobile phone, any advice on that one???

We have started house hunting.

I have started job hunting.


Got to wait for the funds to be transferred till we can open a bank account.

Was thinking about the commonwealth bank? they seem to be everywhere.


Any thing else we should be doing?

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I wouldn't bother with license straight away unless you need proof of address. I find bankwest good because you can use nab, westpac, commonwealth and Anz ATM's for free and are owned by commonwealth.

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My first day:


Bank Account (Bankwest can open with your passport and $50)

Driving Licence (once Bankwest had given me a letter with proof of address on)


Telstra Sim Card for my iphone (you need ID for these things - hence DL and Medicare first)

Mobile Dongle for the internet

Tax File Number


Day two was spent applying to agencies for work and scouring gumtree for the cheapest working car I could find.

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We needed it for the bank :-)


Fair enough then! I was just saying as you can use British one for 3 months and it costs to get it (In QLD anyway) so may aswell save the money straight away.


I didn't need my license to join a bank, maybe depends on the bank.

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Oh and when I moved back to Australia to move in with my gf. We dropped bag at hotel went to the pub and then hit Jupiter's Casino. Party time at the Gold Coast

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