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Are you covered?

Guest Guest26012

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Guest Guest26012

Insurance wise, here in oz? We both have life insurance that will pay off the mortgage if one of us drops off the perch. We also have employment protection should either of us be off work for a lengthy period due to broken bones, etc etc. hubs also has a large sum in super that will be payable to me on death and visa versa. Are you covered or do you find it too expensive?

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Agree with wolvesaussie but might be kicking myself should I ever need it...especially hate those targeted mailings suggesting you get cover for 'women's issues'. Straight in the bin. Prefer not to dwell on that kind of thing. Doesn't super provide income protection? I know mine does but think its not a lot. Can't afford 2 policies and when I looked into it couldn't decide who to cover me it OH so didn't bother. Really ought to get life insurance I suppise so my family can be ' comfortable' if I pop my clogs.

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I'm somewhere in the middle, super death-in-service cover and long term sickness and death cover for the mortgages. I haven't bothered with 'trauma cover' or anything for the kids (don't ever want to even think about the loss of a child).

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be careful with relying on super if you are partially disabled and can no longer work in your employed field in the eyes of insurance you may not be eligible for a payout because you can still work just not in what you were doing before. Different for each provider though and worth checking!

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We haven't really thought about it until now because it was far too expensive for us to consider. I think that OH has some death cover through work, but that is it so far. We went to see a financial advisor the other day who advised that now we can afford it, we should definitely think about getting some insurance in place, because if anything happened to either of us, the one left would be in trouble, especially being so far away from our family.

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My OH gets a $1.6m payout if I should unfortunately decease, plus of course the assets of the marriage which I mainly brought in. It bugs me that I get nothing should they decease. If they should decease I would not be able to carry on at work, so I would like to think that I have something to tide me over at least. But there won't be ... I do keep asking if OH would consider getting some but get brushed off.

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Not yet in Oz, but will keep invalidity insurance (or whatever you call the one that pays in case I can't work anymore..) and liability insurance (coverage in case I accidently burn down your house or so...) when I get there.

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You should think very carefully about insurance. I was widowed at age 42 and our insurance only covered the outstanding mortgage. That's ok but you still have to pay bills and put food on the table, life was pretty tricky for a time afterwards.


Nobody thinks it will happen to them, I didn't think so either.

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