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Nursing registration


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Hi Guys,


I applied for AHPRA registration in January and got an eligibility letter in 8 weeks with a condition to register if I have an Australian address and a letter from a prospective employer. My eligibility will expire in March 2014. I was hoping to travel in 457 visa, however it has proved fruitless applying for employer's sponsorship as apparently there are not any jobs for people asking for sponsorships.


I have now applied for ANMAC full skills assessment and currently awaiting their response. It has been 12 weeks and I have heard anything so far. If I get my letter of determination by the end of september, by the time I apply AND get a subclass 190 visa my letter of eligibilty would have expired by then. I have e-mailed AHPRA to check what my options are, they have not replied yet.


I am confused as to where to get this letter from a prospective employer to satisfy the condition for registration even if I manage to get them an address fro Australia. Also if the eligibilty expires, would I need to apply for a full assessment again as my application will not be classed as 'fully registered' in which case only modified assessment is required!!! AHPRA is only making money, nothing else!


Any advice?

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There is alot of public and private healthcare facilities still sponsoring...I turned up at ahpra and was registered that day, was very straight forward...I only had temp accommodation too but opened a bank account using the temp adress and got the bank to print me out a letter in branch with this adress on it and that was accepted..I just changed adress at bank when I found somewhere to live long term...good luck

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Hi Lorna,


Did you get a sponsorship? I am trying since April to get one myself but no luck yet. I have 11 years experience in surgical nursing and even though the agencies tell me that I am a strong candidate I have not had much of an interaction with any hospitals. I am still trying but at the same time will apply for subclass 190 visa just in case I do not get 457 sponsors.


I seriously hope to go on 457 as I can not think of going through AHPRA process.....

Where are you based now?


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i don't know why they are asking for a letter from your prospective employer, but usually they only ask for an Australian address and proof of identity. And you have to do this personally in Australia.


If you already applied for ANMAC skills assessment, it will still be valid up to its validity (2 years) even after your AHPRA eligibility expires. Where are you from? A lot will depend on where you come from.

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Hi nomadgreen,


Thanks for your response on the thread. I am from UK, currently working as a Practice Educator in surgical area, I don't know if my current job title has something to do with finding a job???

My dilemma was even if I get a 190 visa, I will not leave UK untill I secure a job in Australia and to be able to get a job I will need atleast a letter of eligibility which I suspect will have expired by the time I get any visa. I wish it was simple enough to renew my eligibility without having to go for the full assessment as required for overseas applicants who are not registered with AHPRA yet.


I hope that it makes sense.:confused:



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Hi nomadgreen,


Thanks for your response on the thread. I am from UK, currently working as a Practice Educator in surgical area, I don't know if my current job title has something to do with finding a job???

My dilemma was even if I get a 190 visa, I will not leave UK untill I secure a job in Australia and to be able to get a job I will need atleast a letter of eligibility which I suspect will have expired by the time I get any visa. I wish it was simple enough to renew my eligibility without having to go for the full assessment as required for overseas applicants who are not registered with AHPRA yet.


I hope that it makes sense.:confused:




it's still feasible, though. As you are on your 12th week of waiting for your ANMAC skills assessment, it should arrive soon.


Have you tried submitting your job applications through different State's departments of health? I'm pretty sure surgical nurses are in high demand.

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(am I going nuts or are my previous posts really missing?)


I understand your frustrations. Have you tried applying to agencies as well? Although its still preferable to have direct employment, agencies are not too bad if the contract is right.


Thanks, it's really remarkable. But my timeline is the norm. We see applicants before getting approved in less time than mine's. The only thing that will hold up applications is when they get referred because of ill health history, or if they are subjected to added security checks. I'm still absorbing the fact that I already have a PR after my "failed" attempts to other countries.

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Hi Nomadgreen,


I noticed that your previous posts are missing from the thread, so is mine...

Where did you apply for your visa? Are you travelling with a family and where?

Whats your nursing speciality?




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I moved your earlier posts to a new thread earlier. It is much better to start a new thread than post on the end of a two year old thread, because then later posters will respond to you not the earlier posts which are no longer relevant. I also moved over here to jobs as it appears that your comments were more to do with registration than visa questions as such. Your "subscribed" list should have picked up the move.

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Hi nomadgreen,


It must have made your PR application much easier with you applying onshore.You were lucky to find a job in aged care despite having experience in Emergency and Acute care nursing.I contacted my case officer from AHPRA to shed some light on the need to apply for a full assessment after the eligibility expires and the answer is 'Yes'. It is annoying because they ask for your registration verification again, along side all the documents I have already sent to ANMAC.


Do you know if AHPRA accepts a letter from ANMAC without having to duplicate everything to send to AHPRA? Just the thought of asking my previous employers to do me a reference is stomach churning and time consuming!!:frown:



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just want to say that you definitely DON`T need an offer of employment to register with AHPRA. We had this dilemma very recently and went to Australia for the purpose of finalizing both registrations before they expire ( mine and husband`s). You need: 1)Eligibility letter, 2) passport with a date of entry, 3) proof of address in Australia ( we used friend`s address and did the same as Lorna above, opened an Australian bank account and had a statement printed out with the address 4) not strictly necessary but a 2nd form of ID is good, like a driver`s license (foreign). We called AHPRA customer service to confirm and got them to email us with the response so we had that in case someone tries to stir trouble but it was fine. Good luck with your registration.

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Hi Maruska,


Thanks for your reply, it has made me take a double take on the matter.


Can I ask about the type of visa you used to travel? I am thinking if it is worth going to Australia on a holiday visa and use a friend's address.Were you required to show them your Australian address in some kind of utility bill?



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Hi Maruska,


Thanks for your reply, it has made me take a double take on the matter.


Can I ask about the type of visa you used to travel? I am thinking if it is worth going to Australia on a holiday visa and use a friend's address.Were you required to show them your Australian address in some kind of utility bill?




We had the tourist visa - ETA, you can get it instantly online ( from the US but UK might be the same ). The only proof of address we had was the bank account statement . We called AHPRA and were advised by them to open an account and use a temporary address . It was an expensive trip but we decided it was worth it for us - we had 2 registrations to finalize and we were lucky that we both got our eligibility letters in a month - we thought that possibly it wouldn`t be this easy second time round. As for the bank account, you can open one online while still in UK and than just show up with your passport, saves you some time.

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