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Everything posted by Smitty

  1. Hi Ateka, Here is my experience- I applied for 457 visa a week before 189 visa. I did not get a CO straight away for any of the visas. There was no change in my 457 status not even a link to arrange medicals. On 189 however I could arrange arrange medicals. I opted for the highest level of medicals as I knew would be needed for 457 when I get a CO. I uploaded 1022 form (change of circumstances) on 457 visa with HAP number used for 189 visa mentioning very clearly. My CO did not ask for anything else. My suggestion to you would be to use form 1022 and mention the 2 HAP ID's in it.I hope it helps. x Smitty
  2. Hi Ateka, I used the same HAP for both 457 and 189 visas and was not asked for any more health examinations.May be its relevant to say that I went the highest level of health examination that included chest x-ray , physical examination, pee tests and extensive blood tests. I filled in 1022 form to support my application with HAP number. I got both the grants without any problem. Good luck to you!:wink: x Smitty
  3. Hi Shona, Good to hear from you. Things have moved drastically for me in the last few weeks. I got my 457 visa on the 30/10 but I was really after the PR visa and was granted it only yesterday in just 2 months and 1 day. God has been very kind for helping me get a grant for 2 visas a month apart! I am flying to Sydney with my family on the 13th of Jan. Good luck to you.:wink: X Smitty
  4. Hi Eolumo, God is kind and I believe your prayers will be answered very soon. Keep up the faith! Keep us posted. Smitty
  5. Thanks everyone for your warm wishes. We are flying to Sydney on 13th of January after Christmas holidays. Booked removal services in 2 weeks.I am sure you will hear the good news soon! I will follow this thread very closely for everyone's grant news. All the very best guys!
  6. Hey guys! :jiggy:We got our grant at 6:33am!!!!:jiggy: Good luck to everyone anxiously waiting for their visas! Hope to hear your good news soon too- Joeybee, Bryzee86, TeacherBen, Nastasia, frrborg01, manila02, batman21, eolumo, nomicon and all the others I have forgotten to mention. Feeling the buzz now.....:yes: Thanks to everyone on the forum for their valuable input, the world is beautiful with people such as you all.:cute:
  7. Hi everyone, We got our visa today at 6:33am!:jiggy::jiggy: Feeling elated. Good luck to all the others waiting for their good news.
  8. Your case officer only contacts you if they need any more information from you. Some people on this forum suggest that when the attached document status changes from recommended to received...however I remain unsure. Other forum friends please shed some light on this.:unsure:
  9. Hi Bouncy, I am unsure about what the others did but I got mine certified for extra assurance. I did not want ANMAC to find any reason to delay my application.You could ring them to ask what is accepted. Good luck!
  10. Finally! and that too 40 pages long! Good luck with that, at least that's one thing off the list for you. LOL...I am sure you guys are itchy feet now! I am travelling on 457 visa in January but really want to get the grant before we travel, it would be better for the whole family! Keep us posted, keeping my fingers crossed for you guys!:wink:
  11. I wonder what the hold up is? I applied for mine on 19/9 and got my visa on 30/10. Have you guys tried calling DIAC to check why its taking so long, bearing in mind that their website stipulates 3 months as the processing time guideline. Good luck!
  12. Hi Nastasia, I did not upload any of my tax documents as I did not have all of them and thought to just leave it at the discretion of the CO's for when I am allocated one. My CO has not asked for them, although she asked for other documents. May be it depends on your particular case Officer's preference. Do you know the details of your CO?
  13. Hi Joeybee, Good luck with your application! I did not upload any of mine as a few of my P60 are lost and I did not know where to begin to get hold of those. Surprisingly, my CO has not asked for them...and fingers crossed should not ask for them now!! Hope that you receive your tax documents soon.:wink:
  14. :mad::mad::mad: Can you believe it, my CO is asking for same documents I uploaded at the time of application submission. Last 10 days were spent just waiting for their response after uploading already attached documents upon the request of my CO, now this!!!! Another 7 working days wait after attaching this piece of document yet again! :chatterbox: I need some advice on nerve calming exercises.:cry: Any news with all you lovely people out there?
  15. You are so right!!! Its really unfair. :mad:
  16. Smitty


    Look at my timeline, mine took a day! It depends on when is the next round of invitations taking place.
  17. Smitty

    Class 189 visa

    Same here! You don't need to write a relationship letter, I don't think.
  18. My personal opinion is that typed letters look more professional! Hope it helps.
  19. Week 8+2 today. I have not been able to check the progress of application online for a good week now, not just due to system maintenance today. No news at all this week...:cry: May be tonight??? God please be it tonight!!!!! Good luck to all you guys.:wink:
  20. Hi Ateka, I got my 457visa on the 30th of Oct, used same HAP for 189 as well, waiting to hear frommy CO. But cos I did the highest level of medicals for 189 itmade no differenceon 457visa application asiwas not even askedfor itagain. Xx.
  21. Any news guys??? Nearly there.....:SLEEP: xx Smitty
  22. Hi Fimbo, I asked the same question to my registration officer as upon receiving mine as I was worried that I would not be able to fulfill the terms specified in my eligibility letter before it expires. This is the response I received- There are no variations of any form to the requirements already detailed in the eligibility letter. There is only one possible way your registration will be finalized being meeting the in person identification requirements and the criminal history checks (done by AHPRA) once you have presented in person. Also as detailed in previous correspondence, extensions will be not be approved. If you are unable to present in person before the expiry of your letter, your application will be closed and you will be required to submit a new application for registration and meet the registration standards at the time of your application. Unfortunately, the answer was 'yes' you would need to go through the registration process all over again as you are 'not technically registered yet' and therefore do do not qualify for registrations renewal. Hope this helps! Good luck Smitty
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