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Hi all


i am currently on a 417 working holiday visa, and with the whole 6 month employer restriction thing, i have been told that i have 2 months to sort out a new visa to continue to work or i will laid off. Ideally i want to apply for a skilled migrate visa but i have been told it takes up to at least 6 months to get.

My question basically is if i apply for it will i be put on a bridging visa which will allow me to work past the 6 month limitation until i obtain the skill migrate visa? or does anyone know of any other solutions?



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My understanding is that your Bridging Visa would not kick in until your WHV expired, so assuming you're on the first half of your visa (from what you said) a bridging visa probably wouldn't help any as I don't think it would affect the work restrictions while your WHV is still active.

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I could be wrong, and others feel free to jump in if I am, but I was under the impression that a bridging visa would come with the same working conditions as the previous visa you were on before you went bridging. This would mean the six month employer things still stands, whether or not you are in the process of applying for skilled migration.


The other time line thing to consider with skilled migration is that you have to wait to be invited prior to being able to lodge an application....

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It might help answer you question if you could outline your job and qualifications etc.


are you a recent graduate for example?


Skilled migration visa will surely take longer than 6 months but others may confirm this or not


Skilled migration can be much quicker than 6 months, but will take more than two months from scratch I am sure.


A bridging visa would give someone another six months with the employer, however the bridging visa will not kick in until the end of the WHV as others have mentioned.

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thanks for the help guys... so is there any other way to get round the 6 month restriction, as i have been told if i apply for my second year visa it grants me another 6 months with the same employer??


I think you would need to be on the second visa, not have just applied for it. And I thought it would start after the first WHV, so would be no more help than a bridging visa kicking in after the WHV expires. You also would need to have done three months of regional work of course, have you?

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As has been said, you can only work for them for six months within that first year, even if you apply for a second year, or a skilled visa, there is no way around that EXCEPT them applying for a 457 employer sponsored visa. This can be quite quick, but many employers do not tick all the boxes to be able to sponsor.


Before thinking about all that though, have you checked if your job is on the sol or csol? If it isn't then you are stuffed anyway. If it is then you need to see if you have the qualifications and enough years of experience to pass the skills assessment. This can take some people longer than the actual visa.

The percentage of people on working holiday visas what could actually apply for another visa is pretty low I'm afraid. So best check that first.

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Yes the job I'm in qualifies me for a 2nd year visa.. anyway thanks alot guys, been a massive help and its much appreciated!:biggrin:


The important thing is if your job means you can get a skilled visa. The criteria for the whv is VERY different. Have you looked at the sol and csol??

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