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Is it easier to get your driver's licence in the UK or Australia?


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I am not an expert but I hear people say it's much easier in the UK due to the time you have to be "learning" here before you get your licence. People seem to go out with their parents here rather than have formal lessons.

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I've always thought in Australia ( I got mine here many moons ago in 1970s) Now I'm not sure. Do you have 'P' plates in the UK? Do lessons cost a lot there? Do you have to keep a log of hours spent like you do here?

I asked this not too long ago and everyone said try to get my license in the UK before i go to aus, because a UK license is the same as a full aussie license...

Paul's teaching me how to drive for now but when we both think i'm almost ready to pass i'll go with an instructor for the last month or so to make sure.

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Definitely must be easier in Oz.


Nobody has taught them that driving too close to car in front is not good. Never seen so many pointless crashes.


I'm in Brisbane

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I actually think learner drivers have it tough here, compared to what we had to do in the UK 10 years ago (not sure of its changed now). They don't go from L plates to an open full licence ,there is 4 separate stages and the first requires something like 100 hours behind the wheel before you can sit the first test. Even on the next stages there are heavy restrictions applied.


This link explains the process (for QLD) http://www.tmr.qld.gov.au/Licensing/Getting-a-licence/Getting-a-car-driver-licence.aspx


Cal x

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I got my licence here, didn't have to do the 100 hours as I was over 25 which was a relief also didn't have to take a written test or a hazard perception as they just transferred my UK learners to an Australian one (usually you have to take the written test to get your learners over here, well in Qld anyway). I still have to drive round with green "P's" but only for one year so no big drama. Definitely think it was easy to get a licence here, only took me 3 months and 4 professional lessons before I took my test.

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It seems a bit more involved here, given the choice I would take in UK.


Despite that, I think the driving standards are lower here and that probably comes down to the lack of structure lessons (learning from mum and dad typically).

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Got to be easier over here. The test consists of turning ACDC up to full volume whilst reversing, flicking a ciggy out of the window and threatening anyone who overtakes you. All feedback can be ignored as the instructor cannot be heard due to the volume of your exhaust being akin to the volume of the Space Shuttle re-entering Earth's atmosphere. Piece of pish.

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