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Maths teacher job prospects???


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Hi I'm a secondary school maths teacher with 6 years experience and hold a PGCE.


i know I have the qualifications to teach in Australia but not sure on the actual demand,is there anyone on here been in the same boat?


We are right at the start of the application process but are trying to find out what sort of job prospects I would have before taking the plunge!!

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good luck with it im going soon with my science teacher girlfriend. apparently getting a full time teaching job is very difficult but as a mathematics teacher u have the best chance as it is supposed to be the shortage area. people here negative about teaching job prospects from what I have seen. .

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Hi I'm a secondary school maths teacher with 6 years experience and hold a PGCE.


i know I have the qualifications to teach in Australia but not sure on the actual demand,is there anyone on here been in the same boat?


We are right at the start of the application process but are trying to find out what sort of job prospects I would have before taking the plunge!!


Secondary maths teachers are always in demand here, in both the government and private sector.

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I am going over in November and have just got a full time Science teaching job in a private school near Melbourne. I found Science and Maths are in demand and had no problem finding something. I saw lots advertised and was lucky enough to get the first one I applied for. You need to emphasise on your applications that you have been involved in developing your departmental curriculum/scheme of work as they are light years behind in Oz with this and want teachers who have experience of it. Just say you've done it even if you haven't!!!!


Also, people can be quite negative on here regarding teaching job prospects and it is true for many teaching jobs but I am VERY confident you will be fine with maths.

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my wife got a job as a leading teacher on her 2nd job application

it is a permanent contract as you may find the job adverts go on about cover teachers etc and temp contracts


we have moved to east gippsland as many jobs in Melbourne are highly competitive as she found out

if you are willing to live out of melbourne you should get lucky

its good at the mo, teachers have just had another pay rise and the work will not be performance based unlike the way the UK will be going soon


get your VIT number as if you dont have that no one will look at you


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Hi, I am a maths teacher who made the move over about 6 months ago. Have you got A Level experience - Further Maths in particular? If you have, you would be gold dust in many parts.


Do you know which state or whereabouts you would like to move? I can tell you about the NSW procedures.

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Maths and science are going to be more in demand than anything else but still pretty competitive for the places that people actually want to live in (central big city usually). Maths and Science graduates seem to be able to make more money doing other things though hence the demand (are you sure you want to be a teacher?).

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I looked at the schools' websites and used http://www.independentschools.com.au in order to find my job in a private school. You don't need your VIT number in order to apply for jobs - I still don't have mine!! What's important is that you have the qualifications (PGCE and degree) as then VIT registration is a formality and schools fully understand this. My mate went to Perth too and got a job when he was out there but it is possible to get one lined up before you go like I have.


My interview was down in London but they might interview over skype - many schools apparently are used to interviewing overseas and interstate candidates this way. It is slightly early to start looking for 2014 but I would start now. Most jobs are advertised July/August I think but if I were you I would research which schools you like now so that you can check their websites every few days or so in the coming months. I start November which is a slightly strange time but at least I only have to work a month and then it's the summer hols!!

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Thanks for all the replies!!


Feel alot more comfortable knowing that my profession is in demand. Regarding the maths curriculum, at present i teach the scottish curriculum and therefore do not have experience in teaching A Level maths, quickly scanning the course its very similar to Higher and Advanced Higher in Scotland, would this pose a problem?


I;m a bit confused regarding the IELTS do i have to sit this? i have read a few conflicting things on the Internet

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It shouldn't pose a problem - just state that what you have taught is the equivalent A level but a maths teacher (I'm Science) may be able to offer more help. I would definitely stress the similarity of what you have taught to the Aus curriculum too.


I did my IELTS and got level 8.5 overall. For a morning's work it's an easy way to get a lot of extra points for you visa application. My advise, therefore, would be to do it.

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Hi all, does any one know about English teaching jobs for secondary school. A level, one to one ect ? We move to perth in dec and my wife's a teacher and would need to have a job soon after arriving in perth. Many thanks


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The situation in Perth is one of intense competition, many want to work there and there are very very few teaching jobs available.


As you are moving very late in the year and wish to start working very soon, then your wife will need to start applying for jobs from August onwards when schools advertise ( both private and government) for the new school year in 2014.


She should also apply online to the Department of Education's fixed term teacher pool - go to WA Jobs board. They will require proof of registration with the WA Teaching Board ( before being admitted to the pool) and they will also ask for all academic transcripts and copes of visas etc.


One third of all government schools are now independent, which means that they can merit select their own staff. They advertise their pools on the jobswa board. Acceptance into one of the individual school pools does not guarantee a position. It merely means that you have a chance of being picked out of it, as and when the school needs to fill a spot. The independent government schools hold their interviews with selected applicants around September/October time.


The rest of the government schools are still serviced by the general fixed term pool. The recruitment staff at the Dep of Ed choose a few selected resumes and send these off to those schools when a Principal informs them of a vacancy - it is really like a lottery as to how many schools your resume is actually sent to...


There will be very few schools ( if any) in Perth that will have any positions unfilled in December for the new school year which starts in Late January/early February. The only likely schools with some positions will be in country or remote areas that are difficult to staff.


There are literally hundreds of graduate teachers and experienced teachers that do not have positions. The most obvious option is to relief teach. This can be done by contacting individual schools and handing a resume in.


English is not a high demand subject, as there are many available teachers, unlike maths.


Another option is to go to Seek.com and search for jobs in private schools. Again, they will not consider you unless you are able to be registered with the teaching board (TRBWA).


If your wife has not already started that process, she should do it right now as the TRBWA requires numerous documents and academic transcripts before they will register you.


Good luck.

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Thanks for all the replies!!


Feel alot more comfortable knowing that my profession is in demand. Regarding the maths curriculum, at present i teach the scottish curriculum and therefore do not have experience in teaching A Level maths, quickly scanning the course its very similar to Higher and Advanced Higher in Scotland, would this pose a problem?


I;m a bit confused regarding the IELTS do i have to sit this? i have read a few conflicting things on the Internet


Few in Australia know much about either A Levels or highers, so it shouldn't make any difference. Due to the shortage of Maths teachers, and the surplus of teachers of other subjects there are training programs to convert teachers from say Sport to Maths, but they normally only teach the younger students or lower sets. If you can prove you can teach and have experience of teaching calculus then you should be able to teach HSC Maths in NSW and so be in slightly higher demand. The real shortage is in those who are experienced in teaching Maths Extension 1 or in particular Maths Extension 2. Have you ever taught topics such as complex numbers, conics (eg hyperbolas and ellipses), reduction formulae and proof by induction? If so you may be able to offer Extension 2 if in NSW. If you have a look at the NSW Board of Studies website you can see the syllabus and past exam papers.


I didn't need to IELTS to be registered as a teacher - but you may need it to get your visa or the points for a visa. I came courtesy of my wife's employer sponsored visa, so didn't need to do IELTS.

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Thanks for all the replies!!


Feel alot more comfortable knowing that my profession is in demand. Regarding the maths curriculum, at present i teach the scottish curriculum and therefore do not have experience in teaching A Level maths, quickly scanning the course its very similar to Higher and Advanced Higher in Scotland, would this pose a problem?


I;m a bit confused regarding the IELTS do i have to sit this? i have read a few conflicting things on the Internet


Have you looked at http://www.independentschools.com.au/search-results-jobs/?action=search&listing_type%5Bequal%5D=Job&keywords%5Ball_words%5D=&JobCategory%5Bmulti_like%5D%5B%5D=&City%5Blike%5D=&State%5Bmulti_like%5D%5B%5D=


Lots of maths jobs coming available now

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