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Official- Brits Happier than Aussies


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Just read this post http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/chewing-fat/181815-sorry-but-someone-has-brtits-happier-than-aussies.html


But I feel safer discussing it in the safe confines of this group :wink:


Funny reading this article and opinions of aussie journalist Michael (i'm not bitter) Pascoe of the Sydney Morning Herald


"Britons had average satisfaction levels of 7.4 out of 10, compared with 6.0 in Australia. Britons also reported a score of 7.7 out of 10 for whether they led an overall worthwhile life, compared with 6.5 in Australia."



Gotta get to work now but can't wait to get home and read some of the comments to the story in some of the aussie media, they'll be spewing!!

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Guest chris955

Oh the defensive replies will be overflowing, Im just awaiting Ausborns latest reply. The interesting thing is that if the result was reversed Brits wouldnt really care but Aussies take it as a personal insult, it is this incredible insecurity that grates with me the most.

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A radio station in Adelaide that I listen to online,advertises help for the "Black Death"(depression)which does'nt surprise me at all.Of course we all know there are depressed people in the UK,but I often wonder if any potential immigrants listen to this advert and wonder "Why would Australians be depressed":laugh:

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Guest chris955

I dont doubt for a second lots of people here would think that, how could you be depressed with all that sunshine and the beaches ?


A radio station in Adelaide that I listen to online,advertises help for the "Black Death"(depression)which does'nt surprise me at all.Of course we all know there are depressed people in the UK,but I often wonder if any potential immigrants listen to this advert and wonder "Why would Australians be depressed":laugh:
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Guest chris955
apparently its because the poms had the jubilee and olympics the year their poll was carried out :ssign2:seriously???


Is that what an Aussie said ?

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Not sure if the Aussies/Waussies on here are a fair representation of their kind, but FFS, the reaction on this thread is incredible!




It was a joke, modelled on this thread:




"who cares about the crap weather in the uk? who cares that Oz is better than the uk , who cares that we cant find a decent sausage in Oz,who cares that Oz is a better place to live and bring kids up? just listen to yourselves"


the difference in the tone of replies (from the same posters) is astonishing

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I thought sunshine, beaches and all the free stuff to do would make Aussies very happy?!? Not to mention all that quality time as a family they have :rolleyes:.


On a serious note...although I don't know the actual facts and figures about mental health problems - I know a fair few people here with mental health problems whether it's eating disorders, depression, anxiety and the like. It's quite worrying really!

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Its the viciousness that gets me, when they get the knives out they show how completely unable/unwilling they are to discuss the topic. Bullies.


They're like piranhas in a feeding frenzy. Its great how HB and PB keep there composure under such provocation - I couldn't.

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The absurdity of it all is that many of them do not even live in Australia but will attack anyone who questions the myths


And thats just it, alot of them have never lived in Aus, and have absolutely no idea of some of the horrible situations some people find themselves in.Theres so many here, who are in utter despair, totally stuck, relationships falling apart, etc,etc, and yet they find it acceptable to be downright rotton to the ones who are having a tough time.

How they think they are in a postion to comment, is beyond me.

I dont often wish bad on people, but I hope a certain few who havent even been to Aus, yet condem others ,find themselves in the same situation they are so quick to be so nasty and spiteful to others one day.

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Guest chris955

But Australia is all sunshine and beaches and streets paved with gold, it MUST be better than here surely ? I wont name names but most of you are familiar with a certain poster, no longer with us, would tell us all endlessly just how good everything isinAustralia, plenty of jobs, we all earn $70,000, he would tell us about the cost of living, electricity bills etc all based on a couple of holidays. If you questioned him his posse would jump on you.

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Theres a few like that HB, I dont get it.

It does make me angry,as there are so many "doing it really tough" here, and I think we have all seen many people on PIO,whose lives have literally fallen apart .

It makes my blood boil, when I read the posts from some,they have absolutely no compassion,and thier septic remarks are just awful.They need to realise that it could be them, one day, if they ever get to Aus of course .

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But Australia is all sunshine and beaches and streets paved with gold, it MUST be better than here surely ? I wont name names but most of you are familiar with a certain poster, no longer with us, would tell us all endlessly just how good everything isinAustralia, plenty of jobs, we all earn $70,000, he would tell us about the cost of living, electricity bills etc all based on a couple of holidays. If you questioned him his posse would jump on you.

Do you mean the one who tried his bullshite on another site and got himself banned?:laugh:

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Guest chris955
They're like piranhas in a feeding frenzy. Its great how HB and PB keep there composure under such provocation - I couldn't.


At first I wanted to return fire but to be honest I just see them as sad sacks :) I only have to start a thread on literally anything and the same people will be on their with their childish little jibes. The thing is it must look bad for them as they just come across as silly little bullies.

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