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Hello its Jackrew again! :)


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After a nice relaxing break I am back.


Still at uni doing well, i am passing everything so far, :) And this is my final week then exams after easter and thats year one done! :)


Im not going to lie its been pretty **** being back in England but ive had the chance to catch up with old friends and its made me reflect on life. I am now hopeful I will go back soon for some amount of time however I think I am now aware that a return to Australia is not necessarily the answer to all my problems.


During my time meeting Australians online I had the fortune to meet someone who had an absolutely **** life. A rubbish job, overweight, few friends and a broken down relationship. It made me feel really good about myself and see that even though I am stuck in England I have good friends and a good career ahead of me unlike someone in a dead end job. I have a great body and am very attractive and for this I am blessed.


England isn't that bad, don't get me wrong the thought of spending longer here makes me want to scream but Its not that bad. At least I am able to go out and drink, I have normal friends. Good family and people appreciate me. In Australia I could be some lonely fat person who works all the hours god sends for nothing and have no social life. It aint all bad.


I look at myself and see a happy healthy young attractive person with good ideas about life and a good future. I still would jump at the chance to leave England at any opperuntiy and I am leaving for four months to return to my home Greece in 6 weeks time but the life I have and the people in it are pretty good. Maybe it could be better but at the age of 21 there is time enough for that to happen. Hopefully I shall return to Australia for a holiday next year if I am still at uni or six months travelling if not. I still hope to stay there in the end but if it does not happen maybe it is not meant to be and maybe it never was supposed to bring me happiness in the first place...

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PS I'm glad someone else's misfortune makes you feel great about yourself, I'm dead pleased for you :)

thank you. Sometimes that's all it takes to remember there are people worse of than yourself and it makes you feel great. :)

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What about your Australian girlfriend, who was going to guarantee you a visa?

actually the one I was with when we last spoke I dumped on valentines day via a facebook message, got a new one now much better :) she lives in England but is australian.

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Guest guest30085
actually the one I was with when we last spoke I dumped on valentines day via a facebook message, got a new one now much better :) she lives in England but is australian.


Maybe you met her at the same place PB bought his?



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So one second you say you are still together, then you say you dumped her on valentines day by text. Why are you trying to get a negative reaction from people? Is your life really that pathetic?

I got confused between which one I was with when we last spoke and that. The one I dumped on valentines was a right cow much better without that one.

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Guest guest30085
I have a new hair style now too :) and a new body and I'm cashed up.


You have a new body?


Is that a spare one in case the original body for your Mrs goes 'pop' ;)

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Guest guest30085
No I mean Ive been to the gym I am like a tank now


Oh, well, that makes all the difference Jackanory, you must be a real catch now :)

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you're pathetic. Comparing yourself to someone who you see as below you? because they have personal problems? Just you wait til life hits you in the face! Now piss off back to whatever rock you crawled from


I resent that, Britchickx...


He's not that good!


Cheers, Bobj.

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you're pathetic. Comparing yourself to someone who you see as below you? because they have personal problems? Just you wait til life hits you in the face! Now piss off back to whatever rock you crawled from

how are you babes? Well wait till youve been in my position. Seeing someone elses life go wrong has made me feel so much happier about myself and the person that I am. Its not that I saw this perosn as below myself its that I didnt realise just how much I really had to offer and how good I really am. Sometimes seeing others misfortune makes you see your own gain. Nice pic btw.

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you're pathetic. Comparing yourself to someone who you see as below you? because they have personal problems? Just you wait til life hits you in the face! Now piss off back to whatever rock you crawled from

Its no different to how you made me feel you had/ have everything I want/wanted and you made me feel bad but not anymore because I can I will succeed and you'll be cyring into your vegimite! :)

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