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Not sure whether we should go to Oz- arrrggghhhh

russ and claire

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We have been in Perth for 2 yrs(well 2 yrs 10th feb!) We were lucky to stay with family for 5 mths...when we first arrived I didn't work for 2.5mths..had good days and bad and TBH it improved hugely once I started working...the kids settled in almost straightaway....better than the adults....the opportunities that we have have as a family have been great...both personally and on the job front. I don't believe we could of had those if we lived in the UK still(Basingstoke...lol). We live 10-15 mins away from the nearest beach(bloody traffic lights!) We have lived in an older suburb and a newer suburb and I would take an older suburb any day of the week(before we moved over we thought we wanted a new build) We want a suburb with good public transport links as with a growing family 16,13 and 10 it is more useful then living near the beach.

What stage are you at with regards to visas...PR? Temporary....if going for PR you will be entitled to family tax benefit part A and probably the part b...you may even get a small amount of rental assistance.

You getting a part time job will help a lot...I earn $26000 per yr. child care costs are expensive but there is a child care rebate(I don't know anything about it though)



I agree with stormys post above...in the summer 35.c ++ we seem to hibernate inside the air con. We have been to the beach twice in the last 4 wks and the dog beach once. Don't feel the need to go as often plus we have had some pretty hot weather.

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My advice is to make sure you both want the same thing as often cracks appear when one partner didn't really want to go.


If you have any reservations but still want to give it a go, i'd suggest renting out your house and get Russ to Explore a career break at work,

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Just one thing I picked up on in your post. You did say if you come here and don't like it you can't afford to go back. Maybe delay coming for a little longer and make sure you have a contingency fund, so you could afford to go back if you don't like it. It may make the decision to come easier.

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Absolutely agree with last post from somgirl - do not go to Perth unless you have the means to return! I think more people are returning to UK fom Perth than anywhere else in Oz and the usual complaint is that it is boring, shopping is awful, loneliness of Mums at home with kids and realising once here just what they had before and wishing they hadn't taken it for granted. It can get very difficult if one person settles and the other partner doesn't so make some ground rules before you come if you do. If one of you isn't happy, you both agree you will all return. It is too risky to come out to australia and find out both of you or one of you doesn't like it and not have the money to return and set up again. It becomes a prison and can lead to serious depression. It would be so much cheaper if you moved towns from where you are now if that is you only worry.

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Hi Claire.


One of the things you should do is try to get Russ to get a job in advance and so they pay your relocation expenses to Australia. I think this support can often be in the region of up to $15k. That would help and some let you use it to pay rent etc for a period.


The other thing to think about is whether you want to go to Perth or whether NSW/Queensland would be better - still the good weather but its so much more like what people think Oz is all about. And there are a lot more hospitals and jobs, schools, things to do in general.


We moved to SA (Adelaide) first because I had a job offer but we had always enjoyed Brisbane. We actually moved back to the UK because my wife disliked Adelaide so much, but two minutes after getting back we realised we should just have gone to Brisbane. It took us another 4 years to get back - we've been here for 7 years now!!


It sounds to me like you have the hunger and you want the adventure. If you want to rent your place out for 12 months then do that.


Go for it with all your heart, and give it a go!!


If you need contacts in Brisbane then we are here (my daughter is studying her RN degree here), and I used to work at a large hospital if you want contacts. Try Mater Health Services Brisbane on 0061 7 3163 8511 and ask for the recruitment team. http://www.mater.org.au

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Hi Claire, we were in exactly the same position this time last year, had got our PR visas and then the doubt set in.........we have now been in perth SOR for the last 7 months, I also work as a nurse and your estimation of your husbands wage is about right for a level 1 nurse, we have managed ok on just my wage until my husband started work, he had to settle kids first. We have settled in a nice area, and just like the UK there are good and bad areas to live...do your homework before you settle on an area....my sister lives in Gosport, so I know the area fairly well and I would say that your children would have much better prospects here than in the UK at the moment. My children settled really quickly and are in a lovely school. I have had a few up and downs, occasionally feeling homesick, but never enough to make me want to go home......if you want to ask anything specific and I can help please PM me. Its a massive move but life is too short for regrets...

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Hi Claire.


One of the things you should do is try to get Russ to get a job in advance and so they pay your relocation expenses to Australia. I think this support can often be in the region of up to $15k. That would help and some let you use it to pay rent etc for a period.


The other thing to think about is whether you want to go to Perth or whether NSW/Queensland would be better - still the good weather but its so much more like what people think Oz is all about. And there are a lot more hospitals and jobs, schools, things to do in general.


We moved to SA (Adelaide) first because I had a job offer but we had always enjoyed Brisbane. We actually moved back to the UK because my wife disliked Adelaide so much, but two minutes after getting back we realised we should just have gone to Brisbane. It took us another 4 years to get back - we've been here for 7 years now!!


It sounds to me like you have the hunger and you want the adventure. If you want to rent your place out for 12 months then do that.


Go for it with all your heart, and give it a go!!


If you need contacts in Brisbane then we are here (my daughter is studying her RN degree here), and I used to work at a large hospital if you want contacts. Try Mater Health Services Brisbane on 0061 7 3163 8511 and ask for the recruitment team. www.mater.org.au


Oh thank you for your offer of contacts :) do they employ mental health nurses?

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Hi Claire, we were in exactly the same position this time last year, had got our PR visas and then the doubt set in.........we have now been in perth SOR for the last 7 months, I also work as a nurse and your estimation of your husbands wage is about right for a level 1 nurse, we have managed ok on just my wage until my husband started work, he had to settle kids first. We have settled in a nice area, and just like the UK there are good and bad areas to live...do your homework before you settle on an area....my sister lives in Gosport, so I know the area fairly well and I would say that your children would have much better prospects here than in the UK at the moment. My children settled really quickly and are in a lovely school. I have had a few up and downs, occasionally feeling homesick, but never enough to make me want to go home......if you want to ask anything specific and I can help please PM me. Its a massive move but life is too short for regrets...


Will pm you with lots of questions soon :) thank you :)



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Oh dear I'm having a major wobble about trying to move to Oz!!!! :arghh:

I think what has happened is that Russ said he wanted to think long and hard about Oz and asked for 6mths to think about it, where as I had already decided that I would like to give Oz ago. Well I thought 'what happens if Russ said no?' so I thought about the positive things we have here- family, a nice home, eldest in a good school, close friends, we could do our garden up, the countryside/forests, we are 5mins drive from the beach, wouldn't have to sell the house to move, costs so much to move to Oz, will have to get a loan to cover the costs until we sell the house. The reasons to go to Perth- friends, beach, out door life, job opportunities, my boys hate cold weather etc... if we sell the house we would be bring $15,000-$20,000aus with us. So now cause I had 6mths to really think about things, I'm now not sure.

Also what puts me off is the amount of negative posts about Perth/Oz (I'm not complaining about it) Also I am concerned about how expensive Perth is and the costs of housing etc... we would be relying on Russ's nursing pay only until the boys have settled and I get a part time job.

I just don't know what to do :arghh: I want to go, cause of the adventure etc... but we have responsibility and if we don't like it then we can't afford to come back, it is such a gamble. Its all I think/worry about now.


Please be gentle with your replies. Sorry if it doesn't make sense Im trying to type this whilst 3yr old is distracting me :twitcy:(now to go and play batman)



The fact that your questioning your move to Oz sets alarm bells ringing of which I would consider more than your moving at this stage.It is very hard settling even when you are 100% of the move and with your OH requesting 6 months to think about it I would say it definitely is not your time yet .You have mentioned so many positives within your life verses some negatives about immigrating and it being a gamble.In my opinion I would not gamble but stick until you have no doubts .

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russ and claire/ I totally get your predicament and I personnally believe questioning the move at any stage shows committment to making the right decision! You do seem to have all good things going for you here insofar as the materialist things. Like ourselves which again like us that is the exact thing that make us query the move?

you both know what it is that has sparked the need to move to oz which if like us it is the emotional need to be there for us a couple and in turn as a family. The warm climate, predictable lifestyle and less gloomier economy.

I think it good you question yourself. I have my PR and need to activate by august and have become a little deadpan about it to be honest for reasons like you and also the fear of how we are going to afford to get there. But my number fear is the devastation I will inflict on my mum.

So ask away at the questions and yes looking at other areas seem to be a positive suggestion. We have always been set on Sydney but have teetered towards Brisbane and all post have steered us to there but my heart keeps coming back to Sydney...so we will see.

Good luck with it all...exciting times!

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I think its normal to have wobbles about going. Its a huge step, but ultimately only you can choose. Sounds like you have a good life here.

If you feel that you could live with never having at least tried it then why make the big move.

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I havent read the other posts but I was wondering if you could rent out yr house and take 12 months sabatical from current job. That way you will have a safety net in case you dont like it there and want to go back home. And what is the worse there can happen? You will have no "what ifs" if you go and perhaps still your old job and house to come back to in the odd chance you dont love it there.

just my thoughts and what I plan to do when I move to Oz by myself 37 and single :-)


best of luck

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russ and claire/ I totally get your predicament and I personnally believe questioning the move at any stage shows committment to making the right decision! You do seem to have all good things going for you here insofar as the materialist things. Like ourselves which again like us that is the exact thing that make us query the move?

you both know what it is that has sparked the need to move to oz which if like us it is the emotional need to be there for us a couple and in turn as a family. The warm climate, predictable lifestyle and less gloomier economy.

I think it good you question yourself. I have my PR and need to activate by august and have become a little deadpan about it to be honest for reasons like you and also the fear of how we are going to afford to get there. But my number fear is the devastation I will inflict on my mum.

So ask away at the questions and yes looking at other areas seem to be a positive suggestion. We have always been set on Sydney but have teetered towards Brisbane and all post have steered us to there but my heart keeps coming back to Sydney...so we will see.

Good luck with it all...exciting times!


Fab post thank you :) it is so difficult to make the move but I think we will eventually go, it's just a matter of when and how :)

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Fab post thank you :) it is so difficult to make the move but I think we will eventually go, it's just a matter of when and how :)


Making excuses won't get you here.........................

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